of at your ýP'UBL-IC S.E'RVICE ýSTORE Prices greatly reduced for -quIck CLEARANCE WIEL L-K NO WN 0M OR E R ANGE S Most of these popuflar gas ranges are 1931 modes-ali' o:,f them are modern in every respect. Porcelain-enamel finish in colora. Automatic oven teunperature.cofitroi. Roomy broller ovens. Ilendy utensil drawers. Prices, are slashed toclear our floors for Christmas. merchandise dis- pisys. Vour savlngs amount to more than $20'on every range. ADithe.. vas range* have pausési sfrlci per-~ formanwce tente En LIv.Public Service Company-le feo fnlu abewaf.a'y. Aitof Mthuare guaaeted. . strici H. C. 1141 Central Avenue ýtendent Phone Wilniette'5150