R. P.ý MINTOCN& Co.* INC.: RANDOLPH 4940, ý112 wasT AbAMSTRE CHICAGO, Novýeiineïr 16, 10311 1.on1orable C.- Di .I)bb". President. f)ear M r. I)h I hd hefirvieg ufl>iî~ ~Iaorofthe Cittv ot f iha ak Illinois.' duriig th îe riod vh eni the niewx water works and ifiltrati >n iilat xvwa s construt>ctedl, an.d spent t îuuchl tmi 'dthuht01the project. At ,11-rcc1ucst, 1 lia'tearefull\- v anîliined thec s nmnîarof hich Voithve adeoflie rei)ort on the 'vater départmv nt >f the Çit'v f II~îadPark mlacle ,i),M es srs. .Pa. -%ri% .Micel &Cnipanv-. Accounitants and Aanitr lu t hve. a 1 oxalnined careftillv vot r explanation of these figuire-, and vouir coxnparison with the probable ot for a con1ialab1c plant, in vouir village, th ese beinig conltaiined. in a l)ookiet. "Report alid' Recolil- ineùc1atiuus of Wilîiiettc Village P,(oard regar(Iing Water' Stipply for the'Village of Wihniette." Y om- cm lUlient 1t heSu l lu us ar1,- )iliin. c r ctb t e l st d a ia d, set forth' the. situation 1_ lion , u1dll)eti mn(if, thé. p]'tilt atIl i gl1alidPark we Jield an "opein house" y at fie m- ter -wo rks o w * (iav-s. (lriig xx \hiclh period I1 aspreen most of the tirne. 1 arn happvtocv ha- hud oni1 satisfactýin e Xpressed hJv the tt ud recls of people who in spected the. lanit and continuIle to lhearË only i)raiý;e for the finleser .vice which the planii ,rendceingi. D1ringlhe Suite r f1930.thie first vearofoperatio.he otiuicaiis * .were experiencinig a w-ater shortage. FIighilamd Park h ia i more tliailnog water, of a vvùaitx wich imodernî science çannot surpass. .1 believe the construction of thiis lie\\- ll1l vsoe o h is preitdinr, mients evýPl niade ini the City of Higland Park. If there. arec vfurther details 1 h c alugive vW>n J will he Frlaclto lhave voti eall upon ile. (4 itizens' (iommn