- ý_ _._ - J- -- %UY iv u-liui re t of action these days seems to be theI tions) of Indian tales, MAN'S WONDER, .spread of, Internationalisme,-and thkir, Howard Angus Kenne attitude is reflected in the books for I ________ chîlciren and young folks, especialv ________ in the fairy tales. A nike fat collection of unusujal ad-, ventures,, with the 'tang of strange names, is Yei Osaki's "THE JAP-1 ANESE. FAIRY BOOK." These stories ýare tranSlations -f rom the Jap- anese,- and -white, as the author ex. plains,. they -are flot ail literai, being written with the, view of iteresting Western readers, stili, mariy of the, quaint japanese expressions bave' heen retained, so that -the orienital; flvris unmistakable. Nor are al of these stories true fairy lore-some! are adapted from old legens of Japan, and sômeare taken f rom theiri classics-"!The ]Bamboo Cutter and i the Moon-child," for instance. The. book is, illustrated in black and white! by the Tokio artist, Kakuzo Fuji iami, w'xhose -daWigs reflect tbe spirit of the stories -as no Occidental artist coulcU have doue it. "GOLDEN FEATHERS' by Capti- ana is a book of tales that Italian chiIdren love. The author,. himself an Italian, gave us previously "ITAI - IANý FAIRY TALES," but his sec-, ond collection contains more of thel spice and the vivacity of the Italiati temperament. If you run your eye down the table of contents, you wil not be able. to resist the Ihook-v oli wilsimiply have to find out about "The Plaster Cat," "Fairy. Flowers,": '"Master Mend-and-Spoil" and "The Plasterer's Ass."' 'INight after niglbt by Gypsy- camp fire, the old Gypsy story teller stili tells bis stories, of magic snuffboxes, and magic bails of yarn; of golden apples, and golden casties; of twelve- headed dragons, of teakettlest that jumped up themselves and filled tbe cups; of little menaiand of witcbes; and glass. houses and sleeing prin- cesses, . . eae the tales letells So begins the colorful Gypsy stor- ies as set down by Cora Morris in 61 ber "GYPSY STORY TELLER." i can Part of. the romiance that Gypsies! -on houses, opartmeu.ts and business properties for . 5, 7 or 10 year terms. CODY TRUST COMPANY 105 South La Salle Street Randolph 6600CHICAGO .~juI