the North Shore Area counicil, Boy Scouts of America. Mr. Field] is a mnember of the national exectitive b)oard andi chairnian of the national connumittee on operations of the Boy scotits. of America. He sail .Boy. Scouts look upon the present emereicy as, their biggest chance for service silice thevar. l h saine spirit, in which they gavetheir services iin liberty", ban campaigu's, and ini othecr nation-w ide activities (luring the WýVorld var, they. offer .their hielp in this winter's crisis. Workiiig in ful coopération-.. vith comniity programs.ý, Boy. Scouts 'are crigagi îg in rany activities vhiéh range froin collecting food and cloth- ing for the needy to serving as, uni- fornxed nmessengers f or; relief corn- inittees. li no. case s do they er forin tasks mwhich nornially %would -be douie Iby enployed %vorkers. The% .are nlot, permitted to ,collect nlonle, nor (Io they receive pay for their serviceS. Every boylikes to feel that' lie is needed. that he is. a part of things lt its bitsnueschool .or con- munity. lnu the preset e inergenc,,Boy Scouts. in helping in their variouis c<)iniunitie-S. are but carrying ott their ideal of service. There are Inaný wavs in wvhich the enthusiasmn- andiwillnigness of boys cari be put to i uise ini thei1r own nieighb)orio.ods. t WVhile thley are hclping their coin- nunity- leaders in eveii the sîniallestý tasks. Ihey are learning ini a con- crete vay wh~at cooperation iuleals. *'hey are aist) experiencing thel p1casure of doing ibonething. useful' for sonleone else. "Concrete services of this klind buit cal] attenltion to the larger work oU training for citizenship, which the Boy 'Scouits and sinijiar organ,,izatioiis are carrying on throughotit the Colin- trv. Comntnity leaders. in planning, bdtsIli this criticai year. shouîld reîuîeîinber to inake fuîll rviinfor the work of the Boy Scouts andi oter recognized groups which tirainl bIo,-s to be responsi.,ible and happy citizenis. useful 'hoth as iindi%,idtials and as inenibers of their comniunnities» I St. Andcrew Society in Charity Banquet Nov. 28 One of the oldest charitable organ- izations in Illinois, the. Illinois St. Andrewv society, wil hold its aniual charity banquet Saturday, Novemnber. 28, in ..the grand ballroom of the Stev- etis hotel. This will be, thé. eighty- sixth consecutive, banquet. Proceeds, f roui the affair are. used to helpî de-, f ray the -expense of maintaiiiing *the Scottish Old Peoples' Home at River- side. one of thle finest institulti>ons, of its kind in the country-. George. st reet, has St. Lus H. Doinan 1-7 beeni on a business., MA. this %veek. 1Niiith tnip in Ail Children- S'mi-e, for Bérniel BIER NIE bas estab- hished bis 'g rea t reputation as a tbrougb bis abil- ity 'lto register tbis essntial elemenlt. BERNIE STUD-IO "BÀe fier Pict.wres-Better Vtalues-» Tel. Uni. 8996 as a resu1t of several successtuî passes~. Bill Norlburg 'fhrew to Leonard Wolff, right end, for the score. Then. ivith New Trier holding a lead of 13 to 0, Aschenbach used the second, third and fourth teams for the remainder af. the game. New Trier scored 'a third touchdown when Foster, secondtei 1645 Plunme Winmetka 188 15N. WABASH AVE. A VE., EVANSTON Chicago Stoes.: 18 S0. ILSALLE ST. 78 B. JACKSONJ BLVD. 1623 Sherman Avé. EVANSTOM, The Fina oc To the appearance of well dressed men