MVaUi Dl. nt Linde Ave. Prot.ct the Radistor PRESTONE ALCOHOL LINCO HT WATER Buy SID CHIAINS Now!. 3334 MOTRS SI3RW.CE Incorporated Free~FLASHLIOHT-FVre Your Choice Flashlight Lantern Flash Pistol Beclroom Cancllite Io order to ýintroduce Sler Flash400 Gasoine Super Sheli with Ethyl and General Batteries .W1NTER, snay ýswoop down suddé nly 1 Frozen radiators are ex- pensive to, repair. Don't dive'.Winter. a chance!t I J. C. Slown A. B. Van Duesen 611 MAIN ST PHONE. W1LME.TTE. . WIL.4414 CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY Ihed Car Showrooms 1810 Ridge Ave. Evanston Phone: Univeffify 0600 farnily..tir Z111ii, Iu u - .. So greatly biave Packard engineers Police division of 5tolen automobiles. given attention to the conîfort, and Capt. Zimmier made this statement to convenience of -%om.en passengers Charles M. Hayes, president of the Chi- that, following the trend of the. tinies, -cago Motor club, in a conference where- they hiave apparently realized nod- 111 Ways and mneans of reducing auto- ern wornan probably would much mobile thieverv %were discussed. rather have some place, to ,depo sit. ' Briefly, tluis act provides, thatý the, asiies onher side of the back seat of secretary of state shall keep a 'record the famuly, car than a' receptacle for of the ownership of A cars registéred. her powder puif. At any~ rate cigar- within., the. statej" Capt. Zimmer ex-* et ighters 'and asir receivers, are 'plaiàed. -In the case. of used cars, found dn hoth sides iin the i'ear comr- purchasersoï -tiiem must get an assigin partinent of Packard enclosed cars. nent oftl, wfe-orh-riga ýVOnîi renuh intrigued 'wth Certificate of Title, f rom the original the fastening of tlhc head lining of, ownier and send it with theapplication Packard cars. No stitches show- for a license to the secretary of. statec. throughi the cloth, froin the fastening, No licelse can be issued until this, is, strips sewed to the fining. This re- doue. Conironted with such legisia- suitis aconilised ~ith se~ingtion, thieves encouîîter difficulty ini sei- mnachine.the needle ot-f which takes a ilig stol.en cars, because they are unahie stitch .just' haîf way thrôugh the to Prodtîce the original certificate. thickfiess of the cloth. 1N1oiadeI ceck n vesi 1The woinan- who drives a Packard Of cars is made hy, Illinois. Under exist- lias a convenient coml)artfmei -it . i ig. l a%%:,;, it is far' froni impossible to eahedo1h nsrmn or o secure a state license for a stolen car. bier gloves or smali larcels. ,She W'ith a Certificate of Title'act ini effect, regulates the riding comfort of her a licenisc for- a stolen car could îlot he .car. by. a simple pull or hlove miî the obtained. Police officers in LIdiana, Ohmi "ridlecotrol" knob near. the steering and other states w\ýherciin suci an act. whieel. This adjusts tlhe shiock' ab- is iIn force. tel]Inme that it is the inist sorbers to meet road or ýdrïv1ing Co etli-aonaans artive ditionis,, changing teniperatures or vse.and(liht as a..resiîlt of this-lawx, differences ini the weight of passcni- thievery has been. greatly re<luccdii gers. those states.' Thetrjînonsprngbrake dee1 Mr; Hayes agreed with Capt. Ziffnnîer. ope b Pckad o asen herer'Thie fornîer conînicnded Capt. Zininier end of the left front sping to the1 for efficiency iii recovering, stolen cýars, fraie lhas eliminated "shiimmy" and (Ia!d adde<l that a -Certificate ofý Title sterîn whel ~'hiJ)laNv v offl( serve to.prevent ini Illinois, _______ ____ asý it has in other states., a large r'e r- * Celitaîge oi thefts. -The cNationial Con feremice ou S'ý'treet. OT L andi Higliw'av Safcty. in d(raftiiig its i..niforni NVehicle code, a ni'odel state i tor vhîlelax \0hichlia11à 1been a(opte(l in whole or in part b%' 111a1V st'ates, also incorporated in it the Uni1- NO~ Ii SI1 RE foi ni, Motor' Vehicle Anti-Tlheft act, NORTM S ORE ý,.hicb is. iii effeet, a Certificate of Title iDdnL 1 act." declareèd Mr.,Hayes. ."If tlîe situ- CII V T . ation-a rraîits.h Cicago Mitor clul) ________nav seek the passage of stucli a law w'hen tie legislature meets i'i 1933." JL ~Capt.- Zimîner declaréd that, an aver- age of more Iliai. 100 cars Were being to a>Wproximbatelv 90 percent of then] eV .en7- M C, C', tuallv wvere recovered. Hofivever, miany i e recovured cars are strippe(l or ,recked. He urged miotorists- to lork the ni~ou*transmission and doors of \i~ cars wvheieever thev left theini even if for iin less tlhan a minute,, and to kcep thieir cars iii if>araLes. *o ,ftar aq ro c SA- Bob 'n' Mac Phdie lèt 721 MAIN ST. WILMETTE Phone M'il. 2600-2601 rnone w iimeiLiie .3-j-re