Iagz nteiarhsaetn which the, organization contributes. * au atractd hndres. f th ~oie1 the. league is making a special appeal set f romn Evanston through ail of istoalal its mémbers ta hielp iiin aking vilgsta the north. the 1931 .party an even greater finan- i cial success than ail former parties. Gaines vvere played in the loinge Mrs. »L. M. Schramm and iMrs. Rav- atl(l1 dining roaxn of the club an1id mond Kloepfer, bathi of X\iitetka, dancing ýtook place .in the ,ballrom are, c.-chaen iiichrgeoth .whase Walswe.re made colorful bparty th xlbto orwater colars cur -__________ *rent during Novýember. The arrange- adGftSl nment of the refreshhnwnt table, wit h Foodan itSl red and' white checkud cl the'Wl eeli hrt su1)1er tables placcd.around the edgeý The Friendship çlub will hold its, of the dance loor, under occasionaàl Iana aeo adaeatce gay parasols, the coffee.dogint1 ai1 nd lobaves of contin1ental brea & various kinds of home cooked foods. ail day December 4, at the. home of iurilier conveyed foreigu atînosphecre. - .sRbr al 874 Bluff .treet. So successfui va 1e i ît lÔeîcoe. NMince and puimpki n pies. Mionte CarIa tlîat it probablv. uill lb< -o 'abe peiy. coneananua afar.The gifts anîd food to lie sioldl are donated, so . that al proceeds f rom A -din Arrangementsthsaeotohri, a large part, N.. C of . Ben fitbeing. sent to ilhe Preshtra d TI i C North Shore alunna ttî Aogte\ilmette mlienbers are Nýation1al (Cile-c of Education arc Mrs. Haves McKinnev.r. Fred * iihabenietit bridg a t fi lic Rve (now of Montclair, . J -.) ami * oie&Siturdlay. Nôvenmbe)' 28. at' 2 j M rs. Rye. Jr. obk.for the]heneofit of Iheclle g- builing u.nd ~ . Evening Gardon Club in * NI~.NonanL of te eint. Yule Meetinq December 8 anicés.that there viIl l)e four ina- A CI rista rga s planned. jar prizes .111 addition to thoseivénifor the next meeting of the E\ein ach table. Grencl-o)imet n Tuesdav.7 iss Rosalie Budiniger andl Miss Iecbr8 tteWmnscu. Caroý_lyni Freiberg, bath'ai Willmette. Christmnas Greens' is the :ubiect of art assisting, resîýectivel,,. with the 1a -talk t blve v rs Care *sale if tickets and the refreshInients. j vans" of Evanston. Mrs. C. R. Xor-1 matn is ta talk on "Flow\Ners andl Trees o f Palestine," and Mrs. W. P, Berm- Berw fil for Junior School. inghiar n a-Christmias Sangs.", Club. Thie North End branchi. Fri-endls af. teniber, will exhibit CI1ristma,ý the Chicago Junior schooi, w ill spon- 1rah'adole ueiedcr 'ltions. sor a charity card party. Wdedy____________ afiernoon. eeme 2.- at 2. in the * Can balrom f lîeSoerignl Mr. and Nr.Plilip 1'. .Hillinger, h'otel. ~Sr., 1520, Spencer avenue.,vl bv a large famnilv dinner pýartv an and d %il eléi 'le cl 1 Thanksgiving day.. There will be an 1o11e' for utiderp)ri\-ilegedb .aboaut.t r -ieguests. P ofe a unusual distinctio ilii *Clude one for each table. Hr.XV -. Matthias is chairinan M a0 the party*, and fthe ho( -stesses are:ISin i 'Mr ,. P. Spýruhan, Mrs. J. S. 1-ex-l * on. Mrs. A. B. MacPhai'l, Mrs. P. J.! *Garbrecht, Mrs. J. H. Herriott, and ' Mrs. Bessie Fulton. .. of Super ____________________ o y a1 batiste YI FR L1CK c onIy $ 4 dncudIng Railroad, Pullman Lcower Berth, Room, Me'als, Golf, anid Minerai Wat.ers if you're boredwirh depressions, listen to this! You cain week-end at French Lick now for only $30-and that's an ai-Inclusive rate. Your rail fare down and back, your Pullman (lower berth) both ways, an outside rooif- and-bath, ail the food a revived appetite can take careof golf on two 18-hole courses, hikirig in the painted wood- lands, the heaith-giving waters of Pluto, Bowles, and Proser- pine. Springs-all this ar the special Io W, rate. 'Longer visits at equally attractive rates. (Return tickets good 16 days.) Everyone's been saying you need a'rest. It's time you paid attention to warnings before, your health suffers along with youir business. Cornethis week-end-you'll be ready to tackle anything when you get back! Shore \vomnentfor many establiýhed an enviable rept expert wNorkmanshiip. itioti tor lits M,.\ay we' include you as oane' afauri mally satisfied custatuers? i , .B appointxuent-plion'e XiI. 5060, Adv.L 72' E. Madison S... .t.hicago Unader tile perýso>icl sutpe i-ti if. of MIiss Janc May,, formîerlit iwit1' Boîit witTeller & Co. o! N;ewc York.