Russia, are: Mrs. Israel C. Cope of Winnetka, honorary regent; Mrs. Bowes. regent; Mrs. Charles S. Jackson of Jfuhbard Woods, first vice-regent; 'Mrs. -Mark Cresap of Winnetka, second vice- regent; Mrs,. Percy Cutier of Kenil- woth ecording .secretary: .M rý. Frank Cheekman. of the Orringtàn. corresponding secretary: Mrs. Grant Ridgwvay of Kenilwortb, treasurer. Mrs., Howard Hodgkins. of Kenil- %vorth, registrar; Mrs. Walter. Gore ýMitchell of Wilrne.tte, historiati; Mrs. George, Shiprnan of Kenilworth, cliaplain. Conîrittee, chairmùen -are: Mrs. Lewis F.. Tueils, Winnietka. î;ettcr films:' Mrs. Randolph Buick, \Vinnet- * ka, conservation and thrift; 'Mrs. * Wjlliamn A. Durgin, correct Use of flag. Mrs. Bowes, D.;A. R. inagazinc: Mrs. Hodg kins, geneological re- * search; Mrs., Harry ,I.. Street,' Win- netka,.imutsic;, Mrs. J. K. Farley, J r.. Kenll,lwrth, national. defense; Ifrs. Da~-d DeampKenilworth, patriotic education.; Mrs.. Edwin Hedrick. 1 *Kellilworth, publicity; Mrs. Xillanîi A Durgin, Wilmette. menibership:; M rs.' Charles J. Jackson. Mfrs. Cope, Mirs. Farley, Mrs. Ridgway. ýMrs. l}utck. Mrs. Tuelîs, and MNrs. flurgin. social committee.. * Mrs. William R. Mcoiey. 124 Fourtli street, spent last. week ini Bliffalo, N. Y., visiting lier> sister, Mrs. Wýilliam E. O'Brien. WIIti au re rorgotten. I ney are not asking for money but for a: sale of their products which are flot only very beautifuil but very useful. The sales given in private bornes and in their litti-e sbop in WValton place- give thern their means. of support. Everybody is urged to corne if only to spend a little,, "Many a nickel makes a rnuckel", is tbe slogan. The work of *the Vocation aI So- ciety -for Shut-Ins is too ýwell known to, need either, explanaàtioni or com-, ment., For a number of year these sales have seen an annual institu- toion on the, north shore and this time it is..planned earl3y ehough to make it a' real Christmias sale. Mrs. Laird Bell ,of Winuetka is *)esdent of the b>oard of, the society and is .an indefatigable worker for these disabled people. Tri Deltas to Banquet Tuesday, November 24, the North Shore Aluninae association of Delta, Delta, Delta, is -hadng its Founders Day banquet at 6 :301 olock at the First MUethodist Episcopal church in Eivanston. The North Shore \Iuiniiae associa-, tion of Delta, Delta- Delta held, its regular luncheon. and meeting ,at the' home of Mrs. James: McCarthy',095 Ve rnon road, MWinnietka, ýVed,esday, Novernber 18. Assistant hostesses were Mrs. H. E. Ringholm. Mrs. Raynmond Kiken, Mrs. F. P. Strauch, -and 'Mrs. Harold Voit. at the Mary Crane Nursery school located at Hull bouse. Mrs. WValter Clark Roberts of Evanton is presi - dent of tbe league. The league bas en- tered,.upon- its fourth year onE assist- ing the National College' of Educa- tion in the support of, this Hull House school which is carrying on an educational pîogram under, the director of, Miss Nina Kenagy, Who is a member of, the college fàculty. re.siding at HuI,11orse. turer, and spoiesran of hnurace for more than tbirty years, is a graduate of Dartmnouth college and Boston university, and has lectured at Ox- ford and Carnbridge. The -Nortbeast dictle of the Con- gregationtal church is, to conduct' a Rummage sale Thursday and 1Priday, Novembeî i9 and 20, at the Econorny shop. Mrs. Robert Kolh of, Win- nietka is in charge. 1 -o Her-e s an Idea. for a Xmas Gift, lEugene L. ,Ray 166 hiig A., ansfon Ulerfy2238 A group of'dress and sport styles very speciaUly priced ast ~.FVT Wf5JG5Ç A vv1.1 lele 4as P Maurice L Rothschud Sie## at Jacks«