*gles and doubles, will be conducted a nd RecreatIon board's Ches ndI by the Playground and1 Recreation Checker club and *througb bis courtesyj 1 lassesa for chess and cheeker instruc- board, starting Friday evening, De- tin» are nîalntalned at the tine of the cember 11, und * regular club rneetings-Friday e-veniiig.s cembecontiandewunti it. the Stolp school llbrary-undev h is the latter part of January. I istuctionl. The tournament will be an elii- LatF ça vet iing se-veral go ination affair and each contestant or Ch'ess playmr.-eewitn or wor-- teains of contestants iit play. tintil tliy oppotients at the Stolp school li- eliminated .by another tearn or single b ra ry. Contestant. Medals for winners and Th'ie begiinners' chess class a runiners, up will bc awarded in each s .tartedjIast Friday. evening. Other tournament and if plans now being clhess players or people who wishi to;î considered are carried out a consila- learîî the gameé are cordially invited 71 tioni tournament will be ru» for con- tO Joli thi einrs class, regard- testants eliminated during the first less of previotis.xperienicc or thie 7 few nlights of play, for which another I hick of it.. set ofniedals, wiIl be available. I kv owin lbas, a îîei and er% Pigpng usa"I vatiyWtl iiiteresttig cliecker gaine which Wei the. recreation board ilis -arami -etolae- hîii denionistrate for Friday evenings at the Stolp gymna- the he,îeit of the checker llaN ers siuni hav'e been 'Set. aside especially t'nîorrow, eveniing. 8 for ping pong after 8:15 oclock.. Ai-, .,tounr meeting on1 Novte*iiher 27,1 entire new set. of tables bave bee'i 1h1pe to- have Prof. Joseph Scini- obtained by the board and regulatioîî itacher of New -T'fier with ust. equxui)ment instalied for the benefit challenge, an Wilnmette che.ss jpiay- of players who wish to practice o- r play special matches. Coule you c hess and chîecker fans. No eitryfee ilt e chrgedforFriday evening, 7 :30 tu 10 :30.) 'clock the ping: pong tournanient and there, at S tolp scho.oi1t ibrarv.- wilI be no admissioni charge ,to wth____________________ thie. matches. HoWever, .tbe tourna- î menits wîlt be restricted to residents Sp rtsCalIla of WVilnette and mien and womfen I exinlloyed iii Minmette. It inay be____________________ possul)e that, an all-Nôrth Shore Tonrrow, November 20ý tournanient . wil bec oniducted later 7 p. m.Chess ani checkers. ,Stulpk in the year. - w.cl iba-. l'le tournarnent %vilt be conducted7 according to rules publisbed by the National Pinig Pong association, mini- eograpbed copies of wvliicli are avait- able at tbe recreation office and wbmcim %vill 4e. senît to contestants registere(l ini.tue tournamnent. Previous :registratiOn -will be re- ýquired for aIl contestants coiiipetÎin.g 9 ini the tournanîent play, and must bc, received, at the recreation office be. fore '4 o'clock -Fridav aefterîîooîî, De- cemben -4, before a player is eligible to' draw for a- place iu, thie opening7 rolund of play. Denionstrate Russian variety e deiene of these sports'are asked to com- rnunicate with Director of Recre- ation *Daniel M. Davis. 920 Fif- teenth street, or telephone Wil- mette. 929 or 468 and arrange- mients will be made to affiliate the Mwith soine teamn. VS. Ili, Bell Teleplione Co. g)-ilnasitunî. stoilj Wednesday,. Novembqar 25 1p. in-Girls' gyinasium class. Hig',- cresIt schloli., Recreation roonii. i) iii. - Basketbatt for mien. A Leagule. Blackbawks vs. State, b>atik. Hu--ward gymnnasiunî. 1). in. - Basketball for ien, . >B teagtie. 8- Rocks vs.. Lyniâaîis 'Tex- pl. - n. - leagule. Howard p. Ili. " leagrie. -gynrns p). ni. - Higlicrc p. Mi..- leagùe. ard gy p toll g Ft p. i.. 7 'p. im.-Bask-etball.iôr nmen. jiinior8:c5op. in Jeague. WVildcats vs. $o-ptumiore~, 1 .n Howvard gvnînasiumii. nsnî 8 p. in. - Basketball for mien, Pj. leaguie., floffmnanFlorist Il vs'. SoPhiol-res. -Howard gymnasiumn. y Pasînn. rigpoi. lp y na:15 p. m-igpn.