YOU ARE INVITED TO, ATTEND MEETINGS AT Wilmette Masonic Temple Monclay, November 23,-1931 8P. Me Hofanan Hall, Ridge Ave. - Tuesday, November 24,.1931 8 P.M. TO DISCUSS:, OBJECTIONSTO THE PROPOSED, NEW WATER, PLANT:,FOR.WILMETTE Linfair -ater works prtop)aganda îs îisleading. voters. T 'he calculations ini the Administration. pani- phlet; 8howing lauge 'Profits are based onr an extravagant estimate of increased per pit con sumiption of.Water andl on improbable popula- tion fgrs Based pn actuaàl consuimption of water for- tîiS, Nvear ending Januiary . 31, 1932, and allowing Pi*oPer depreciation, ilhe litige p)rofit of $2.375.- 000ii 40 yearsý clainied is redtuced to iii!. R ea( youir pamlphilet !- Page 14-Conisuîîption of wattrr as sliown on1 tlîe Village. l)ooks. for. vear eniding ljanuarv 31. 1931 is ..............................6,0,0 u t Ttiru tv. page 28-F-irs,-t iteîn-Estiinate of Coli- sumpiltioii for vear engjamuary 31, 19-32 i.s ,given as ........ ................... 97,104,000 cu.f t. An increase of almost 50%, and the, water works plant bas Dot even been started! Planit if bjiilt, sho.tld l)e .readv.% to'deliver wý%ater at beginniing of the'v'ear 1.3.3. For perioc l editig Jaimuary, 31. 1934 the coni-. suifli1tion, is. estiniated iii tlîe l)almililt at ...183800cu. ft. Our total actuel consumption for ifîe . norths tis ear. from Janùtarv- 31, 1931 to November 1,> 1931 i S ........... 1.................. ...... 51,500OOCu. ft. Tue P'roposed plant. based on -figures, givenl ni the Administration pamphlet, is inadequate on. a cpnservative basis and 'could only operate ten to fifteen vears without additions, the cost of îvhich . is hlot provided, for,-i., e., thie plant to b. paid for i forty yea"' is only adequate. for, say, fifteen years. The cost of ,supplv by, Evanston, shown in the pamphlet, is padded and the cost pf supply fromn proposed village plant is skinîped. Comparable plants ini this vicinity now:ope rat- in g show costs per 100 cubic feet varying froni S.1 anic8.5cents to il anid .12 -cents', taking.into, con sideration ail, ample deprecia- Is the re a ".' miracle niaîîin Wilmette,%wlio can îroduce -%vater at 3.5 tp 4 cent.s per 100 cubie ,feet s claimed? It is not possible. We are now payuiig Evanstoiî 7 cents per 1i00 cuibie feet for the purest and best -ater on the (etLakes. No air ateipt lias heeti niade. to deal witli W.7e are o He red a contract at 7 cents per 100 cubic f eet for twenty vears, and a fair and openî aibirFîtfrit-i at-the edii4~ya-oeemn the rate,,for the following period, an emin ently tair proposition. Wlith an :ample and properly. l)latinied connectioni by way of Lînc.oîn street, Ev- aniston,. and fixe C. & N. W. R. R., to our center F. J. Scheidenheliii 804 Forest Ave. B rng ourcop ofthe, pamphlet'to the meeting il your COPY -Of 'Bring.