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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1931, p. 68

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.\Il exiibit frouî in Caîdler's Book tore.I,vaisolMas an .interesting 1f. atture. Book lists giving 'bbc ap- îvaraiicé (if railroad tickets wvere on hîand for thec chîjdren to take home ii tue Stohi, ilrarv. Ail pupils tak- tugoi a book rec ivcd ýa book marl. Piblisiers' catalogs. 1booklisan iis of iiew books added té the i- lrart- ,verc on' displav. Book ist I>aulu i f 'e titIcs, 'prepared b>' the, Northi Shtore Librarians' associaý- Lioni, %verc ready for distribution.. A buîlletinî board 'ex i>tof, librar>' h)ooks added to Ilëin iterest cif the At tIche wr scîtool. silice îdit Il'rarv rcoin is still bleîig sefo elssooI urpo(ses tiitil thec nelx wVing (if the building now mnder cont- structionî is .Countplcted. îno exîtîbit ('0111(1bc placed ini the rooin. To ciii-! îuiasize Biook, week. aunasseinlv %. mas i - held on Friday. Scetiies from I )ick-, cis -Ciristuias Carol" -%verc drain- iizcd hv an elgîxil grade class unider i filec diretitui of Miss5 Mildred Flask-ý ered.thîe d rauxatics ttacher. Scotti*sh Baritone Sings at D.'of S. Ceremony Jamies. B.* Mac Farlauîe, 1117 Grecîx leaf avenue, Wiinxtte, thîe cotis haritone. waas thte soloist at the an- tîial conicert and installation of oi-. ficers of Lady Rob Roy' lodgc. Daugli- ters of Scotia, lxeld ini Evanstoni, Fni-q day, Novenîhier 13.1 Mlr. MlacFarlaie's Scotch diction us a tiatural oune anîd mot acquired. lie gave a splendid prograni of songs anîiong wvhicli wcre "'1le Road to MIandalay," "Rocked iii the. Cradic .of thxe Deep," andi"u Lost Cîxord." l-ie was formecrîv a miemiber of Ficldýs choral scevamii also, a, iîenbcr of, f lict-troupe tira .veîîuîiig .w ithli arry -L1au- '1so ie ivars ag). NM r. Iaudcr* lias ali rutuN rMtFrlie1 îuiîî~t'rso iatt liii alid Siiig lis Somilgs. Kenilworth Residents at Women Voters' Breakfast Therc \ibc quite a represenlta-o ti\c gronit of iebiihes Irou thc. Ken-1 the present interests of tlic chiliren enx suddenly Tuesday afternloon of Iast I)eatty andi dramnatic 11f e of tbe people and. lis future nieeds in ftie world i week. Sbe liad just gone to Plymotifli of -Spain. Ini Spain today some of the whic le imust live. Thie activities are tlie previotis Sunday for a visit with pt'ole live a,; tlîy did tbree hunldred plantied to challenge ecdi child to lier son. years ago; othlers arc tlecxnost sophis- xvk Xt i apct. i dbo' rs. DeI.ong wvas bornii iliuiettc ticated and up-to-date people of the ,orkup t hi capcity Th scholsApril 12,187(). Besides bier son,, she is chef concern is what the &cimo9&,pro- survived by bile grandch il. Mary 1Ioù - worî<î Ilobsli of maînner belongs tu. gmm does t. the. chuld, rather than ise DýeLofig, thiree sisters, Mrs. James ail classes. what the child do«. witk the. program. lestes. Mrs. Joc Vagnier and Mrs. 'l'lie Moor Wvas driven f roi» Spaüi Thec sclboôl cannot label a pupil as Hienry' Meierboif, ail of Wilmettcan ennie;go eth la left mucli educated or on the Way toward cdu- thrée brothers, Sam Hoth of Wilmette. Ibeautv belîiîd. liiim and nîany fascinat- cation,, because lelias read certain 'Wifjam Hotb ùo1f Chicago and John tnig:talecs of lis persecution.1 and escape. books, lecarned bîxswers to 'certain Hoth of Syrtcuse, mtd. fl order to 1 preserve, some of tbeir questions, pertformùed certain prace The fumerai services .were lield M1on- ril)s aüy of: tic Moors swallowed' tice exercîses. The -school mxust judge, day aftérnoÔîî at ýSt. Jôhn's Lutberan, their jewels as tlic. only means of .sav- as the world wil judge,l by wlat ,a chrh ibte e.Hemn ,în teseesfrmpety i>Uihfa, do suessfuMolreand 1wmllâo Meyer. pastor of that clîurcb, oficiating. Dudley Crafts Watson will deliver fathuly.- eleE.More spe-Burial took place at Niles ceîuetery. 'fic irst of a series Of foutr lcturesý visor of elenitary teducation. -__ - - -- - --- -- -- az i iConnunity House, Xiî- (A dicusono how He school î,ro- azhal vidte8 for individuà1 differeànce.ý will ai>- îtka, Monda>' cvening, Novenber 23, peii , i tiie-se COl.umus next week.