FREE, L on CHRISTIAN SC IENCE Subjec: "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE:A' RELIGION 0F HEALING" by MR. A.. HFRVEY-BATHURST, C. S. -B., 0f-,LONDON, ENGLAND M.ember of the Board of Lecturesbî.p of The Mother Churéh. The First Church of Christ. Scientisr. in Boston, Massachusetts SUNDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER. 22, 1931 ar 8 o'clock in the Churcb Edifice CENTRAL AVENUE AND TENTH STREET The Public Js Cordial!y Jnuiied to, Attend A.,nonc flot familiar with Christian Science may obtain a rcerved seattickt for the: lecture by applying at the Reaïd- i ng *Room. i1148.Central Avenue, or to one of the Church Members Reserved. scats wtil be held unTtil 7:'50 the eve- nînçý of thc lecture. A MODERN LABORATORY.. A STAFF 0F CHEMISTS and TECHNICIANS are at our service. We don't experiment'in the cle n f ora- ments.'We don't grope about trying this'and that method and hope it wiII prove satisfactory. With so mai»' now fabrios oonstantly appearing we must know bow to clean thon> properly. A nd e J-, Phone Wilmette 781 Mathew Francis Photom Tw tausbrcpriseuiit hieNori' <hore FPHdHockey association ii the miiv est ' ield hockey tmtnîam:ent ý C w aoFrru and Satiirday "of this iveek wcrc picked Iast Suzîday. Au the upper picture are mnember of TVhe teani that wilI represent the mjc!- he fi rst teani. Rea~ding f rom left to west in the International Field Hockey. ight. they are: Front row - jean tournament to be beld on the New Trier Larks, Margaret Delay, Elizabeth Higb school athietic field November Wilmette Avenue Wilmette 4598 8ALo~ 1, T i