the World'I one DelIyereA ALL COLOES a LoW Puice aEIJnC Eraci. Fteh 1Cnt Bis. Long Stemis Larre, Beautifml Longr stemga, ail olors, Usually sold for à0t to 766 eacb. 2, fer-,35 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES THURSDAY ONLY, Fancy Wlacman POTATOES Best Cookers Peck' Califorumia Suskist Juicy Thim sku-Fuif l ep tc 4 Domen - Fancy Garden SPINACU Fresh Bread Leaif 2 5 Flonda Juicy Ildu.Si 'T 2 5eeI 5 forW 55C Dezemi Califormsa Fancy 2 B»k.t 350 Faiucy Cushan PINEA&PPLEF-sr35 J ThursulayFridaySaturday Nevemer 1-20 aud 21 -e M-E-A-T-Sý Shp ui SvePOULRYIA F iXCYSELECTE» ])*ROTA an. Jminnleootyoung ben§. and colbilers. Teu cnover-seen such a fue lot of turkeys, 10 te 14 Ij. keys, not qulte so large. Ouair- anteeil youug and tender. LEC OF VEAL 31lilI-fed Lesr of N'pl ltcesIlike the Whlte nient of rhie ken. Log or Loin Roast. 7 Roilsi Vern No Bone or Waste Pound -240cý LAMB. ROAST Shoulder of genune spriug lambt. 4 lu à Ibs. cadi. ý 12lb. ROA8T BF Roied' Cut f roui properly atred ern- led beef. hosge wantlng tfie best will apjrerlate extrenie r oiuesq t Iis lteni. 29eIbo POT ROAST Natre beef pot roast rat front floyernmount graded beef. FreshHAl Su good baked wltb a demi of browu sugar and eloves. 6 to 10) Ibs. a. lb e9 DELICATESSEN 1 Roa*ted Oîicken S4tuffo4 wlth ýAilfo sàvory iressilng A Ilberal port.o'~o GROCBRIES -PLOWE E IL". BaAN»î Fluest 4bes@. anA tomto saUe adiL A rouvenient, hiptjl food for a quiet lunch. 3 for250 TFIGS, PRUNES, - DATES, «PINEAPPLE ped baskets. Packed la Cpflorna. aeh, . 24b.. C*à. ht.4 RameasiortasUle S>ap ."FLOWER GIRL" Braamd Makes an abundare. of lather In elther bard, oi moIt water. 4bw o,2 Gwrapefwuk and Ora"ge Combinci. Lake Vlew brand. I'repared espeel. Put and tasty. 1 2. cans for GOLD DUST Luarge ize Package Eacis 1-lb. Pkg.-Each 1 Package Crackei FREE CATSUP liadiana paeked. (*000d 4malitty. Large bottle. i r Jack Fancy Cape 1.00 Cranbewles, 17 Bourd, al reaid for the 'Pan. 3 IL Genutue N. Y. State Merktuor County Cheose., Ovr n r. ohd. L. .......... Special foirStra with a a'Ich oint, toPppe 3 9 I I i - a -1 Shl»ped DIre.tly 1' Largest Grceuhox .w