people who cali 'themgelves the Shawnee Plavers. For a number of veai-s they have entertained the club' with on1e or nmore .plays which have 1)eený real entertaluments and deserve sîncere . cnimendation. Last Friday.and Saturday eveniings, Octoher 23 and1 24, the Shawnee Players presenited.,a stirring mystery play. "*Côck Robini." and as -al of the, parts wvei-e . ell bala nced and impor-. tant, it proved an *'ail star" perform- ance. rhere were large audiences both evenings to thi-ill over the suspense of the play vhich was well.sustained throughouÎt. Among. the playerg. *ere Virgil Lewis, Miss Jane Trigs miss1 Doi-otby Sheehan, Edward Flaunery, Miss Eleanlore Stewart and Raymond Kiken. Warnier Triggs. had the dificuit job of stage Manager and sirs. Howard Erlicth planned the cos- tumes. The Players are busy with other plays iii the offing, feeling the en- thusiasgtic ccooperatioli of the club niembers. )&rs. Paul Cook of Evanstoti is, president of the organization and Miss Proesch is coach. SL ogPan-Howard P.T. Au J-ealth, which is always of para- mounit importance to parents, will be the topic for. discussion at the No- vember m.ieeting of the Logan-How- ai-c Parent-Teacher association to be held next Tuesday afternoon att 3:15 o'clock at the Howard scbool auditorium. Dr. George E. Baxter. a well-known north shore Pediatri- cian, will be the speaker. Mrs. wi1l- liam Benner, music chairman, bas secured Mrs. Paul W. Stade to offers a gri-oupof piano solos. The mothers, of the sixth grade childi-en wil et bostesses- at the social bour follow- _ng the meetinig. Th nothvmeeting of the Pi-e- f Photo byý Bernie Oit Friday moriutg, October23 .liss Margaret Josphiie Meyer, don ghter of Mfr. and Mrs. Rudolpb cI'eer of 730 Central aveatue, Wil- Piette, berame the bride of Harold Frankliei Porlerj'ltld, son of Mr. and V'!rs. M. J. Porter field of Johpistowii, The ceremnony took place at 10:30 o'c'lock 'in the morning in the chapel of St. Mark's Episcopal church in Evans- ton witb the Rev. Hlarold L. Bowen ofi- ciating. Miss Ethel Couitright and Wat Homer, football star, , friiends of the bride and bri-igroom at Northwestern university, were the only attendants. After the marriage service, was read a Wedd, ng breakfast was served at the Ori-ington botel, following which Mr. and Mrs. Porterfield left on a motor trip east. The former* is a memnber of Beta Theta Pi f ratei-nity, the latter of Alpha Gamma Delta sorority. They will reside in Evanston. social boui- an arrangement. vhich proved most satisfactory. Arrangemients are being perfected for the card party to be ýheld Friday. November 13, at th,, Howard scbool gyninasiunî. Tickets may be pro- i uesday morning, October 20, and died the following day.. Mi-. Perrault was well lcnown among the older residents of Wil- mette. Born -in Montreal, -he came to Chicago as a youi1 g Man and lived in Evanston a.fe.w years before'com-ý ing to Wilmette. For the past ten years he had a shop* at the. rear of 1536 Central avenue, Wilmette, and before that had'a shop at 3 ElectrilC place. R e is survived by bis widow, Mrs MaryPerrault, thrée daughiters, Mrs Mate Tapper of Glencoe, Mrs. Aibina Schmidt of Wilmette andl Mrs. Ada' Udeli ,of Evainston. and jsix grandchildren. The funeral services were beld last Friday afteenoon at 2 o'clock f rom bis, late residence, 1527 Central ave - nue. Burial took place at St. JosepI)hs cemetery. ILegion A uxiliaryJ (P. J. Huerter Post 60) The annual Legion auxiliary dance was held Saturday, October 21, at the United States Veterans' hospital ini North Chicago. The Wilmette Aux- liai-y members were guests of the Drum and Bugle corps, whichi played several numbers ini their behalf. Joe Schneeidei-'s orchestra plaved for dancing which was followed by re- freshments of cider and dou.ghnuts. The Auxiliary will hold a Hla- lowe'en dance at, Hoffman hall next Saturday. Joe Schneider's orchestra will again furnish music. MARRIED Miss Rose Mary Braun,; daughter Of, Mi-. and Mrs.ý Adam .Braun, 706 Illinois road. and Arnold Chilcotte were married Weclnesday, October,21. The bride and groom have returned from a bni honeyrnoon in Indiana and are making their home in Evans- ton. Mi-. Chilcotte is a sale'sman for thie Nelson Laundry cornpany., bers of the players. The cast. of Death's V ac at io n Ends," nanied a draniatic absui-dity by the authors, includes in the cast al the members of the society. The principal. characters. are to be taken by Clara Wolff,_ Helen Reinhardt' Rex Ashdown, Ho ward Bleser, Ru- dolph Kasper, and Earl- Garion. The- four characters in the onîe act play entitled "Vindicated" are tiD -bc taken byi Lillian -Denzinà, G eo rg e Kr-amer,. Howard Bleser, and Rudolph Kasper. Rex Ashdown is dii-ecting the plays. Symposium.of Religions Next Men'sClub Program A symposium1 on religious faithi.. including Ch eistianity, Judaism. Mo,- bammedanism, Hinduism and Con lu-ý cianism - wilI comprise the second of this gseason's proglrms arranged by the Men's club of North Shore Con- gregation Iseael. Outstanding leaders in ýt-e varions religions will appear before the club Thursday eveiiing, November 19. OB9SERVES ANNIVERSARY Jane Johnson, exponent of silhou- ette ai-tisti-y, is obseiing the ýfirst anniversary of her Little Studio at- 1159 Wilmette avenue during the week beginning October 31. Dui- that period she is making special of- fers of interest to childi-en of ftw community. Miss Johnson 'i-s also a weIl known portrait painter andl spent last winter in doing silhouette',. and portraits in thbe South. PUNCH AND JUDY HERE The Town Punch and Judy show, which is opei-ated by Theodoire B. Robertson,. 215 Fourth street, WVil-: mette, and William' B. Ka tz, 415 Washington avenue,, Wilmettei, wl Rive a continued. * performance Sat-- urday evening, October 31, at Win- netka Community House Last Sat- urday morning the boys gave a char-. ity performance- at the Children's M emorial hospital. àçavv y;aià il Usi4V aughtei-, Mrs. Kenneth Dyke. _They nessêThe Logan group following a welfare, which convenes tomorrow at 0- will aIse visit fiiends and relatives new plan, held aill the teas on two the Palmer.Housé. Mrs. J . D. Kin- Mi-s. Chester Gould was hostess through the, state and will be -away dates, October 21 and October 26. neai-, whô 18 80 capably performing i-ecently to members of hei- Wednes- about two weeks. The kindergarten, first, and second the president's duties in the absence day luncheon bridge club at her, grades heki theirs on the fii-st date; of Mrs. J. R. Smith, will be one dele-. home, 230 Seventeenth street.Pgy Knhto Kelot, ail the motheas wcre privileged to gate; Mrs. Stanley Johnson, presi- * -. A-i egg.-id, an ofRu.h ennewott o heaT Miss Nelle Moere speak, in a 'den t of the pre-school, and Mrs. Mi-s. Lyman E.. Goss, Jr., 520 Wilmeéttespn stwe-edtith gemeral assembly, then they dis- W. E. 1*ughes will alternate as the Sevsenth te netie e hi aet. Teait-eaen ig peredtothirgeer luosfotohr. luncheon bridge club last Friday. 1Beloit college.