of the activities of the various depart- itients of the Village. for the month of October to the Village board at its regniar meeting Tuesday night. The report was as follows: Building Departineat-Ti eat mient issued twelve permits dnring the i moith,, at an estinîated cost of $122.m- 175.00. This niakes a total of seventv- ive permits for this year, with a total cost of $818,1.75.00, while for the saine period last-- year 125 permits mwe issued at an estinîated cost of $628,- 180..00. Thîis shows the period so far this vear.,approxcimately $200,000.00 ahead ,of last year. 'In addition to _the regular work. the departmient had a v ery usv month inaki'ng.surv eys and gathcrifig datafor the grade separa- tion hearing.. Garbage. Collection- Two hundred and t.wventy-five tons oi garbage wvasj collected and disposed of during Octo 1)er. Thîis is approxiinately tNventyý five tons less tliaii,,vas collected ini S3elteimber. It cost $7.60 per ton! to t-olect atnd dispose of- this garag.ç, lt night be of interest to know that 2,919 homies are served by our garb- 41ge Collection departinent in addlitioný to the stores and restaurants and other business places.. Ashesý and Runhbsh-Onle hundred andi eighty-four loads ýof material were hauled to the Glenview (lump with aui average of 6.1 eubie yards per load. PoliIIe Dart net-For-ty-two arresi s ,wer, made dnring the înonth and $352.OQ- il) filles veere collected. The report ofl the 'month previous shows eighity-twý.' arrests aiid $509.00 in fines collecte(]. 'rhevrte were twenty-fonr accidents rt- preiwhich resulted ini two people- heing taken to the hospital. Onc hundred and fifty-two transienîs Nvere given a nlght's lodging in the jail. We are presenting to you in this re - port a report of fihe probation offiet-i- for. the month. Your special attention us4 mll1ed te this report: sixteen case: .,f actts of deIiinqieit0y weu-e investigatfi tivt ases of nion-support were taken. to1 iiourt, une case,,of juvenile deinqýuency.1 was taken to court and teuî jobs -oce work wvvere found for unenîployed. Fire Departmnt-The Pire departinenul .res41on6ed te, thrteen tires in October. The total Ioss for the nionth was $63,-. 585.00ý. $63,000.00 of this loss was due to the lire at 725 Sheridan road. Our tota ios soS far this year is$6,6.. athletic director,. states that this year's enroîhiient is the largest in the hitr of the school. itr The boys attend the class- vounu- tarily. The 163 boys have beeiî divid- * ed into three gronps. Satnrdlay morn- ing of, this, week leaders' tryouts will be held and forty-ýfive leaders will be chosen to assist Mr. Towinley in con-. dnctinýg the class... Thle work includes setting-up exer1 cises, correctional. work. tumbling. and. later in 'the season, cour.sesin bloxing and wetln.The boys .also %will'Play. basketlhall occa- sionallv., muchi interest has been sliown, too,ý iii the eveing class" for older boys of Kenil%%orth.>. Abont. thirty-five boys, sixteen years of *age and older, ýare at- tending this class. :Tley play basket- baIl. Christ volte andA tdelirne~lUar-. Th.- class in. which they will hielp) is com- posed of third, fourth and fifthl grada4- girls at Joseph Sears. PLAY AT, HIGHCREST. Three mu.sicians from Chicago pre-'> sented a.prograin at the ope ning ex- mrises of the Highcrest scbool, Illi- nois road ýand Twenty-third' street I Wednesday morning of last week:; They deinonstrated the various wind inistrtimenýts.. -S c . Ea Teepoe lM mt PACXI NG o M A Just -thetype, thit *very bIii.e girl bas lier h.art set on--rigkt clown to the. ankies. For Miss 10- 12- 14 and 16-from, $l0.50 to $19-50. M M E 1o R M MP1orte&wueri Painter and Decorator * 134)Gremfrmf Phono 764 Juniorse' and1 Girls' Wear Wilmett. hiJui Arouud *and you wiII soon be seniding Christmas cards to your rela- tives nd friends. If wiIl b. time to mail tImem ... lbef-ore you realize il. There is only one way to select WHAT you want WHEN you