tablislIed in connection witli the rcg- ular Friday evening Chess and Cbecýk- er club meetings held at the .Stolp school ibrary. The chiess class is open to both ipien and women and is given free of charge. Beginners (le- siring to enter the class mnay nia ke the. necessary arrangements by. tele- phonîng the Recreationi office, 914 Central avenue or re.jQrt at the stolp school: library at« 7:30 o'clock iext Friday eveing.' Special -matches 1e tWeen well known chess players are aiso arranged for each- Priday3- ve- Actîvities at H-owardl schéool lhave been postponed for thiscviî, Daniel M. Davis, director of reerea- tion,- announces -but.,'Ite ~chîess and. checkers. and ping pollg Sce<ulcd for the Stolp gynuîsini iii \ bc <oi- ducted as usual. * Day' of Fralnk Mrrwewithî hi s Iast' minute punges hi. vîctory \ cre recalled at the Ho-Ioard gvnasilum the other evening %vhen Lymnan Trex- acos and Hoffmnai Florist 1illiet in the "B" basketbail1 league..Iefy Steffens of Lynians started the deeds of heroismi by shootinig a basket f rom three-quarters of the length to' the Roor to tie the score 17 to 17. Thi final whistle blew i%'hile the bal vas, *in the air but under the r heie basket if nmade tunder those coi1- tions counts. Five ' minutes overtinie m-as ordered. In the first .play of the overtimie period. Hoffmnan_ Flôrist teain fouled and Lyrnan's sank the free throw, giving thei a oune-point *lead. Lyinan's then becaine over cager and made three. successive founis. Hoffinan Florists xere still ffo re overï *eager and misséc l A three ifreee throws. The overtune leriod va> ai- mnost up with less tlan a iminîteto go whev 1Jinî" Bagniali of the H(f-)ï- nmai, Florist teain battedi the hall lIl the basket froni a tip off allowing' bis teanimates to goý hoi!ie %with a 1) 10 18 victorv to their credit. Spectators are weicone at ali meii's J t <15 il n ài tist vs. Hofi'man Florist Il. HIow- ard gymnasiuni. 8:15 p.în. Volley bail for mnen. Hoff- mian Florist -I vs. Congregational, Howard gyrnnasiumi. 9:00 pni. Volley bal for nien. How-; ard P. T. A. vs. Mýethiodist.-. Flow- ard gymnasium. 9 :05 pj.m. Basketball for girls. O'Kays Vs. il Indianis. Stolp gymnasturn. Tuesday,: becember 1 7 :00 p.m., Aerô club f or boys. How- ard gymnasium., 7 :00 p.m. Horses*hocs for mien. Ho'v- ard school.attic. 7:-30 pi. Baskethall for girls. X-1 vs.ý X-2. Stoip gyinnasium. 8 :00 p.m. Basketball pracetice forii- en. Howard ,ymnas ium. 8:15 pi. Baskèt ball for girls. XNYZ vs. Schultz & Nord. Stolp gymniasiuni..: .9 :5 p.m. Basketball for girls. New Trier Sp)eciats vs. IllinisBell Tele.-j iliwcornpany. Stol1i gýinasum. Wednernday, December 2 7:0plix. Girls' gyinnasium ciass.- High Crest school recreation roi. 7:00, e' .aktbl.A league. Shanirocks vs. State Bank. 1w -ard gvnxnasituni. 7:00 Mens skctal Iaguec. Hoffinan Florist Il vs. Ridgc macy. Stolp gymnastim. 8 :00 p..Ladies' gvnmnasiunieas Hight Cr.est school recreatioix rom. 8 :00 p.în. Meîî's. Baskethall. A league. Presbyterians v.s. St. Jons Tow- ard gymnasitinm. 