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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Nov 1931, p. 20

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Indian Chief Givesi NBC Studios Are Seen Interesting F a c t s at Merchandise Mart. to Howard Pupils and'I wtw dYl my dth, Myrhndis 1'uesday, November 17, Chief Mart NBC studios. We got on the .Wbistling Thunder- of the Winne- elevator and went. sti'aig-ht- up ýtwcnt7; bago Indians andý Green Rainhovv, hii< stories. We got out and wient ini a assistant, came to. Ho*ard school. to roo nithat as. sort of a balcony witlî tell us of Indians customs. and stories. two' Windows that looked into flice The chief greeted us with the broadcasting room. below. The Nvin- greeting song, playcd on the kind of dows. had glass that was three thick- tom tom made by the southwrestertn nesses so the room beloW, was soun d- Indians.. There is aniother kiind of proof. The Siinnz Guardsmcn werc &rM tlîat is used 1w the northei-x giving. a prograni, and though, we Indians, the watcr drumn. Hé said could npt hear, the' prograni, .,that long ago thée-lIdianls noticed the, could. see it. 'Ne also went. to a rhythm of the heart beats and' howv room vhicli will lec usedfotev- it chaniged ith the. different moocds Sion, the operating rooni %-hcre uni and hie played on a drum according. the, wall flhere was a big& înlap withi to the rhythm- of thle' heart beats. 1 ligh ts on it showing the (ifferetl: Next lié told ns of a hunting expe- NBC stationis.-Dorothy Sake.21" rience-in sigtilanguage. The Indiain Stolp sehool. signi language is the nxost perfeeti systeni pf gesticulation ever, intro- Dramatize "Christmas ducd. The Indians also used,:àancingý to express. their thouiglis. Greeni Carol" for Book Week Rainbow-,N vho w'as' the' best danice: During Book, we ek the 8P) class o; on the ffninehago reservation danccx, Howard plantied to draniatize Dick- the "Pony Danice," an odd dance th eés "Christuias: Carol" The mnain. he is tùyiing to .bring back. Tien as' character is Sérooge. a cranky old the last, part -of the prograni Wihis- gentleman whoQ is very- wea ltiv -and tling Thunder execuited the' "Brave tigl.t. * Bb-Crotcht i poor clerk, Heart Dýancc." lt is the * dance the with a wife and 9ix. childre n ear ning. young mcxin dance liefore going, fu only fifteen shillings a week. Seroogé m-ar. - Bett%" Dodds, 71,', HoNvartl falîsaslecp and Marley's ghiost>awak-r school. i ens hini and cenc1' tree spirt-~t 1pre sent, and future, and thcy telI ii-m Room 7C of Howard Is 1 of his mjsdeeds. Th'lree scenies o' Percnt i Baninghappy Christmxas davs pass and hte 100 Preti akn awakeuis a very (iffercut man. 1Tl i! For the first tiinie 7C lias liad aj 8B class lippes ever vonc wiil venl:. 100, percent rooni - for banking. Il-, our 1pla.-Mary .\-is haer Mrs. Jones' roomi eacli Wednesdav -8B. Iloward schôool. -- -we figure -up wvhat percentage,,of the - rooin deposited mônev. Tîxis .-evek Girls of Howard Defeat for once we w-il not- hav-e to figure1. the- percentage, beca'use ever3-one iii Boys in Spelhing Match, the roomù deposited. 'flic idea of our Froni tle beginning of sehool till- Howard school savinlgs hank is to ilhe first report cards, -8A-,--Howard helpchildren to- reniiember.-VNirgii lias, heen lîaving a spelling contest bc- Marshî,,7C, Howard scliool. tw-een the boys and the girls. Thei __________________i girls %von the contest bv thirtv-f i Bavaria Is Important as %vords.. The bo3's won soine but liad1 - - -. eighty-:one ,yords mnisse-d whiile thîe' Cierman varming Regîion igrl had forty--six. -7 In Bavaria and the- west of Ger- for tiie boys is to g manv nenar the, French border was t hônor of the girls. a peasant agriculture inuch like that tiiere were' a -football on small Fr'ench faruis. This. is orte I f -a spelling contest.- of' the nost' important farnîin-g -e- ran. 8A. Howard scîx., The ptunishîneiînt HOLD CANDY SALE - HOPING AND PRAYING Last week Fniday, 7C hiad a caid >v Thé 1-omyard school childi-en are al sale. 'Ne had ail sorts of clookiüc happy and gay because it is report and fudge. After the «sale Bill \Vil-' card tinie. -,Il the children are hop'- cox counted the Pxoney, and we had i-îg and praying, that they will get maede $3.75.-Juiius Kasper,.7C, How-- good gradès,.