Richard Crooks will open the Win- netka Music club Artist-Recital se.- *ries at New Trier High School Mon- day night, November 2, at 8:30 * o'clock. Described as "an excellently trained tenor of great menit,". he bas been deluged with ovations. wherever hé. bas appeared. He will be assisted byr Philitn Evans, pianist, in bis recital here Monday. Mr. Crooks is said to possess onie of the most- beautiful high lyrie voices to be heard today, a voice that îs.. remarkable both in volume and. iw quaiity of tone. Born in Trentoh, N. J., Mr. Crooks first sang' as boy.sopra no. soloist in1 church. His real care e bga i 1922 af ter Walter, Damroscb. hadper- soîially selected him for, the unpre- cedented number of mine perfor- mances as soloist with the New Yortz. Symiphony orchestra. Th.e. yoqung te- Silor ýfilled 'these important appear- ances with such senisationalsucs tihat at the end of his first profes- ioalseason lie lhad sung a record nuitmbeCrof major engagements. Tours Europe Tlhé following season found Crooks so firitnly establishied in the public's. *regard that his engagements. doubled in fluml)er. Thes.e included bis first. tour'of the far west, and appeajrances with niany. of the nuost important musical orgatiizationis and sympbony orchiestras in this counitry. lu 192,5 lie continued hiis tiuinphiant musical conquest hy invadliig Europe and singing with outstanding success. Upon biis return to Anierica bis cou-, cert seasons broke mnany records, for increasing popula.rity of a newv Amer- ican star. , Returiiing,,to)Europe ini 1927, _he Ils snation in his formai opera- tic debut in- "Tosca" at the Hambur..- Opera. After singing in Germany',S' motiportant opera'bue lssb sequent recitals. in- Germany -caused *a furore. A 'concert tour of -Scandi- navian countiies 'follo-wed, with un- paralleled success. Mr. Crooks is now recogized internationally as a premier operatic and concert star. His program next Monday is as fol- The. Program T Mrs Cliarkc was Dorn in 1849 at the. corner o0 State and Twelfth streels in Chicago. She was the daughter of Col. Benjamin Wilder, a veterap of the war of 1812, who came to Chi- cago fromn Vermont and bougit àa forty-acre farm. It, was1 on this farm that Mrs.' Clark was born. Besides the 'son in Wilmette and the daugliter in Elmhurst, Mrs.: Clark isurvived 'bytwo other ldaughters, ,Mrs.. G. T. Stannard of Mobile, Ala., and Mrs. Harvey Barton of Chicago. BERENICE VIOLE- Teacher and Pianist Studio: 114 Third,,St. Phone: Wilmxetté, 1705 lié îêIîè. * Coat S But. greater values than given in many. of the. sensaionaly advertised sales. Every garment in our stock is man tailored b y th. finest. manufacturers and has ourunqualîfi.d guarant.e of re sotjsfaction regardi.. of the. price. 2 ta 6-r$9.>95 ta $27050, Juniëo4s-1 7 ýto 14-+$13050 to $39.50 $25.00 ýto,$69.50ý La Jeunesse, mc. JUNIORS' and GIRLS. WEAR. WILMOTE blooms fragrant bouquet witI be a charming ges- tûre. 0f course, Flowers from Hlavacek Mr. Crooks Mrs. Franik M. Paul of -Harlingen, IIlJ 1%. EU JVV Texas, lias* been spen ding a few days with Mrs. Lewis B. Springer, 430'b RIDGE ROAD, SOUTH OF WILME Maple avenue, Mrs. Paul formerly resided ini Wilmette ,and, was an ac- tive worker in the1 Methodist church an4he Womnan's club oWilmette. À .À .À .A .À .A . A . À ETTE AVE. WILME1TE 2186 A~ A. A A A A A. à A A A A A.. A. À A ~. - Il i -à qJe