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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Nov 1931, p. 3

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again %Wil De called upon to purcnase Chiristmas seals, moniey fromn the sale () f which is ilsed to flght tuberculo- s s A- ini the past, the seals wilI b. sold by school chljdren of the Village. The Chicago Tuberculosis institute lias. pointed out that ti'i a per iod of> (lepression liké' the presept, ote there is grave danger of tubereulosis deve-, loffing in families of the unemployed. ai the public is being called upon to lielp the institutein' its battie against the dread disease., An this illage the Wilnîette Health enter bas emphasized the .increased Aneed for nursing service in the famn- iisof the> unemnployed. Thiswork is donce by the Chiristmnas seal nurse. Becatise of the additional. burden larger fundis are needed to car-ry on the work of the health center, and the. residents of Wilnette have been a.sked to bqy more Chiristutias seals tlîan they have ini the past. TFhe Christmas seal. camp aign be- t.iîîs iiKenilworth 'also innediately iter T'haniksgiving. For severat years the' children of. the Joseph S)ea-rN school iii the village have woni prîzes foir highiest per capita sale of. the sýealh,. and 1ili some insqtaflces fJor the Ii, hes otal sale hi a gramniar sehool Tîsyear theKcivrhcirn liope to repeat their accomplishmnetts of past years. Squirrel Explores Sub- * Station:. "Lights Out" A i exploring squirrel engaged in a i( l'r of inispection lit il titidergrotmd ý1iiI-a~ationi at Tenth street ati(:hest- mfit avenue, threw -a large section of Wilmnette into dlarkniess Truesdà"\ eve: iiiii-g of last 'week. The (iscover\ of tuec miscreant wvas not mnade unitil thie iollowing day wheni trouble mnu or tlue Public. Service companty caine- 111) on the carcass. 'l'lie squirrel in attentp)tn to t gain * release gflawe( the Icad coverltlg of ollé of the main feed huies andl even- ttially got downl to the wirës andl es- tai)li>lhed a "short" litillte circuit. .\- .\mong other things the over-culri- (ms rodent stopped a performlanice .of -The College Girl," Chanmber of Conli- miercu henefit show mwhich was lhold- iîng fiorthl at the Wn"ùsclub)last 'Ï'tisclay. Lighits were out for ar"thoirý * and a half.- Siilsctriptiii uirl tit ra! a i iIaÏiehaill uitaiifig thé iaillss ofdosi-ors to th~~' .1leilief ioulen. Is va'ir mu'tùr'~Pl ist of nains til1b ipellishl 't.t cc Diane Lustgarten Is November Lucky Baby Diani-1îilizabeth 1.ustgarten of 230- Catalpa place, hasnt been among ils long enougil, to appreciate fully whiat Thailksgiving and Christimas and the whole holiday, season arc al abot. )but iii a fcw years she'Il 4L .old of a great showver of gifis she rcceived Nvienl less thail a nmontlî old. You guessed it! Dianie is the xvin- iier.of the Novemiber Li.ucky Baby cohtest sponsored jintl.- yhyX - MlETTF LiFF and sixteen Wline merchants, Diane, w~lîo is the caugiter of Mr. ai Mrs. IHenry Lustgarten. arrived ýWILNIeTTE lIPE. Sle was the f'irst ýWilmette baby to arrive iii Nuveriier an d to be ttt,, dtulv recorded. iHence shie wiII receivc a shower of git froin the sixteen iinerc:liit,. Rules for the L)ectcmber l.ucky Baby contest will be iouind *in1 tinis w.%eek's issue of WIIl.%iiTTV Il.I. Bach Chorus Presents, H-ere'ýs a Mystery; More -a Bit Later - (Contrîbuted) What can be going on at or around the Wilmiette Womani's club?ý Strange activitv lias beeuu observed at unusual hours, unaccounited for by even the Club's full programi., That corner Ws ,always. interestingly busy, but wvhy should the Club's Sunday occupants. the First Presbyterianis, bc, dashing éxcitedly around onu veek da,%-.,- Surelv there aren't alinost dailv serv- ices, and aiiyway the people wve'%-e seen haveni't looked exactly church- bent! Oite or two faëts we have inanaged .% Wê recognized not only scores of important First Presbyterians, but also that delightful quartet, The 1Carolers. who've beei getting such entluusiastic publicity ini our down-, Ahore neighbor, -Chicag«. They müst be nîixed up. with the excitement ini sonlie w-vav,' and. if they areý-well, that promises plenty of pleasure. on day evening, November 29. Barnum. Brown, one of the greatest living e plorers and ,scientists, who bas probably'discored more ,diitosaurs tha.n any other 1manliving,' will lecture and show reinarkable motion pictures and sldes. D. Brown believes that. millions of yearsà.before man's advent, gilant rep- titles stalked the shores of tropic island inland.seas. that are now the fertile plains of Alberta, Canada. This scientist's explorations haveI taken' him along deep-sculptured -canyons, where the skeletons of dinosaurs lie. entombed *ith fig fruits and palm leaves. -The motion pictures on, Sunday evening will restore these gigantic: creatures as science feels they )ived more, than fifty million years ago. Dr. 1grown's lecture, which accom- -pa4lies the. films, is said to be one of the most educational and entertain- ing ever offered by any speaker. High Sehool Christrnas Program to Be Dec. 13 The fourteenth annual Christmnas programi by the music department of New Trier High school .will be giveil Sundav afternoon, December 13, at 4 O'clock, and residents of the town- ship have been asked to keep this date open so thiat they mnay attend. The program. will be given in, the smnall auditorium at the higlh school. The New Trier choruses, glee clubs and orchestra have been holding re- hearsals for the musicals for. sone timie. rNew. Trier Girls' Club Will Hold, Bridge Tea The Girls':club of New Trier High :schooi: is invitingth women of the- -township to 'a Bridge tea-to be held in the mess hall of the school Satur-, day, December 5. Formner menibers eru univerbzi.y 'v'. l---.-- -- - luncheon of the Wînnetka Rotary Soprano Solo-Recitative and Chorale clu Frday Noembr 2, c'ncrn- f rom Cartata. -Christus, der Ist nuei clubP'rday. Nvembr 2, c!~crn- Leben" ing the Sino-japaliese situation. Dr. Chorae-"Hinunter ist der Sonnen- Yard bas spent mnany years in the sohein" Orint nd as ecetlygivn rdioChorus and Chorale-From Whltsunday Orientdan h e lent en adio Cantata "Erschaiiet 11w Lieder" talks ,regardn h hetndwar IMagnificat--Cbo011I5anld Aria betweefl China and'japan. =ranFugenCMao ker -Nus. Hienry Cutler, cnairman. Note: Economy ShOP la conducted by the Woman's Club of Wilmette' Proce ,edÈ go teo oiarity.

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