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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Nov 1931, p. 38

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- 1.7ala u,'1 l r -1dL'-'--' ý ber' Y ,It 1, called a -'Soirée Extra- irdina!re&' and will he anr ope'n house party al af the ev-ening. A~ speciai dinner wiiI be . sen0ed, dancing wili begin at 9 -'lxc. ith a :buffçt supper at Il,.,Ali loi the recreation departments ria i t club. wiii be open -andi in.2action. *Among. those who %vilI attend the aftair will be Mr. andi Mrs. B. A-1. Gcrdon. Mr, and 11Mr-, [hill',i V. eright."f, îsMedora Briglit. Mr,1n Mrs. R. R. Lippincott, M1r. anshrl 1rs. C. La-w&rcnce. Mns. e-anhce Hardîg Arcu5sss à f' - m t'c. %n 1N r.C. Fa :ýr Ic ert<'art come mittece ci.Shawlifnec 'wiii prés.ent thé. thir cxhb:t i aitingsv for ieCu'- rent sea-su.'n:tils. 1v -wvmenl 'ixTaOs. The-se xwili repre.Sent the finest artist-z ns s'..paînting in the' sthwest an bwl e slect(-d.example- cii their work. The. picture-. Wifl be colorful and brilliant. ýtypical of thi radiant coultr afNcw exico 'anci Arîzana. On Snd asthe daiai'coin- rnuttee of 'hie club', with Mfi- DL>orý nôthy rû; ha- chaî'rinau. hin a 1ecpt (-)riandi tea inhon'sýr fte important- actar-.. and actre>e,-s, radio annaiuncers.. and rmnag-er-. radio enl- tertainer, and sther.,-s no.'.iwiChi-' Ca go.. The affiair was mo-st ucceý-nul with the ballroom fillied' At'le'-t t%%o-hùndred andi fiity neîbesani gue-sts' werepr'nt M rs. A. *Starr Iýet. 'She t,.id 'si tit Lttle Theater- movceflint ini't n - Country 'and h,. prescrit day sýtatu~- 'She surprised inany ofi ber li,teùecr- with the fact that thei'c are about tw, thpu-sand. oi the ý-tnaIi 'tleater grouui, each with' ail earniest purpase (o;'gîv- îig -ta its particular smnail tow thie 'best in the %vay oi drania. She tulsi ai the aims' andi accomplishtiients fi' these groups, vhich xverc titmulàted,, to ac.t because tesn town residelnt saw littile of the thing,.%ai ar t inthie world. andi the-dramna wa"neathe arts vhchcoulsi be braughit ta their door-s xith 5ufficient cnthu-iasniand support. S metons Mui.c Brownle and iff1), extennsivc activitv ini tire Littlh Theater ruavemient. Far man%,y year, he laswrc ~t great zeal t(, itrthcer th - auýc. -Clara, Lou, and Erni" were at ~i n t)nn and i iutcl' ad- C..orniei, NWir. an( :Irs . -- Berard; 'r., andi MN 1.Hs Pi , Bright,. Mr, and i Mrs. \V1111. ' mi Gibbon, and .Mr. andiMs aijî L.Milter, ail of,'Ximette, The Justus Johnson 'jmt.419 G regory, avenue, wiltpass Thanksgiv- ing dav with relatives ini Chicago. Che LJ:istws f!Mr of tiu. J'q ii sAs ocjt't:' nth'I /n comg anIul on )cccn i' 2 'a d 'amp 'u'enpeis,., anînsitncesi, !)ut M r- l Harpeu rril)iîîd-thi erideCnts ai Wiimette and icviinity that lunasi- ditîin t,)<au'iti,. eo and rlini.ier- at 'dst1) r 1cc ',.andi f rs'e ' etertalîr- me1lits )n I)eceirnbt-r 2 "ainsiId cnbr4 there xiII bc a'-,ruat arraý of attrac- tive an< ieXeiiC oia. ii Ontht2 ex'enng Aoflecenber Y3. a s ne act pi a.- I w i) r' k as ld xvii li b e-sîaesi a n,'ruinai a<Iini- .ion charge. *'I'eep thee ,datce-< mn id. asi'piî 'to enjoý'thie , Chri-tninas ain aand bnie- tit by. 'theoxve '>,y<u byî li lair." the 'Co)nfînitteCalfoUiCCs ýes ýtt a du i -hotel F: M r. 'and Mrs .Raipli H. Durlîalîî, r13 GreN%,ood a'v-etiie. entertaitned at a *dinnier bridge last Saturdav. mette. The Deccmrner meeting.'i,, al- wav, an eve'ning rnéutrng' as the hu-- bands of the' memibers are the gue,- that Inight. Mrsý. am1es S.Mocare i-; the a-itant ioste5-s Ihu towr rrangemelnt xýiIl b C be: maýde bv MrS. 