ing gravys and i othe r unusual coOkOrY. If is Pac&ed in No. 2 szs fins (altnost à piot>, $the label giving simple recip.s for' broth end cream of nmushroom sou P. The prce is only .25c a fin. ECONOMIES- OCT. 3Oth TO NOV..>5th. PO T ROAST. Finest- native .beef l.27C MEAT LOAF. Fresh ground beef with pork IL 25e SLICED, BACON. Swift's or Armour's...... lb. 29C LOIN LAMB CHO.PS IL 45c-RIB CHOPS .4 CHILI-SAUCE Heinz 30C botties..... 2 for 49ic CR.EAM OF WHEAT. Regular- 28c, carton. each 23c, MIXED SALTED. NUTS. Jordan almonds, pecans, cashews ..... ........... .. . lb. 89c S. P. K. FRENCH DRESSING. 25c botties .2 for 39c DRI ED APRICOTS. Fancy new Blenheims ... lb. 25c CHOCOLATE BUDS. Fresh Hersheys . .l.b. 37c VANILLA. Price's, 4 ounce, 79c bottie eacb 69C FRUIT SALAD. Richelieu large No. 21/2 tins.. each 39c PAPER SHELL PECANS. Large new Schleys lb. 59c GRUYERE CHEESE. Burki imported Swiss 6 portions . 2 for 69e FLOIJR. PiflsEury, Ceresota, Goki- Medal 1/Vs bbl. 73e PANCAKE FLOUR. Richelieu wheat, corn and rice in large 20-ounce packages....2 for 25c CARROTS and PEAS. Richelieu No. 2 tins of diced carrots and sifted peas . 2 for 45c WHITE CHERRIES.. Baby Stuart Royal Anàne- No. Itali tins TUROAY ONLY rictly fresh. . . 2,for 45c winners ini the most recent root- bail Contest conducted by Wiî.- ME\TTE Lim e.Ure is the .f ortunate trio: William MeDanieI, 100Z Central avenue. 1411 Lake avenue. Botte, -Herrick, 1032 Isabella street. This week'sý issue Of WIL,.%ITTe. Lii:£,atinounces another- Football Contest, the winx)ers inwhich will receive free tickets to the Minne- sota-Northwestern game Of No- vember 7.é1Both teams, at this juxncture,, arethlreats to capture the Big Tei champîonship. It :nay be the crucial game of the season. Get busy now! New Trier.Executives SWiI Attend Conference Supt. Matthew P. Gaffney and sev- eral departmetnt heads and members of the administrative staff at New Trrier High schooi will attend a. con- ference on curriculum at Northwest- ern university Friday and Satur.dav of this week. Supt. Carleton Wash- burne of the Winnetka Public, scbools will speak before teachers froni the upper grades section of ilhe elementary schools on the Saturday program. S. R. Logan, assistant superintendent of, the Winnetka Public schools, will preside at the1 meeting of the Junior. high school section on Saturday. Mrs. Per*cival N. Cutier. 207 Wood- stock avenue, Kenilworth, returned: last week after visiting friends in Pittsburgh and Pliiliadelphia for two weeks. eforesa NoM.Iiras Idlseouint on orders plaecd. I and 1922 she and ner nusuanci, Herbert E. Bradley, with their five year old daugbter, Alice, made an expedition iti the intérests of the Auterican Museum of Natural History. More rece ntly they made a journey of 1,400 miles on foot thjrough the- Nameless Mountains west of Lake Edward in the Belgian. Congo inhabited by wild cannibal tribes., They were the first whité expedition ever to traverse that country. New residents- of tbe village have, been particuilarly urged by the Süùday Evening club executive committee to attend these community, programsheld every Sunday evening in the First- Con- gregational church. auditorium. The doors are opened at 7:30 o'clock., C. of C. Plans Play for Local. Charities Proceeds of "The College Girl ' a home talent musical cornedy to be staged November 17. and 18 by the Wilmette Chamber, of Commerce at the Wilmette, Womnan's club audi- torium, wilI go to local charity. As a special added attraction mn conjunction with the presentation of "'The College Girl," one hundred Wil- mette boys and girls will take part in a miniature wedding preceding the regular-performance, which will be called "The Wedding of the Little Do]]." Teproduction, "The College Girl,", will be similar to, "Aunt Lucia," given here two years ago under the aus- pices of the business and professional women's clubs in con junction w it h the Chamber of Commerce. Ma ny of the principals of TAunt Lucia' will be seen again in "The College Girl" Billy Smnytbe of 43 Kenilworth ave- nue, Kenilworth, who was operated upon last week at St. Luke's hos- pital for trouble.with his hip, is do- ing very nicely and although hie will be ini a--ast-ifor six months, is ex-, pected to recover completely. 0o Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boozer,. 530 Essex road, Kenilworth have been* to Chambersburg, Pa., where they wverc visiting their daughter who is' at - Friday, CENTRAL. AND TWELFTH - WIIPMETTE. GROCERYO MA&RKET..11 PHONE 5t10 PHONE, 5I4 at as much as 50 % Discount 1167 Wilmette Ave.' Phone Wilm.ette 4598 IL. j. 4 , - ""0» SALON