> at 8oçok udrsonosi ftlic .3ROki D. A. *Re Northx Siiore Art. leagute. If is eii- C~ of . to Slicit d ý'Tle Rise and ftie Falof ftic ýC. ofCe to olSct 'i."Te other tlîree arc: for EMejrgency Relie-f lThe skokie \alvclîaîter of the, Nov eiber 30. I'e Glory of Nor-.. Daughters of ftic Ainericaix. Revlu.it- eiilr7,-hPelofte isceeaigwti h imt~~ tioîi met 011M oîîdav of this %%we(1k ,a; -Ariat'i&; Deceiner 14, *'X!ousal% t., mittee of tie joint Emergency Re ie ltn ftergn.Ms rd. nîc oUcSce o> uî. fund drive b>' solicitiuîg every business eukBie.12 Cuçg viu.tainu of pai1l." soinie o flticpatroos nia 1 te ilag b onriut t te Ivaiistoui. .1](1 îîatruîîesses -,of. the lecture are:, fund. R. M. Johnston is chairm-auî of Mirs. Geor)ige Slîipinaniîo Keiiil-, Wilinette, Mrs. Marguerite Caîkins the Chamîber's .commnittee ini charge of %vorthi. tuie chaplajîx, opened t:fic exer- TIaylor, Mr. anîd Ms G WoXison. ibis work. Othier mien on Mr. Julînstons cists 'If the (laN witli the l)atriotic and(lNI r., attiNI rs.: Aloluzo. Coîburil. cominittee who are acting as lieuten- pra>'er wlîicli was foliowed' )byvI lie Kciiilvortiu . and Mrs. Cliarlesl aiits ini securing workers to hielp solicit regîillar order ofbusinîess. Nirs Soittard, Mir. anîd I1 Perc>' 1 ck- tIc business mcen are .August Pearson, David I)cCaniîp of Keniîwortli wlo. is liart. NIr. and< Mrs. Hermnaii Brassert, Jack Hughies, Larry Schildgeîî, Richard clhairnian of tlie patriotic edtîlcatîoiiN r. ai Ms.E A. TIia>'r, M r. anîd Berns and Tom Kirkwood. The plan c<)liflittec of tlic clial)ter, mîadet a M rs. Thomaâs C. WVhite. of hiaving the Chiamber of Commerce îlea, for. assistanuce ini thc patriotitc Wiîîetka, NMr. and Mrs. Carl jolin- inidertake-tic work of soliciting tlic e<Iticatioiitl ork iii C hicago wh-Iichii ~son, Nr. and Nfrs. William Hale, Mr. lxsnesme as stiggested b>' Henry>' . (i i le etemnsoffr and MIrs; George Haskiins, Mr. anud 'Fovir, chairrnan of the Wilmnette coin- eîgiî boritipeople. Iler plea reccîved Nir'. Früderick -0. Mason, NMr. and niittec of the joint ICm.tergi2ncy Relief. t>*isidler.iti<>ui f rom the diapter. A 1ýN1s Felix l3oldcnwc%-ck, Mr. and Mrs. f und drive, ancd ývas readiîy accepted - luaiui a lo voe ot~ johni Veiinenia, Mrs. julian Risk-, NIr. by Taaunassee Sciiool iii the nioitains oi the CharnIer. .t, ilanid r. Allen Plillbrick, Mr. and _________________ siiî)ie . . M\.rs.'.1spër Kinîg. Nl*u rs, Ch)arles SIater, national vic e- ,('icllcoe, Mrs. AîudrcW .MacLc islî, Avoca Pupils Wimu Visit chairmtîtuof the work at F1is lslai Li1. Mr., aindMr s.' F. dward A. Btrioui,' Mr. 1- a'lesic0tf t he eliapter ad i -aîdNr. i\di1î('asek I, r uî I Wilmette Publi Ilibrary w h;1111 \I < donc( ~v kth>l uîî -1(v \,s,îu'ilC I . 'iid N s Forty-fi\ e pupils (roni thie 'q'K utt vtîud; lciln i .a rd .1. SlierWiî'. Nr. aiiîd Ni rs. Nii- scjiool, un Aslîand avene iii. iv -lue 1i'uxadta plela fo r woods.to Ick' is1d tust lBalîze. anud NI r. anîd \V. il- niorthwv%,st sectioni of Wilivette, 'ill, sJiý - tt- verîîg. visit tlic \ilnxiette Public library titis , \- a trnias .i o j:ttiiygl *va1tit al ir. hrq' aftcrnoon (Thursday) as part of tlic ; -ooîs. pieces oî cotton goods, anid Dl)eîs, Mfr. anid, Mrs. Joliinstoix Bow- observance of Internationîal Book ý(411cr*iinaterials wliîcix cai b1e tized manl. weck. 'lle pupils will be sli9wn in making simple articles. l'iechi) «p Higliland Park, and Raviiiia, Mr. through:he library and will be given ter is glatI to recv donations of and MIrs. James C. E\velI. Mr. and Chicago and, suburbs are învited tW Mrn obertsom .kept within that I* "Frnk m' si'ofFSasC \i r. anîd \Irs. Alfred Belsîxe, 322 attend. . realmî. He speaks with great ease were co-liostesses wvitl M rs. Bowes Mainu streef, Evauxstoii, announce thc and gave a inost interestingpx-ogram. during the social hour at the close oî birtît of. a ine-Ipotuuîd son, Tlîoiias 1M.r:. Viliain IM. McKiiiglit and Thcentbusiastic praise of botb lee--1dth afternoon. Mrs. WilliamîxK. Albert, on Monda>', November 16, lier son. Williai Monroe McKniglît, turc and pictures was very gra.tifying. Meyers anîd Miss Mary Gertrude at thelic Eanîsion Iospital. Mr. Belshe Jr., 1041 Semimole road, left Sulnda>' At the close of thc lecture, thc Bo%-%es, niiece$ of Mrs.» Bowcs, andý 1steson of Mr. and Mrs. Edwinî for a visit with thc former's sister, menbers and guests retired to Mrs. 'Miss Mariani Ristine, fiancée of. ImeýBelsîxe, 530* forest avenue, Irs. W. T. Higbie, whose homec is ini Bowes' apartment where Mrs. 'Fred- Franklin Bowes, pourcd at thc tea, Wiilmettee Birniingham, Mich.,: mear Detroit., erick 1 Wolf e gave some *well chosen table.

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