us the tiune t act and act quickly. if you are suffering (rom a coId or some o'ther unor a&"eut, don't taice a chane ...don't waut tii Iataer. See. your doctor àow asd hae your pre- scriptionsent to us to be fille&. W. ssur you of pure drugfs accurately compounded. Seriousaiments are often c aused. by a n eglected cold. Dow'twat--o it today. .We ivre your ne i h bora W.WM. Winberg Prescription Pharmacistz, since 18981 phones: ýwihuette 1911-1133 417 Lunden Ave- Wilmettev i TUE DRUG STORE IN THE MIDDLE 0F THE.,1LOCK v We arc opening Up an office at No. 1 Electric place so that we play handle relief calis to greater advan- tage. As you know, for the past fifteen vears ail of this work has been handled at Mrs.: Northam's residence; and in addition, to reiceiving calis there she bas received clothing, can- ned goods, and'provisions, and in fact; her home bhas been turned into a welf are station. *The opening of this office. was made possible by the generosity of the Wil- mette S t a t e bank, the: Telephone company, and the Public S e r v i c e company, and it is our intention to bave this office open from 8 o'clock until 10. in the mornings, and. from 4 o'cock tô*,S in the afternioons. Tbé telephone number, vi1l be Wilmette Quite a. few of tbe Workers, on the' relief drive. have reported to mie that sorne pe ople living% in our village do, not think we have any poor or needy, and oneè person i remarked that, be neyer read anything about this in the paper. 1 am ver' sorry t hi a t some people in our village feel that way, and as publisbed in your paper, several months ago, we have already spent, f rom january 1 up to Noveni- ber 1. a little over $6,500, and. We are just beginning now to buy fuel for soine of our families. We are alsoi receiving calîs froni people who bave neyer hiad to ask for belp of any kind before, and would not now were it not for present condition,, over "Roughies" The n.west s+yie. for1 7-mrade of a silky ferry çIotti-sweepini long loUnging finshed. ia frous- fund to run us until September 31, of next year, will be absolutely nced- ed. 0f course a large amounit of this wilI bc spent between now and March 1. t is- true that while w bave many cases 'in Wilmette that do flot compare with the poverty- stricken ones in the city of Chicago' and some of 'h manufacturing su- burbs, it is our board's, hope that, Wilmette wilI raise a large sum over and above that $I1000 to be dis-. tributed .elsewhere. Otherworkers report that, people complain tbat our work is , not. efi - cient-that there are ta lotof dupli- cations, -especially at Thanksgiving and. Christmas time. We are doing Our best to a.void duplications, and we would like to ask the people Of Wilmétte if tbey will flot please clear their cases through our association. There are quite a few famulies in MlVil- mette that are taken care of every year by certain people, and if thev would n o t- i f y us this. notification' woffld bc kept absolutely confidential, and we would try to sec that, an lin- fortunate family is only taken care of by one person. We work very closelY with Mrs.1 Thurston, the- township supervisor, and every order of, groceries a it every ton of coal is carefully checked by boith Mr$, Thurston and M.\rs., Northam before the order is issuled. We keep a complete record of every telephone cail regardless of its nia- ture, and a complete recôrd is kept of every case. At this tinte we are receiving calîs for famulies to be taken care of at b o th Thanksgivingj and Christrnas, and we feel that in ail fairness to the Iess fortuna te tbat these nanies should flot be given out to tbe people of our village. We shall be very glad to have Christmas- and Tbanksgiving baskets. come to us for distribu'tion I)y our comin ittee. We, shall advise ,yous as to the - size of the famuly and the number of children so that ample baskets can be made uip of cèlothing,. food, and at Christmas tume, toys for the children; but we bave had one or two very embarrassing situations a r i e by permnitting individuai de- With Mis S.MCMAHQON AT WORTHEN'S 1148 ilmet Aenue LA JEUN-ESSE, nc. Juniors and Girls' Wear lu 15 laisc AunJ10 con-II struct two separate water plants to Iserve TEvanston and Wilmette; both iagree that the JEvanston, plant can Iserve Wilmette mr cnmcally JJ han- Wihnette can serve itself., No mne apparently denies. the wisdom .of 4