t.,ecùlted in colors. 'Thîis Io'rtrait is a reproduction of the fainots Colbert Sttîart Athenaeim pa.inting and willli e 22 Hiches IYy 28 iniches in size. Triti; poSter %vas select.ed after mutch study,I aiid isconsidered the finest anpi q)i- workof its kind. .jF l'le poster - picture's featur.ing George' Washington are' be in gd i!S t ribtited by Congressman Chýindloit iIl'Cooperation wîtli the IU.nited(I States Gecorge Washington Bicettei- iiial comimission of \Vashington. D. C.. --in order to stimiate the inter - est aniong.the thousands of sclhool cýlid(ren of the district in the coin - iliw. ine-miontlis' celebration of thec 1*\vo'ý Hundredth' anni.iversary of the birtit of thle Father of Otwr CoutrN." Colngressman'Chindfflomn is in coe - sItai it oncl with the activities ofý the U.îitedl States George Washinigton Bli- ceitenniial comhmission which wvas cre- ated 1w Congress to formutlate al cxecCtt plans for 'the great celebra- tion inl 1932. The Unite.d States'coin- flrsOlis placing great emipliasý-is mif the cool)cratioi 1 'of the school cliil- <reii.0f Alierica iii titis historic evenil. Iîis îoster-picture ini onc 1feaeture itat work. (I.'oîgressniàn, Clin.dbk>xnii also an - iimiiiced that lie vil gladlyasis the scliools, clubs, churches,. and fra- ternal and patriotic organizationsiri Ilis district in being ade.quately sui. plied with Iîlterature to be issuted, lix the t'nited States .George WasingiL- ji toni Bicenteninial commission and lic welconies re(luests for such miateriat. "ihe George \Vaslington Bicei-' tenniial celebration will hegin on Feli- j ruary 22, 1932 and last tititi I Thanks- gîvilig Day, 1932..- BgTen,,Leader.I's Gave Club Speaker,ý MaIà. John J, Griffith ,of\\'inîxietkaý, comnuiissionier of the Big. Ten 'con> fer-i ence, spoke at-a Meeting of the Gavel * clii),New Trier igli school lel>a ing orgaizatioti, last- Fridav' at h home. of - Betty Brigzlit. 422 l-'sscX' road. KeinilAworth.. Major Griffitî-i disciised' collegu atlietics. Ile. gave ]lis impressim I -,; *i , the late Knutte Rocknie, famnousj Notre Damie coach, aid of Rocklie',< ,,tccessor, 'IHuik" Aiidersoii . Il I. group, wîil sum uip a series o f iej meetings addrcssed 1w Prof. Frank-N.J M\cKihhenei, Prof. Samnuel Stevens. Nlr* Walter D. \Varrick., Prof. Kenneth. Coleg1ýrove. Dr. -J1ames-. NI. Yard, D r. Harris Franklin Hall, Dr. Horace G .Saithi, Mrs.- Warren 1). Sclireurs, and1, Dean Raipli B. Deimîis. His talk is thie first to he giveniw jNa studént. Mr. and Mrs. 4Frede ri . rosI iev, 602, Washington avenjue, enter- tained ite H. and WV. clubi> *ast. Monl- Iav-. Durng chily mand dsa weather you wiII ind: 21 Cab Service a, realq Rates by Meter, ýHour or Trip 24-HOUR SERVICE e e PATRONIZE OURAVRTSR ents, AIvr. andA ±irs.. . I * is, j1I ý Lake avenue. The George Dorniai fanmily, 117 Niîitii street,. and tic .Wiiiianî 1-fôlmies, 6Z2 Central . avenue, are spending ,Thanksgiving witlî ,friéend.s JOSEPH W. KEHOE, District Manager H. C. RE~YNOLDS, District Superintendent ,enfral Avenue Ph 's Heat with it THIS inter!,f In Most cases, your present furnace or bolier can b. -converted to gas simply by having a gas*burner installed in the firebox. This can b., don. In the. middle of. the heating season without serlous inconvenience to you. And Lione Wilrnette 5150