'lý)r.ge H. Rodge-r. biuch întmeï n IlEni ând-ha-smort than -even huindred -ildes ouf Engib ,cenes taken in place, in. t ,u.iaii;'- -een bp thie taîr-t xi Iltaii<cr -SEn dns! ra if.eueîtd x- xa' *and show . neuesthat potra: the clu'tarn-sand hsonme:-ft :e t r- \i w 'Jrii:- -'. - in'la jr atAr- iîr. îî'hthe uurïieîeib~.ca. < Enigland. xx e c i in tvi- it os -flŽtite ~h nîez'- oean -ýt.hie .Xmer:ca:; it un- i-t. 1 em t he---.-ald-rn- ut s"r~.andi h'. - -!qe- ,fmano's thc-n. Ut it î-pei, tatpart:ciu- larlv iiiterù>t .nie t:t.il ra, tirý amiu-sentii-t. tneir ep~~'o- Vt kniaps-,k 'on(-.)iiandI n ýo!fl)an". ;iLrd Un. idsrfriuli. 'tie 'ih tari fin su e a ri i '.nntn nn a Large Euening Bridge. -Woman's Club Bene it l: ma heinti auito-rium ni ,ue aI-<(I in the Ixnail audlito)ritiinin tet" s'table- weUre raneifo Il!t' li.'i t IsraCt building tUnlij '4 the \\ssna'fubni'Wii- miet te. The -Itxe d 1-, w the intere-ted as- ttv:ItiOn. ût f l], fs.ii)in it in attractive arrav wýere thé pnize-.. ni great va- nuet'.and ailattractive.thie &its Si nornth shore merchant-. A teadé strealti on mlen' and wmnpa>sed acrioss the stagc in isecinbefare the game. began. but ev.en aiter ,a îîre-vew. ai' te pnizes chIce w-as dii- icuIt for the w-inners at each table Mien he pr- shu ma-s cailed te the stage't niake Ihi- -elcction, sa appeal- ngthev al were. Canj- 'andi nut-. Wereun cadti table, and whnthe gaine x'a> aven ice- cruam and cake,. werc sjerved. T l...- - -f- l- Dances at, Vista Club Vista, del Lago wil l old a junior dance Friday evening, -Novein- ber 97. On Thanksgiving a holiday diner wilI be served ail day long., Club. Vista dýe1 Lago wijl hold, a senior dinner dance on Saturday. A e ntertarrn the, me'nitcrs c)i.; tht il àA 1 1, U Co ttyclulb and 't1eir :rîeid' xtha pianlo rec:tai. dur 1nL tn or C) music at 4 )'c 1 c k. Madiamei Spravka 1, a p1ani'ýt j, i betteýr kno(wn in Erîgland and the "-tîiert- than here, havi,îg pla-,'(-i t h-been said b%. MUSIC CrTti tt',e :s tihe 'equal sJ faln0sUý rçite ptal-t-. Heir nuance-s, ><lfinitt n;th .laritv of scales, and-pe~ rýeadin-î mark beër a-, one or the eleut a pîanist*who',aîh~ .vLeoriz-inai she kis iever eçccntriý à' ne *iiý always gains a diterèit '.'e". s.ntarter hiearing lier interpre- tat: :: er charim of toile. vIrils- 2rs Irllanifeminririedelicacv are ai' .ine s~.tiir ta bring out. ail e ta-tC accoimplislinienit, i o!t ï,, prl tHer technifiuc is iimpccable: .:er t' eic ualitv is at all turne- \ e! -"' iiiipid. and, evenii dxn'il aac-- hc, draws 'troni the i:tn iient a -l ll~ toile. M -.. bba 'Sundcitroi.. tiltev .piuny'ar esra~will assîst.~Mdm ,,t v'cs plav3 .ethclsicdinil%- andi Ward unsuspecýted depth,, aiofeein. and understandinig iram the viallîi. 'hé p la -~wîtliîtecii.cal' ccrc Wilmette Women VOtrs> Gi'e New Members Tea A x ry dell,,Igtful tea .>%a, ,iven 1 -tiet ileinbersh;ip )committueai thie UWIinîtte League it ,-\Vomni\oil~ TÏ1îr-sdaâ-, Novelniber. 19. aithtela a1i Mr-, Earle .D,. Lyon. 1504 Flini- 'vsdavenlue. .\r:ý. Paul Stade playec dîarîniiillv tour mim'ber., Chopin. Prelude,.Fani- tasie'Impromnptu. ~el dans L'ea'it, bv I)ebuss-v .ahd 'iebestraum» bv Liszt-. Mrs. Ralph Cilds oi th e V\inne itka Leàgue of- Wotnen Vater> spake0an *Citi-zeniship'. and tnld, at the ivork ofai'e. leagle in its variau> departinents. Thro*ugh its cidwl faréevork 1dte, eague is bending it> nrcestovards better iw a. cerning childreni and ultimatelv 'ta- %wardls better citjzens. Thrraugh tilt Forumn and: the Cook County comicil' the"'league is .preseiitinig to the 'worii- TIhie 1Missioîxarv' societ'y of the '\iI.- mette' Parish Methodist chutrch 'muet Tiitirsday, N-Iovember 19, at the homne aif -yrs. *Dee Stoker iii. W-niîi'tkà.. More than sixtv woiimeni were pres-, ent.

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