PILIPS Sterrn 7s29,,50.j Ne'~ . ui.McCn,îIl Comedy-. .SereeilSo velmlr * Football classle FRIDAY ami SATURDAY, NOVEMUER 20-2I-TW IN FEATUE ",CAUGHT PLSTERE WHEELER and wOOLSEY starts Fil. 7:11S4 10:j#-tarts sait. 2:00; 4:5; -i'5;10.24) WARNER OLAND.-and WILLIAM BOYD. L<,tve 'Têtes of 3Mqnb«-eio . oirvilll, Comedy . . Football,<I~< Ne,% ~n. unePre I-diiits 30r. Chlldren Always lEJe-<To'00 P.31.) SUNDAY and K4ONDAY, NOVEMBOER 22-23 JAMES DUNN and SALLY EILERS TTUESDAY andi WEDft LOWELL. Tral'eltalk TFU$SAY. FRîDAY -mn :30;L Iglitlied *NOVIEMBER 24-25--TWIN FEATURES and MURRAY- FeATU RES ISoine of screendon:'s nost inter- esting personalities in 'situations that are drarnatic, tense, laughable and thrilling will be seen .iin the doubl'ý. t eature. programs, at thé ast theater. - On Thiursday, Friday and Satur- jdai- of this.week the 'Varsity presents "]Bad Girl," starring James Dui: and SalIy Ejlers, and 'Sidewalks 'of New York,". comùedy. with the sad-faced Buster Keaton. William Powell in "Road to Singapore," and, Tallulah Bankhead in "My :Sm" are stars of the double feature program on Mon-I day,' Tuesday and WVednesday. Nu; vember 23. 24 and 25,. Laurel andl * oi '.;reat i-ramas 'l'lie new star, James Duuu, is just o:le of the inany. reasons why lîortii shore amusement seekers wilIl wa it to sec the realistic drania, "BadI Girl," at the Teatro d (eil Lago oiî Sunday and Monday, Novemiber 22I and 23. Photoplay magazine says aboni. "Bad Girl": "WVether or not vou read Vinia Delmnarý's novel froni wlicli this, is taken, vou'Il get a thrill froîn. the picture version., You find everv- thing: Laughter at the materDity vVard; a prizc-fight. in, which the father ]oses *a first payment on his, baby; sex appeal when the undies are displayed; pÏathos and love. 'Di- rector Franik Borzage, James Dunn. Minina'Gaimbelil and' Sally Eilers rate i n " a r d n Jl 81: <a IV d L ii dtl .A S S n d a y : a n d M o n d a y w vill a lso b c ,in"Paon Us,," thle Tlianksgiving 'featured- bY interesting Short sub- show beginninig Thursdav, November efs nudgaVilrait.\'t- 26, and contintiniig throughi FridayecsifldigaW eerad\o- and Saturday. &'East ý of florneo."seco d. teaturing eose Hobart ànd Charles Proeut "Dreyfus Case" !-Bickford, wiIl also be silo wn on these "'The- Dreyfus Case" and *Iilig: 'days.Stakes" are the attractions on the Critics are raising .hi oisi Teatro del Lago's double featuire praie of"BadGir," Vna Dl Irografll Tuesdav and ensa prase f "ad irl" Vna elmar's Novembiler 24 and 25. profounid study of motherl:ood as it affects a typical yourng couple of NXew~ A t'ruc story of the (legradation IYork's working class. A Iauigh rio and torture.suffcred by all i ocei I s he re ut f Si c aiks of NeWv inan throug hi gross inj'ustice 'is. thi- York," iii Whiicli Buster Keaton plavshsso h ocfldaa 'l a ilioaie' sntrin t rfomDrevfus Case." Cedric Hardwicke, the sn:iall boy s of atcîîcmcent: district. ou"e of E.ladsgcts co T h erc's stili tiime to sec these f .p rtr ys reyfils, t e F e c r at the Varsity on rrda* Fridav tillery captaili wiho one dav fotund or Satulrdav. of tlîis week.I Iiiiself under arrest for lîigl: treason, ie vas innocent and lie lhad a child- like faith i ijustice: Thev coll not SIDEWALXS ARE SOFT i prove lus guilt but the -v did! lc, New Vork sidewalks have Ilw:nlgs i iý inescapable and initenisclv mloviîlg 3ust lîke clotids at least i iiimovie draina as Drevfuis battles wvithi super-; situdios, lit Buister Keatois newv humnan courage througlhe. c yar., t,) comledy-. *Side\ýalks of Néw YXork,"clear lusil'aille. at the .Wiltn:tté theater Suindav, -\to'l-jLowelI Shierman, Mac M'Nurrayv and (l alu d , sday, November 22 Ka ren Morlev. are, star s *of l ilih pade fu1 aton1.reusdStakes,.a plav featured bhv ver%.. ittîdér.the pIavemenits to controi l tiaiieoraitesc(l hrn soun ofassorted spilisasid tumble wlîicli take place in the *hilariouis plot is iotesactor aù< <ietor _______________ jiotthis production, gie uv vigorotis portraval as the atc ADVENTURES OF JOE brother of a mnillionaire wvhoin ho boe E. B3rownt, catughlt cold. ba.ke<l saves froin marital titi happinleS.. it out andl receivcd ail artilicial stin-, Thanksgivi nw Pvvm IJRPLI. 4AG E9" Gr, [LTOX _," . -ý F ur1 ~Th~ndeIngTenors"9 8ADMITS THE FAMILy The Big Gamble" will thrill and thrill its story of wlat 'is said to bc the strangest bargain two meni and a woman ever made., As for "Cauglit Plastered," it presents Bert Xhecler, Bob Woolsey,-aciDrothy Lee nîjad- pider and nmerrier, thail evor. DEE