czor ionor society: l'le greater length of the néw Pack- Senirs: -Alice Braun, Viola Daleiden, -ard chassis and its lowered f rame have Elizabeth Hoffmann,' Mary McNulty. given the designers of the Dietrich anîd Catherine Pearson; honorable mention: Packard custom body' shops great o T ose*phine Baer. Strn eafn porfunity, it is asserted, to produce unlMIk Mary Sesterlienn, Marion Weber. u suai results. :Sùphomo're8: Dorothy Miller, Antoin- M1n new 'and striking faue r ette. Richter, Loi'etta Sturm, Louise iii l these- .ew Packards, dsare Behirendt, Lorraine -Huneke, Sylvia seeiti hse nw Pcars eCge eil, Frances flofman; honoraýblemen- t.) give the car owner fullest oppor- tion: carouïte Kirchens. tuîîity for exxpression of individtuality.. Freshmen: Lois Schabek,, Wiilamine' Iii the individual customn convertible OircMr btVva ilr An na'Streit,. Marion. Schneider; honor- Victoria the top folds away intoo a re- able, mention: MaryVentu%-i. ces, at tile back, when an open car is Braille activities for the year 1931- wauîted. The windows of the driver's 1932 are againi in full swing at-The .cotipartment lower completely into* the 3Mallinckrodt.' During the summer doors and.a chroium plated piece sixoîxtls much work was accomplished auto'natically swlings up' to close the -o Spillman%'s "Luciùs Flavus, and opening. during the past month thî okba il! auother, car, a sport phaeton by oractically been. completeti. Thus Dietrich, a wind screen lup ont. far. the Braille ýclub>boasts of the'fact of thée.l)ack of the. frositseat with twoifthat six entire, books have, already quarter glasses hinged at eâch enid.1bcen transcribed for the. blind by Th;e quarter glasses fasteux to the rear i Mallinckrodt students. Six otheèr (<rsand open or close .with thems. books, have been undertaken,,and lit a cabriolet sedan 'limousine f roll, 1nanv n e w members have been en- the Packard custom body shop a colis- rolled-as future Braille workers. Each pletely difappearing divisional glass bc- mntih the variolus menibers report tween the driver*s andl rear cnpart-tI nubrofpgsac plse mient lias been achieved. The glass fit, andth te resuits are measuired. 'Dur- agau~tspogerîber iden ii-ueilig,.the past summer months the foi- ta'j ti pohe r-loeriddlaesni-helowing students were 'the ten .most 'licat ion that the car is anvthiiing atv ok otlher than an ow,%ner driv:en sedan. Ri Lvrir 78ý.Atiet I e,80 pp.; Lorraine Huiîv-k(, 75. I>~rxap *(j1~of te mst triingpp.: Marloîn Weber, 53 pp. ; Bessie 3- augthe inew Packard customn cars is dek, 50 ppu.; CliaaKit 46 pp. ;l'ina a 11,11glo stationarv coupe. lis wind- Alnn oe 4 p. ;Mary EF. iCil, shielti is set \with such a rakisli 38an; MryccN2t2, pp.. ortb t1iat t is aniost or tlie driver 1'For thie nonth or Oetoh&)-r tIi,à rtsuits1 i I în straight up I the air. al", ns foliow.$ Agnsjç~rnjr,74 pp.;Lorrainei - unneke, I)l1 )p. ;Antoinette Richter, 4?2 MlotOr Club Supplies, pp. ; --Nary- e. 0 onl-25 ,pp; Marv State License Blanks 1);ticik, 1.7)pp. * Frances Stvrn,14 pi). XIIofice o th Cicgi>Môor lii>Gertrude Batumlan, 10 pp. Eulaiia Bar- Alj ofice of he CiicaýI r.t 10 op),; 1oretta Suî,4 pp. ar e îîtî s.upplied \with application t îAi l-i erendt, 4 pp. b)laniks for 1932 'licenses fur autorno- ik and . trucks, :and, are prepareti to, Mr.andtI rs. john A. Cory. 1518 a ' t !l owners of motor vehiicles in si r.vaeuWneketr tilin tèn ot.. hec.ii ots itaineti Mr. andti Mrs. Ogden CÇook anti tliat l1111(er the Mlisn ois ïrveliclei MXr.andt Mrs. Herb)ert L. Lucas :at act tlie saule license number as %vas, diiî;er last Montiay. hefore attending î'uIthis year can bc secured iiext!>tht: opening performance of "Mlichael yea r if application) anti requcst for it!arid Mary" by. the stock conhpanyý at are iin the hiaîds of the secretary (,f the olti Evanstoni theater, no()%' knowni ,tatv beiore Decemiber 1.. The club a 'lsolas the 'tî.îdor theater. càll, attention tw fie fact tliat flic o -înatures of applicants for 19321 NMrs. Chiarles Duhskv, of ()27 -t Iiceiiýes will be reprouitced phAoto.) bottsford road. Kenilworth, was host statcalyûvxtelies a( s to lier Ouilting club Iast Friday. .t. ~tT~j I,~NT1i 1~-~~~-U tov Wiflt@?er II Anti-Freeze -Solutions Wntir 011 Change Grease in, Diiferetial and Transmision TIfEOIL WELLI Bob 'n' Maec Maîn St. at, Linden Ave. Phono WaInott. 3334 MoTonsSI3ERVICI Incorporated Freem»FLASHLIOHTmFree Your, Choice Flashlight Lanteru Flash Pistol Bedroom Candliite In, order to irtrodiuce Silve r. Flasih'400 Qasolin. Super Sheil with Ethyl and GemeraI Batteries The B ible an~d Works of Mary Bake Christian Science Literature uay be te Reading Roou. ail other auebèrized or purcbased at the -THE5 PUBLIC IS CORDiALLY INVITED To ATTEND THE - CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM NEYER 721 MAIN ST. WILM!ETTE Phone WiI. 2600-2601 IA. B. Vau »ue#en 1~ ifili.- .1 Phone wilmette 3334