ForAny'Member of the: Family. p.Platinum Tone.. £~n4,@ I >ri 1618 OJIRN0ToN Avn. Greenleaf 42211 -jl The wreck of the seaplane iwhich '1'le powcrful revolving beacon atop, crashed into Lake Mfichigan off the the Sky Harbor airport cluhhiouse. IÇorthwesterîx ui versity- campus inl ordinarilv used only at night so that Evanston recently was towed to shbore flyers may locate the airport more bv. the Wilrnette coast guard andl easily in the darkness, turned onQi then taken to Curtiss. airprfl-rt near during the heavy rainlast Fridav miorn- Glenview, whére it was hield for De- ing w-hen the-visibility was.excep. tionm- partment of CommerceOInspection.,a1 poradsveral , Ca'îscamto the The ship's' motor. a Challeniger. '.tas airport from various. points along the salvaged, but the reinaindér of .the north shuore stating, that. a plane ha d. plane was damnaged beyond repair. heen sited circling about, apparently lost Trwo nmen nearly lost, their lives or lIocikmg for a place to land. when the 'p'ae ~slane Sa -Thc, plane. a Northwest Airwa%-s ship Rover, which the%- had just 1nrcliased j carrving mail. eventually landed at Cur- ashort time be fore îin Detroit. ' ell tis ai rport near Glenview, %where the intà the,,lake. The men w.ere B. ilot- phoned headquarters that he could Daily of Kankakee. 1III.enmplowe<I ak e ne headw.ay in the Storm. *an oil cùmpanv rcqîresenitative>in;IatFia Venezuela. and the pilot. C. H. Tavlort a".4est exerieced hr rws the of Waterloo. l-owa. Tlwy were rts ie( ies xeine eetrsm îîear ~ imeand it virtually ptaso t i 1w to voths.tising ue ~ 1eflving activity temporarilv. saw, the crash., Motorists passinig along Dundee and Officials 'at Curtiý.s airport had a. <asintevcniv0 k good Word to sav last wveek for the ýý aror airport during, the Stormn <'icet '.vok o th~\Vinîetc cast uar ~thbaccoti atop the airi)ort clubhc.ùse towin. *the plane to short andin luni peratioli andI renarked..that it could iarngae ight ttli old be senplâainlv romna cotisideralblc dIî- guardig t ovter irprt ût. tC l tance. rhe hêacon makes sixreo- he trehe irprd.tions Peri-mute., Boys Tell Dads a Thing Demonstrates Commuter or Two About Airpianes, Plane at -Curtiss ýFiel-d V'oungi boys:lM this, modern age cani A representative of the Keystone' Air- teli their fathers a thing or j\\,()abuIt;catcnpn fBitl a.asb airpafls ati aiatonit sem k l.s idiar'. of the Ctirtiss-M'right:corpocra- weekMaj R.\V~Schrede . t Sy tùî, arrvedat Curtiss, airport ,(-veral Harbor airport gavc altàlk befo1e aîasuz o(mntrt aLoig men's club at one of the Park Ridlgecýnue ýai. ecm iet chucommuterhe)lane.rHe cameudirlctir' chuchs. hefater ii~i~d îîîrf roni the Kev\stonie factor%- at BrIstol sen t te eein g.' ;io h by n(] vxpeýcts te reniain lhere for a few * were mnrbers of a nio(lel airiplanc club,' da% s. s i) thevbrotight their riel to the :---- mieeting and hung then, f on the ceii- in~givîîîg the appearance oi real air- le ha ds pIlnes inflighit. in the course of isA nnuat l M rha d tal.k Major .-chroedcr remiarked tlat M art Opens Dec. 3ý hie '.as certain thebysknew a lo)t The, second annual Miniature Mer- more a bout airp)laiies thanl their elads. .chandise mart. whiclh last veaàr drew *Heý pointed out one of the mode] 3,000_patronsr from , the nurth sho're planes ini the nianner ot a school and Ch'Iicagu., '.ill be open oni Thurs- teacher and said. -Now v-ou men tell day, Friday, 'and Saturday. Deceniber ni we...hat *type, of plane that is a model i. 4 and- -. in the Great hall of the of." There \\ as nu replv. Major First, Methodist Episcopal comniiunityý- Schroeder 1icked different boys at,< hons e of Evanston under the auspices random., and thev quicklv resp)ond.ed of the Womnen's union. to bis questions abotthli various Anticipating that last year's goal ef 1 I .5.. _; .. IL"" . n ... 11 1- :. SCIU' . U rX4I S ' all-' L)r. Jelve ,cnarge;, the Food booth, with M'rs. passed his transport pilot' s test last WValter Edw.ard Schwind in charge; Fridav. Several other~ students aIse took and the Artcraft booth, with Mrs. tests for their private piiots or liimited Charles Misko in charge. There will be. commercial licenses the saine day. Dave in addition, an oriental shop, a book reçently finished bis niglht flying work shelf, a fortune telling but, and niany and other instruction w'hich is neces-, othér varied tables at which Christmas sary before the transport Pilot's 1i - -ift sfo-r men, women and children niay ,cenise is granted, be purchased. I Avfl. Ceintral