Those "Four Horsemen" of Despair are "crashing the gate" TODAY right HERE in beautiful Wilmette' Wake U.ý.p .lil ette This very night, as y ou read, this anno unceement, many of OUR OWN NEIGHBORS -6"right around the corner" -'flot far from v'our, own home, arcQ N t ed HUNGRY, and hope- less concerning tomorrow'. Unemploymenr -.:with its injustice: for the mail who, seeks, work, and cannot get it, and who is punished for fai!ure ýhe is NOT RESPONSI BLE FOR-by the starVation of bis CIIILDREN- THAT is the torture w-hich challenges EVERY ONE 0F YOU, who .are empfloyed, no matter what your income is.ý IWake Up lVilnette'. There is a vicious propaganda spreading throughi the village to the effeet that the situation is being overstressed, and that real sufering does not exist in fair Wilmette. But the truth is aIl too evident to those who KNOW. We are face to face right HERE and NOW with a problem that is LIOCAL; a problem so serious that it MUST 'be met and solved BEFORE THE BLASTS 10F WINTER ad d their horror to- that of starvation;- a problem which, if ignored, will belie our sense of right, and mock the beauty of our village. relief, qfour. wby they cannot "get enough to eat" in fair Wil- mette. But there are actually more than 1,300 persons who must be helped. work These unfortunates include executives, sasmn correspondenÜt'.bookkeepers, ccu tepts, pro- fessi-onai men, and -others "white collar" workers, as Wel as carpenters, pa1intrpub ,ers, and others ,who work, with their bands. Man of thlose who suifer keenly in this emergency have not registered as being, among the unemployed'. They are our NEIGHBORS-men and ýwomen1 whom you have ýknow n and respetdfryas With their families and' their chiidren they are facing the terrors and the cold of winter like her'oes - silent, grim and determined. Many of them hesitate to make their suifering public. Some, of them are about to lose their -homes. WPke Up Wilniete We know that you- KNOWING THE FACTS -will meet the emnergency willlngly, and freely, flot merely as a matter of -eharit y, but in the glor. jous spirit of real neighborliness. We know that YOU wiIl do y'our part as surely as the ,other. North. Shore Towns are doing:the irs to HELP.-OUR OWN* PEOPLE, and a -lso the 1509000 destitute famnilies in Cook County. Wake Up Wilniette Winnetka is almost "o0ver the top" withý ber quota of $62,500. JOINT EMERGENCY RELIEF FUND OF COOK COUNTY Wilmette B ranch HENRY'FoWLER, Chairman TÈM& Pace cètiatdbY WILMBTTU LIp 1*