AU communlications mu st b. accoonpanlod by the. name and addtess of the writer. Articles for pub-. lcation must reaeb the. editor by Tuesday noon tp Insure, appearance ln current Issue. iResolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obitu- &re&, notices of ;ntertainmeflts or other affaire viiere an admittance charge la publishe, wiil be cbarged at regular advertieing rates. .-\ rivend of ours told Ilu-; (ifal, exjerice he had uwhile drivin<r s(uth on N\*ailegani road l- Snandaui vath ad learne(l Goodfr0111 this saine exj'erience.. A'od' \\,u r sinigalong Leson t t .i 1>iettt' fast clipi. 111:: wîle tending strictlv t()lt we- ad~e -,vere lîasý-.îng Sünday afternooln -auniiterers llealantly andpritnt .Jcaine up lie- hiiid ne Udriver- whn as deiingaboumt.35ý. 1 swung tu the lcft sligll and saWco- îng t(,\\-ards ' a dlistanlce ou 'hi'\Iat 1 judged, was l(c.k >4r tlîreelbck. (vv a no<rth-bouind. car. "I decided t'u pass the Ca r in iront. Itist as 1 ducided. lhe msoiade .the (leci'sion11 toi Step On the gas. :~ 1didut pass hi 11:as easilv as 1 had vx; (Lte 1 ro c> >plîcate the situation. the i.l> >*l-lb( >und utomst speeded up. Ailll hrec ut s erIl>tî~ up in lively fashion;1. "Haviniggot out o t mge.tdu..L *couldn't verv Nvell1 slde i ack i111() n1i'V former pos.ition.; so i puton. ýt1 ii mor "as andIgained rapidl\.-on thé maîî a;t 111v right. the 'ther car ,in 'wonixv abouit a urtrof -a block aaN\;t-a.1i Ithe river *evidentlv deterînined ti iaýke me111C *for îrYing. lu get ahead. .And iju-t as 1li wvas about lu crash mb to inc s>W11111 quickly to the righit a Ild gô t .1lutt the righit hand lane,. but onlv 1wthe Skin litm v t eeth. 'i pictured --bat inight have h11pud; There -%we were, thiree cars shootiîig 1îtt> closer and dloser quarters. Hid 1 bcun caught betwveen the two othèr cai- wli'at Our niiiiisters auid ecfflar leader-, bave been stiiulate d 1) itue lemianid-s (,thu iiiies to liarder andmr*i>,i a etik ii'ng than ever before. MNlreover, the damii ' a moree lwq>efu davi li at had. collecti.g. -and -.elling 'of and papers-.nom- belil-, ac- on hv north'short hiouise-, and l3ov Sous a ý vorîh-v. en terprise. no îiatter frùm w~hAt nl \ ol A rotinJ The proceeds froin the sale Of this palier mrvlI average about $1.000 a ni(>fth. ;i sub- stantial contrib)ution to local charities. lui- cidentall,,-the 1rocess Of,>>lcin. vI instilli irto the Scouits the i.eflul \irtuies ofi thrift -and benevolence. A third value inîght 1~ ipaie.It 15S estiniated bv expe rt-. t1at a toil oi O newc, replaces about f(111.1 prlue0or hem]- IockI trees, 40 feet hig.h anid 12 luche> thick., Thé HvScout Old, Nemws: Caipaigmiis. therlefore a .cconiimenidable cQnservin gof natural resources. Save vour iAd papers 'and magazines. .1 lavelte reaidv for the:scoutt collectors. Our own ighir.right airc>un(lthe, corner, goînigt(, I>c(1 I.hungr\ and hpe 1s tg M ls ha v e virtually f1ungry and rai1-e<1their quotfor- tlht (.o. >k Cg> untN v Emer.- Ilopeless! gnvkelict tunid. \iI'- a4bout one-foùrth ucf 1it-. sharll 1e,>'Thrl.iatmav seiincredible.. but it'.s truce. Here'sounr l) ig putut0l îeln niediate lhelp 10< o ver a thouîsanld 0f <.ir destittte :iie igýhbor S. lie, a good Sainaritan, ($62,500)ii Relief fund. hias exceededl the cool, CuunItv- That's an accoinp her, quiot a Emier.gencv uishinent ut vilae av the production is ý.TCen N 'gits in a Bar Room,"' the fanious Arnerican classie of the gay nineties, or even eighities. (loue 1n the original manner. And you smniply musu seewvhat the cast proposes to do before the m'inter eŽ\iires: "Over the Hill," "East Ly-nne." -Ri1> Van Wý\inkle," "The Great Di%-ide," 'Humian Hat. *UceTom's Cabin," iithe Pennian." 'In Old Kentucky," "Cairnille." -On the.Bridge ai M. idniight." and possibly "Ham- let.'ý If g rand-dad turns up. nissing somee niglit,1 have ibui paged at thé Studehaker. MUSINGS 0F OUR NIGHT EDITOR There's. n' hing like astr*onmy for cuirîiiz, egotisrm. The -other niglit we wc re. viewing the Novemrber-stars and wvert deeply.moved by the vastniess of it ali-so much, in fact, that we mur- murei -,XVefeel prett-x sinall in spite of thie fact that vve're aà member of the editorial office."' Here's hunor-and the turkey diressing-wh not prove too dry. \Vhen, w're realv afraid, that our observations are too dry, we mention- Gin, the type-eating ter- rier .eLt's hope that Gin gets a break and can Chantlge h1is diet f ronilt vpe to turkey. Even a mW\~-l iU(l(leserves it. Mu c h adieu about nothing," muttere"d the cvnic as the radio burst, forth with the. strains o01 'Good> N.ight,, .SwNeetheart." Tf wo words set America on ire last Saturday, afternooni. The words heard 'round the 'radio World (vere, ".It's ovtr," and they ref erred to the course of a pig- kin that soared betvweci ithe goal posts one inuite before the Notre Dame- Sciuthieri- California garne was history. G U M MANUFAýT.-CTLUREfRS ARE THA-NK- FUL there aren't more girls like this 011e. Like xliat onie? Well, ike the one who spenids tfi 'fen minutes powdering her fiosc before Ilhe mirror of a. gum siot machine and doestzhuyiv even. one ýstick oi gumg. BUT STA. DONT f: oo HARS.H vi this litile girl w~ho figures so. prominentlv ini this scene of everydaY lu e. Perhaps she is gcîting revenge, for. the *tunie that a pe n n y invested b-rouight, no returns. \Vhenever vou lose sleep, .iust pat 'orefonl the back and think of vour pal,' Paul W1hiteniar, ,who, according to his press agent, devotes bult four of tuie tltviou o.i-s to sleep. And yet therë are re on or our being thankful. T'huugh the summiiier xwas>urdulr hot, sîil the fali davs have been unuitsua!liy pleasant. Nature i> as beautifui as ever. P'riîces are dpwun alnmost .all commi-od-. di!ties. The depression has, taugh't us many, D>rive over tflere and look< at it. There can bu no dearth of interesting and important news as long as there are, license. plates 10 be bouight, water towers toube painted. garbage bids to be received, 4uckv ba-)bies luo he born. Gloria shouild be entitled to some sort of niedal for beating the Marquis to the next hurdie. Don't forget to buy those Christmas seals. Trhe need is greater than ever. Any school child -wil be happy to supply,'vcI'u. -MIQUE. TIhé savnlg Grade Separation Will Save Lif e od 9azne LtsHasten the Day! tivel-v carried, ____ ____ ____ ____ __ _ - Good A l