The theater will be under the per- sonar direction of Thomas B. Haw- kins, who is well known both in,. New York and on the west coast as an actor and director Of outstanding, ability.i le appeared iwith, Joseph Cawthorne and, LUllian Lorraine ini the Newv York, production of "Thie Blue Kitten," with. Helen. Hayes in "Bab," and directed -the Prospect Players-in New York for two years. -On the coast hé toured. for several years. with his own company and appeared'with Will Rogers in "Park YoUr Car." Mr. Hawkins'has secured the best of. talent obtainable, it is pointed out. Robert Donaldson, with the original '1heater Guild company for five years, and, leading mani for, Mrs., Patrick Campbll, played opposite Helen, Meneken ini "Congai", and the, "Ini- finite Shýloe-Black." and co-starre(l with Mine. Hilda Englund ini her re- vivais of Ibsetn's *"Ghosts" and "Ros- miersliohnii," u-illIiye. with the conlpany. aýs il i Miss -Myrtie Bigden, who la., I)eCn paN-itg. leading parts in To- ronto anid the - east for several sea- sous.I.ater ini the year Joan Lowell. author of "The Cradie of thé Deep- ýand un actress of no mean ability will join thécôcoipany for a few weeks. * Arrangements are aiso being made to bring Pedro de Cordoba, now play- ing wvith the' Civic Shakespeare coin- p~nback to these parts when lî!s season with the Shakespeareans is finished. * Maliv proinent north shore peo- pie have made reservations for the opening night, and several parties arc 1laflfled for the first week. Season subscription series are, being opened nmuch in the manner of those used, bN, the Ravinia Opera. company. Inivite to Sy mposium of Religlous Faiths A s '. tîmpitlni of religious faith's w.iIIl 1), <tîtc at the temple oi tile Norlî Shiore CongregatiQn Israel' , i , lnou, this evening (Thursda) bv the Men's club~ of the congrega-, Mathew Francis Photo Tit1is group of New Trier Higlh school tursily. football players "Ifleatik ýanutoa High sc/sQol ai Dyche sttadiuiiii E nsto;s, Saturiday of this week. Thte entire p i-oceeds of the game'will. go 10 chariiy, and since Norih western universzty is playi«ng otit of town this Satuirday a large crowd is expected t10 attend. Tise game, iscalled for 2 o'clock. Ift is being sponsored by the. Livanston. Junior Icague.. Tite, contending schools'wiil bc fighting for second place in the ,Suburban league, eaciz teams halvdng won ihre gaines and lost one inite league thts far this season. Oi's the basis, of comparative 'scores throughou ithéseaeson tihe îeams are evently inatched.' The rizralry . between Newz Trier and, Evanston is keen, and a spirited baille> is expece d. New Trier is coached by Walter Aschenbach. T*he New Trlier varsity players .appeartit.9 in tihe accoinPainilg pichure are, reading fro»& left 10 right: Fr'on rowzý-Johit Struggles, Stanton Schsuman, Huig't Wehriy, Bob WTaters, AI Lind, co-captain, Leonard W1olff, co-captaist, Claitde Hlamilton, Eanl Weinitock, AI Nicoidzzi, Hugis Fleming, Phdl égan anmd Dick Olîver. Middlero-i Hanson, Bill Pauilsoit, Charles Doslal, Martins Huberhaiz, Kermtit Simons, Walter Gielin, Rob White, Clarence Dahl, Bob Haiqist, Bob Seiler ais-i Bill Nord burg. ' ock r -qrvGillogly, Don Alford, Bob Wag'scr, Harry.Shan&k, Henry -Crawufoird, Roger Barreit, Roy Kimible, Dick Prestons, Ted Wachs, Tom Sinding, Dicis Joslin, Vic Luensman, Jerry Wilson, Frank APpleyard. Frank -Riiey, Poster Bennet,. Ceeul Williaias and Sain.Smale. Methodist Fia yers ' to Present "Patsy-" Thie Young People's department oi the Wilmette Parishi Methodist church will.- present the thrce-aci cornedy "The Patsy," by B arry Con- ners, at thec durch Friday evening, November 27, at 8:15 ol'clock. This is the saine organization which presented 'The Passîng of the Third Floor Back" last sprinig an(! which won the one-act religious' draina contest -of thie North Side- division last y'ear. The play deais, wîtI Patricia lar- rington, th 'e girl who. runs second to her older sister. She, is the "patsy" whio is. blanied whenever aniythinig goes wrong. But lier father, a travelf- ing man, is on her sie, and finally jLegion A uxiliaryI (Wilmette Post No. 46) Thei clothing drive conducted for the past ten days by the Auxiliary closed yesterday with extremnely satis- fying resul ts. The clothing was not only in good condition; but wvas heavy and wvarm and will certainly keep mnany.,persons confortable.tbis win-, ter. WXe ,Leed greatly 1indebted to President Knudtson' of the First Na- Bank for his kindness in allow- ing us tO use the, store ini the ba nk buildiing for the collection of -aeticles. these Scouting Leaders HoId Conference Wednesday, Dec. 2 Intensive plans are being developed for the participation of, the North Shore Area council, Boy. Scouts of Ainerica, in the annual regional -as- senibly and council Dfficers training school of Region Seven, to be held at the Edgewater Beach botel in Chi- cago,' Weclnesday, December 2. The regional assenibly is called to- gether each year in December for the, one hundred Boy Scout councils of Region Seven, which includes the four states of Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan and Indiana. This mieeting is par.ticularly a program for the lay '1roop No. 1I s coupubcu inan sxth grade girls at the joseph Sears Mr. and Mrs. Judson F. Stone, 1234 Miss Virginia- Prussing schoûl. BAllAI. LECTURE Ashland avenue. worth and Miss Betty Wale ________A public lecture is given each Sunl- netka attended the Ohio-' Mrs. B. G. McCloud will enter- day . afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, in Mrs. Robert Stout of Tekamnan, game and Homecoming cèele' tain the Tuesday. bridge club next 7thc Bahai temple, Sheridan road and Neb., %vas the guest of her cousin, the University of Wiscc week at 1er home: on Ký.enilwortliî ILinden avenue, Wilmette.- Next Sun. Mrs. B. G. McCloud of Kenilworth week-end as guests of Bc avenue. day, Mrs., Sarah,3 Wairath, will speak last, week-end. -and Ben Anderson of Chica, Il Iast Porter