$opgm 9P. ni. -,Basketb)all for mci1ei. B. le'ague., 8- Rocks vs. ElIites. Hlowàrd gyninasiun. ketball gar, monday, November 23 7:30, p. m.Basketball -for girls.-Ne", Trier Spécials vs. Six Bith. Stolp. àyninasiuml. 7:30 p. m.-Vollev bail for mnie. Ridge Avenue Pbarnmacv vs. Baptist. H-ow- ard gymniiasiiurn. 8:15 p. in.-Baskettiall for girls. O'I<ay's vs. Browmîics. Stolp gym- Mebdi;t 'ha ies. Va Milton Boy 4eogemr'a Hlarobid Lu] itletPer In tne plans for reliefttins witer it should be kept in mind by alil tat inan does îîot live by bread atone. The spirit, the morale, of- the ind - vidual is ini even greater need of snour- isient in'sucb, times. Tbe President, ini a recent miessage ,toô.the recreaâtio1 workers in Amfierica and -Canada eni- plasized this, sa ying: -~Ai1 agenl'cies* whicl lieu) to buitd lîealtt and cbaracter are especialin. necessary ii tbese days' and mnent whole-bearted and geîîerous support".. Mr. Gifford, cliairnan of the Pre*s- ident's Organization, on uneniplo~ ment Rlewhile stressing the unî- ernployment relief prograins, added- StoIp gymnasituni. "Lt is inmportant, bowever, that Io- - Baketbll'for liCl. Acalities give careful considenation tcu K.uf C. v's. Methodists. d vnaim a wel-rounided conîniuiity, prograxît - l3asketlball for mIlei. t and uîîdertake to carry fonward *Elîtes vs.P. Stolp hleaflh work'wbere needs ivill be Hl- fiiii. creased; child care, wbich will prc-, - Ladies' gymîiasiluin cIas-s. sn vngetrdnad ftew est school. Recreation roîî. " vegatrdinsiftewl - asketbalt for imen. .f are of clîildren is to be tookedafter, Stj 011 .)oiîS)VSý. Hawks. How- anîd. that considerable, group Of aCti%-1- Tinasiu-iii.A tie:s.Of so-called characten-buukluîîg Pnebverinsvs Shniuxageiîcies: for whose services thiene lias vymasiuîn. .pnobably, neyver beeîî a greater teed,, if thle morale Of ïyoung people anid N b 7 dut~is tu be rnainitainied." radayoveme~ . 1Pay and Character-Building Cibrsary. The Fa,, l3'As-ociatioi of A mler- ..-Png ong.Sto1i ~-m ca, conîposed of 240 welfare agen- - des ini the principal ciies of UIc. Umîted States anîd. Canadla, wiîictî - - -- . .gave. direct relief to nmore. than four miillioni persons Iast year, saying t.hat tliere should 4~e 9gelîîera agreîntt cague i.ames w'tlî Mlr. Gifiord's. ",uîîderstàtiditig ti titude,- urges that offly the moôst tir- genît catIs- for the necessities of liîc A LEAIE islould inake us iîegtect theetemîejît-. if secondveek'.s flI' LS nes~~~ onf egu:play and Character-stnengtheîiiîg (23) ivi.qi (2sý)a amecessany part of a cornmùuniitv,'5 're-Ted Btack good life. A lowernîg of p)ublic lhealt:i .'a~in I1:lpli Meaker . - iduerFrted Baer aiiîd. morale woulU of mecessity resuÏt ndb)te g11>bert MIleîý j ilgreater demands tupotî fanilv ei aice P,111 Foy lare agemîcies. Todd, reft-ree "I is pana.îit that the cisrc - . tive prograrn of a citv, its fanîilv LII 12) .. BIakiawks (27) ca.se work, lits child care, its public SPatil Jonres -healh twor'k, ha recreationaI ýérviI cîay evenmngs wiliI ae postponeu next j week for the Thanksgiving recess. The Thursday evezîing activities at Stolp gymnasium will also b.e post- t poned but the Friday evening cbess. 1< checker, and ping pong clubs, wiIl school attic. -isanniing, refer-ee j suport: i neservices woulcid e a 7:30 p. m.-Basketball for girls. XYZ- weakening of the whQle social strilc- vs. Malt.iickrodt. Stolp gynîniiasium. Teain standinig n1A league, ture. What is needed must corne froni 8 p. n.-Baketbat fo me».Howar Blachawk t 1t. a lmore rigorouýs personal econoim 8 .ii-asebifo iS owr lhaox.. 2 0 1.000 and more generous sharing. Te gnasu.-State Bank ...... 0 .00 country should find zest in meeting 8 :15 p. m.-Basketball for girls. X-1 ?resbyterlan-------- i- .5o such a situation and ini sbowing wliat vs. Schultz & Nord. Stolp gymnna- Irish ..................i i-500 a fret republieciCa» do.-(Editorial sm.-Bseb MethQdist 0. 2 .000 ii he New York Tîm-, October 8 Hawks..........O 2 .000Tie 19:05 p.. -akebýtforigirls. X-2 K. or C----------------0. 2 .0001931.)