inuig, Noveinber 30. -Their novel entertaininent conisists of. a series of miusical draniatizations of old legcnds, and sonie beautifully staged ballet in which music, color and gesture have beeji blended Nvitli telling effect. No more artistically staged entertainrien t bas been seen in Lbondon -for aý long tinte, and. it met * with an enthusiastic receptioni," said the Daily Mirror of London. Fhe bondon Daily Telegraph wrote, "Qune canüôt imagine a more delight fui .and more justifiable, reasoù for going to the Scala theater than that of seeingý adhearing the Russian "*Binie Bird" players. This wonderful conupany of singers. and actors f romi Moscow- hlode, ini thrall those of us Wvho crare for fine, huinor, fine color atid fine rhythm haàrnioniizedanid operating t(b- g ether at one miomient." * 'Itis flot. neçessary to have a k niowvedge of the Russian l1anguage to fully enjoy 'T'le Bhie Br'"savs the London Dailv 'Mail. *Thev arc Clever, these Russiaii players;ý they are artists,' they arc original. 'l'le periormnance is great iii its cont- * pieteness, perfection of detail, rinoothnless and poîish. There A. hunor in plenty, but now. and thenf .1s echoed the nîoan of their unihappY ý.Countrv." The London Dailv Star records, this. T"he- Blue Bird' programi strikes >a .reirtshitigly original note, and eCach turn was vociferouslv received.. Thle * Rusia players from.* Moscow are, grcat favorites. The Volga Boat * scetie contained a %vealth of artistic expression. No real1 mutsic-lo)vcr shioldç miss these singers. for tliough * *ou (Io uot unider.staud the words the\ are singing, thecir actiom11s are soexpressive that one can fiollo\everytlinig just as easily as if it were A \Berlin critic rites, "IEach lu oeo0 the 'Blue Bird' offerings is equallv, 9pI)reciable to the car andl eve. None *of their nuinbers cn~elb mg irid wthout its, pictiuresque effect, inl scenlýer%, and costumiie. [lu this ie. the extraordinary artistic resuit which M1. Yushnvý's group i,; hound to achieve. Each dance, eachi sep- arate little dittv., each little sceîîe is Tickets for. the ganae are on sale at the following Ilocat \'ortbwestern ticket office, I ionse: eturve, at mhe soutl Dychic tiots to the north Paul Whiteman, called "The .King. of Jazz," brings bis world celebrated orchestra to the Studebaker thcater on Suniday afternoon, Novemiber 22, for a concert. under the, direction of Ber tha Ott. Experiments in %vhat Whiteman ternis "symphonic. syncopation", have long been the wonder of the world of music. His presentation of, Georgt. Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue" at Carnegie hall -six years ago created a furore. H Îe%vill attemipt to give an even. more. modern musical ýad- venture ini this concert wvben he pr- sents Ferde Grofes's Granid Canyon' suite. This composition bas béen over two years in flue making, and Whitc- înaft estimates that it bas personall 'v cost inu iover $20,MO) to bring it to the, public. Presented for the first time an- where at this concert, "Grand Cani- yon"* suite lis ini fire movemenis.Th first depicts suinrise, the next a Cloud- burst.. and al ûve are builit arouu4i the one central themne of the braý of a donkev. This sound is Nvoveni into every part of the composition. Grole .spent three months at :the. Grand Canyon to get the actual ina- terial for this creation.- The :echo and re-cchoi of the braying ýof t4;c donkev Nvas the i-.most iupre ssive wo. aIl the sonnlds of the ca-TNvonl, lit Teis will he Mr. \Vhitenîan's first It'. e tir~~ ON ~ ~ ~ -N SIIDN ODJENO M.AW8 LAND SHORES LARGEST cmd FINES EOALL OMfi RVT DAMCES aad EEIGE PARTIS Aveu" h et nwutut Cudu. Cod whms Pbommm:WML 8140.- -.rHeteO- Ton. System. itesau electrical p -ongrab that pisys Victor'a new Progrium Tran- scriptions, with.: à whole 15-minute sho0w on each side. 50eO 75e $1 * MATINEES-THURS. ani SAT. 2e 50c 75c I Cheice Seais Now AvailibIe & i te u x Office * Gv.mmIeaf SM8 Sher-idan Road overlooking Belmovnt Harbor B. B. WILSON, Resdent Manager Bittersweet 2 100 Almost Itour of te.orced mucwiliout mseoat ig a iumbeicri duis a mng new eRADIO 'HONO GRANI JAve. rie 3474 Park