-Helen Schital, How- ard, school. lard. 8C. -- 'The roonis troni tourth grades tlp' to sixth grades hav-e been going toý thc Howard auditorium to hear tl ' ( symphony orchestra f roui 'New York.« 'Ne go on Friday- morning froini 10 :41 to Il :15 o'clock. The orchestra i., heàrd over the radio. Aftér we r, - turn to oui- roonis we have a test.---> Betty ýHaIey, SA, Howard, school. KRESGE 15 HERO Monday, Novemnber 16. 7C class îîlayed 7A. The gaine was a liard- folught one and Sonuy Kresgé oi 7C stopped a kick that would have made 7A Win. The score ended (- to- i.At the end of the yearthey -%vill plaN-,agaiin.-Heill, Wilcox, 7C-> How- I ard schl'0.- Vole Bali Teams at Howard 8C C1gss Howard in Tic Game Planning Play for MjondaN, Novenîber 16, the 8B-11 Senior Assembly girls of Howard school, played.volleêy The 8C class of Howard school is bal against the. 8A-Il teaim W busy preparing to, give "King Rob- played. ornly twelntymiue and wvc ert of. Sicily" for, a senior assenibhy finially, tied.' Weý did not play off the s0011. tice. Wedncesdav. 8B-I and II plaSe(d Miss Flasker'e7, the drainatic SC- an 11 Boh tani plyedteacher, gives' everyonle a chance to goodgaie ît ~îie twntvparticipate in the Play, Each scen'e aý god gaine but %vlen -tv. has a différent cast. There are tour nain .ute s wer e over. ý8C had w~oil scenies in the piay. Twô sce nés ]have 113. to 8. Next week 811 will play 8A.- i their casts already. chosen and one *Hom-ard. 8B is going to try lbard. Is cente is, being worked on.. .%in l)ecause sooti wc are goiing to Th is cne is in a churc i i ply orthe chanti inship again' icl n t oh n'.s Eve. Thé sel - Stoip S.Chiool.. The girls are ail try -1 ond scene is the saine evening iii the ing to' do theïr l)est so thev -wil1 bé !,banquet hall ini the Royal palace. rhe 'on the pJickedl teaix.-Elizah)etl Peîî- thirdscn is a street sce.ne in lI'ùune soli. 9P.. Hova.rd sclîool. ..and the last scelle is the- saine as tice second scelle. Here is the storv, iii. .,Howard 7A Giv-es Play bif ofKnyad hphr King Rohert of Sicily, a proud and crue kig,.goes to churchi on t The '8A - bcvvs- and girls of How- jjohni's E ve and falîs aslee.p. When 1'le ard school gave a play recently lýî: awakens it is dark and he beecines King Alfred.. The fifth graders actcd( ra-ging niad. Finally, after much ci-, as thoakgh thev liked' the plavý ver:' motion the. sexton opens the door. much andwe hope'they did. Thé e nxt Thxe Ring .arrivesý at tÉe palaceand eek, e'w t ivethe\laeagin here he finds anotherý king uo i for .the, sixtli, seventh andl eighthi throne.- H-e becom.es, furious but cn ..rades. no avail. Then threeyears claps'e. The first sceîîc: taes. place in i lic During these yýears h le is thé kig king's pa lace whe e he i greatly (Il.sjst..Th a.e. king makes a jour- .gusted mwith his life as being king. ney t.o R.oue> to visit the real king'-, 1Th e second scene takes placec in tl*i.( broth ers. Here the real king naks cou-ntry whý,lere the king cats îvith i an attemipt to identify hiniselîf but. shepherd. -The third scelle is In thle without 'luck. Then on Easter, 0011 sheperds hoe were he ilig staýs foliowing the trip, the fake kin g telis for îinight. Later lhe cailss lrds the real king to be. good-and tc)b and ladies and thev take lîînî awa kind.- He also says that he iS ait Harold Palmner, $A. Huoýv. r<lscîul angel and not a king. It is quitc a1 - - ot, of fun \NOrkinig on this pla- ISehool Girl Terrified AlnSal C oadslol by Sight of FurnacesjT chro M si Ha \Vheni 7B got tlîeir loc-kers, c)1 l Surprise' for.lier Class locker vas -înîssing a fe,\ oîts. '.\\- O ! ývretle'rn1rk 1 partner and T1 vent to get the janl-t itor,. We w-cwnt down to the hase- the- eightli:. grade pupils: of lwa men ad nt oe roî. ~ î~-~school last 'Fridav afternioof .whlîi room \vas a lot of niachinerv. 1 uoti'f thev elntered flic music room;. Up unti know whiat kind. We \vent inito t1ie the board Mrs. Clark had atest a![ ne-xt rooni and did we get scared? j glredOnt. The test wvas qtîite i-ý1*11 There vere four great-bi-g round p'e. Il von had paid attention dur1ng, furnaces Nvith -fire flaining iniside. 'thie class \y)il were ail iright' btî.t fý ýr Near that vwas a hitge coal bi,î \\Wc those who had not a bad grade wvas clic flot stav tlhere vûrx' loiwç 'e in return-i. Most ofteqeton 1,

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