toparticiýpate Î,ou GALA CELEBRATION IN. WHICýH ,WE OFFER O V ER 200 O'UTSTAN-DING VAL-UES to our..loyal patrons, wko by their splendid coop- eration, khave made- possible the beginning of our. VEAR Just until Saturday to enjov these Events of our Celebration: You Will receive a rose as you enter Our Store., ecd i orning between 9 and 12, as, a token of our, appreciation of your patronag'e. Afasci nating, display of candv -decorating wili take place every day from 10 until 12 and fromi 2 until 4 on the First Floor. Mannequins will model costumes on our EFourtn. Floor every aftternoon from -9 until 5. Balloons wilI be given to the children. evrrv day, fromn 2 until 5 on the Second Floor. There will be a clown in variouùs-animal costumes to amuse the eidren every day froi3 t6 5. Second Floor. The Grab Bag will be lots of fun in the Toy Sec-, tioii every day. Second Floor. W' the La., 31 Days: L.D. & CQMPANY THIRD