"An afternoon in Magic Lande' condtcted by Dr. Harlait Tarbel., the Houdin~i of todayv at 4:30 oclock on Thursday after~noon, De- Ce'nbcr .3. wjil bce fa tntreof the amw' al Christm.aç bazaar sponsored by the facudty Of itue Naùtional Col- leye of- Edutcation onidhe!d in 11w' au(ditoriu,;k of thme Collége 1nd ing on Sheridan road. nrmof Isahella. l'lie bazaar, will, open 'Fuesday af- ternoôo, I)eceinber I., and. contJiuje, througl Thiursday evening, Decein- bier 3, and the j'rogram, ofniagic wjll interest children as welI as grow n- ups, for there is somnetinig peculiar, 'about I nagic and it appeals ta chil- dreii frorn 5 years to 10,5. 1Whiskers, the famous rnagic raýbbit wilo canappear and disappear in the twinkling of an eve, will be. there,; together with the inagic spider whoi catches cards in hjs mouth. There l are tricks from China and japan, In- ! dia. Egvpt, Euirope and Ainerica- i tricksý. that sinply can't be done anc that the~ audience. will reniember for rnany moons. -Topnotch -gits at rockbottonv prices" wil include Iovely and useftil produ.cts f rom Vermont, Carolina and Kentuckv, importèd articles, under- wvear and hosiery, and approved tovs, books and ciôthing for children. Much thiought has been given to se- curing really useful and inexp.ensive wares ta satisfy, the denand for thrifty shoppinig. 'Phe Parents' counicil of the CUil- dreni's school will have chiarge of the fôod, sale 'during thie 1azaar. Mrs. D. NV. Crile, 822 Michigan avenue,. Wliiette. is chairnin of the foodi sale, w,%ith .Mrs. A. W. Peake, 1141. il ý Better Coats. Have. Beeno Radically Reduced LOWER PRICE ROOM CJARMENTS he applied toward the building fund of the college. Mrs. Cleon Larsen and her children of' Peoria are spending Thanksgiving %vith Mrs. Larsen's mother, Mrs. Cor-. nelia Keith of 310 . Warwic.kc road,1 S- I l BEGINNING FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27th Edgar -A. Stevens Sma rt':F ashions at .Great Scrifice! D ESSfrom our..Second Floor $16.50 values now .....................$8.o95 $25 and $29.50 values now $16.50ý* $35 and $39.50 values now ....... $29,050 Higher Priced Models lsoGreatly Rdcd COATS from our Second Floor, Ail Fur Trimmed-New Winter Styles $55 and $65 values now........ $49.50 $75 and $95 values now... .....*$95