8:00 p.mi. 1Me.'s "Baskethali. PB league. Hoff iaw, 'Florist I vs. "rxias Stolp gvnînasiîunl.t 9 :00 Meni's Baskethlîahi. A Iguie. laNks vs. Mti<it.1wr 9:00 iMen's Ba'.kcthaII A .A gleu. .BlâckhaàwkS v . ofC. îi 1gyntasium. Thuraday, ).M. Girls' as Il ~v. i BliackhawKs IL Hoh R. Glordon WV. Nebster Todd, nee (56) DbéthodiËL (8) C. Vatney G.. Waidrier NA. BovàJiaii R. Pence H. Lundberg Todd, 17.eferee ilawks (40) La.wrýee Langdoli Elmer Berol D on Langdoni John Moore Bob Bjork janiets Lawton Llfoyd Onion ICan i ng,i Shamr-ox (30) Vernon Wyle Wînfield, Rogers Tom Sullivan Carl Nordberg Joe Berol Howard Winberg Martin Sensendorf refereeý lvon Bleckliawks........ State Bank.... Shalmrox Irish . . . . . K. o)f C.......... "14 1ASE TBA ,L l'Ki'~o aines n Lost Pet. A .000 0, 1.000 *i e666 1 .500 2 .333 basketball S.P.'s ><(46) S. Palmer '. Mlntyre C. Hall, H.* Pelott St.0; .JJn' ) fidgf- Pharmneuy (iý) IL. PVdfÙ -.Steffeils B. C'arlin Fi. Peterls. E.. 1iieh,,. Krf W. 1-arnin Il. Johison G. Haixxiss ..Hoffnian (I. Hck J1. Bagnal A. offian J . l-olTîmn Heller. .refer A. Cramer C.,Steffens L. Gender A. Bernarde ..Hartley J1. Beî'gainx D. Miller. H. von der Hoff kD. Anderson C. StiIes rW. Condy M. Herberliolz r Kaniiiiig, referee 1 Standings 1Won Lost ..Pet. East $iders ...3-- o0 .oooe Junior A. !7... . 3 0 Oo0u West Siders .......2 A .666 r dcats......... ..........i 2 .333 S-Roc ks..................1 2 .333 Sophoniore.s..............i 2 .333t Elites.......... . ....1 .O G~IRLS' BASKETBAILL * Resuits of iast week's gaines of gi MlS' basketbal 'Xays (28) Banketeers' (1 G. Weber E. Thalmann R. 'Weber E. Regan E. Philllps U IHoffman C. Antonio J. Krier '. 'Hoffrn)an. I. Schin1exr M. De Marco J. Hoffmi Biggle, referee New Trier Slx-cials (15) T. Wilson NI. Iversoxi M. -Gordoni E. Pottelr J. Kehl, IVile!iIndiams (12). E.Hanke E. ZCipp ci;h Kristoff Riggle, efrc Il. Allen Rlgg'le, I. P.. T. (7) A..Brnr A. Schwall D. Ryan C. stupkia J.. Geler M. Bergeru C. Scelel, ays 1tz & -ýN IncJlaî [nckroil mnies .rier e Brownies (23o P. Burpee E. Burpee .B. Paterson U., tiauer E. Gordon H. McDermott J. Munro XYZ (1,) R. -Conley E. Hoffma nl D. Kummex', M. Kreusch L. Hein V. Quigleyý X-1 (11) R. Solomhon R. Willlamsý B. Baird E; von Reinsperg P. Carletion A. Booz KHoffmeler J. Hlorsting Nord (25>ý Schultz & V. Johzxston, A. Stemnpel A. Nord E. Berndsten F. Clifford C. Didier E. Clifford Riggite, referee Won ns rd2 2 ~2 .SPecials. ... 0 Lost Pet. 0 1,000e 0 1.000 ~0 1.000f 8 :15 pan. Ping Pong. Stoip gynînasi- M@u4ay, 27 9 :30 p.m. Basketbali for girls.Si Bitsvs Brownies. Sll p i . iaslini. Hioward gyminasiuin. Kanning, Aere .Y ungbe.Ig :00 p.m. Men's Basketbali. B league. , Howard Hoffnian Florist I vs. 8-Rocks. Elites(3 Junior A. C. (3j) PT. A-.(10, 1,5 Hovadgy.1sum . Zopp) G. Waldener R. Robinson Howrd ymasim.D. H-uck C . Willams H-. Miller :1-5 p.m. Ping .Pong. Stolp sêhool. G. Jones E. Keil A. Seddouv :00 Basketbali for men. B A. Roemer A. Rossman C. Peterson legu. lte v.TemiaslHo-V. White H. Specht M. Lyncçh ladé Ditensu. W.rT{awklnson , J. converse ar,, referee J. Baughrnan Pharmcy RiUdge Pharacy 15,7, 15) R. Steffens A. Bauer H. Peters T. Sehinler J. Wagner J. MIller 4,