to, ou* YourII- 1esilelt aîv ld14a1(l of Trtîstees. toi* yo t. ri otectioiand 1their on.assure the citizeils of XXiî~ ttetIatý, NNhen aullthor)iized l).I)V efereýl(ltllli .t. btUii(l a' later\v<rks,. thev m- î Il proc.eed ilu thei 1lstý-As-k for bids for building the -entire waterworks, and should the lowest esponsible: bid hie above. our estim ate, we will flot build the waterworks. 2àd-If the biciý for building :waterworlcs is within our estimate, then we shall ask for bids for purchase of.t4e Water Revenue Bonds. Should the highest offer not hie sufficient to, pay for the entire waterworks, we shall notproceed. 3 rd-If, ithiâ a reasonable time after such referendum election, Evanston. wili agree to f ùt'tish witer to Wilhiette at a rate that will not Justif y Wilmette in building its own waterworks, taking into consideration such capital charges as Wilmette will hie, compelled to make, and will also GUARANTEE-Wilmette: an adequate supply of water, we wil not build said waterworks, but will contractt aewter'f rmEvanston. Sm lelyat lhi nîercy of Ex-aston in niegoctiattioIis. Thli.s puts ywur otticli liminer a triiiendoul-)ts hlandticap)àut hir attwuîpts in obtain hettvr water raies frni levanston. -j)oîfýt Illake tduit saille nistake agŽaill. ketulove the fetters troll] our hialnds 1by OTN FOR 11-1H' 'sER\-JC;)VOUR MAIESi$ Xor >v~iuitandl -t(It> rutes r 1<4alXlOUStt> 1tiild a\aeVumks u sll i< igthat -1 ich \v iIl sa e le opl,~ e o'f'.\ilîei ttu the1-1 1i ms îîî ev Th yii1'b ila îu iîs to ltat.end. ar iite rest \vtr\oksi { Signedi. SUPPORT' HARRY C. KINNE, Chairman Citize ns' C oni niiftee o n Wtr r +t £ la.