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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Nov 1931, p. 56

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LAJ(tI. - -i lovera -<of oine, Let Us Sing," "T' Wai'con Thete," "While t iiieth."., *Tlus Saiflit friends of-.the church a Isic are înivîted tu attei -AUnion T hank-sgivlng service will lie hled Thuirsday morning ut 10 :30 it St. ,kuguistiiie's, church. Dr. Jobjii G. H-ind- ley of 'the Congregational churcel i îll -The I'l.sy," a lhree-aet ectiedy, ivili be premetted Friday eveuiug,. Noventher 27, at 8 :15 by te Young Pleoplle's (le- partmtent. Tickets nîay lie puvitaised from.any nitmber ut the del).treto at the citurcilioffice. This churàcll cooperates ini tie sun- day Eîening lub Which îtîtets ln bhe Oongreëgatio)nal citurcit at 7 :30. l3arnuin Brownsns, explorer, and nobed authority on pre-histi-le ri;m inlaAmter- ical. will lecturie.o;n "Fifty 'MilliotnYvears Ago." The Il igh School I-aîgue ineels ,;unt- day eveniflg at 5 :30. The Fourt division ivcets i"iday, Novemiber 27, at 10 :30.at te hib'îne 4f Mrs. Cari Zipprich, 623 J"'mest avenue. Mrs. L. NV.. Jontes ivilil. i elt sitg The church s(htool wv.v'trmaining c lass nîcéts Mn:yevei.1ng ut 7:5. Next Sunday is the 1Irsi , ý,f tlit' four- Sundays it Advent. -Tht' pastor %villt preach a ser'mon ln keepinig %itiih t uttea-îtng (if thalt, seson lticii reallyis preparatory bo eCristnîas it.seif. 1i >uiimg these four Stzdays there ibîe c('iiit-. nias la sonig, pijt, ii 1 sevînn, anîd in The Christtilas - fait Of thle W'nu' Aid souietiY 10l' le htld-1tt - Wedlnesday, Thursa-tId Friday tfii mext weeki - Deeier 2, 3 and,4). -A grvat vamiety oft attrac-tive and iseful Chtristmnas gifla wiii lie found ln the va louis ot- china, crystal andiartt1.- doîl botllîs; household bootha ; glft liotlis : halîy bootit; candy booth; gî'al-bag .cts nietic boobli, etc~. There -%vli aiso lie 'ganties-, palinisbry, shuffle boaîrd, and uther iii terestlnig featur-e. - There iililibe two, frut. emtti,tiîî- nients con the eeig fD'eîe and 4. On Thiursday, Decee r 3, J)t- a one-aet play, "Twýýo Ccooks axida Ld, wlll lie pireil.tedi. for vhich a itotimi i admission. will lie clarg-ed. Théeliîîee leading char acters !lt tiis Play a re Dora . Purr(Ws, Janet- Bemstn, and Harry Kinine. A "Mc.ting Pot" wiili e an iitl 1etant featuce -of the faitr. Dontations tif tdd gold and ýsilverý are solicited, tiiîes-e toi lie brouight to t-he fait'. Donations wil includfe old wàteh cases, bracelets, rings, suivemr sptitiis, thltttbles, andmnty uther itemis. -There will aiso lie daii-y lunclîcomîs andt diniters ut ntodest urices.t ing holttc-s. af 12:30. IL . Kie lo,an dii lie the asý;ist- ,i wil lot- ste-rved- The leader-siip trýainl'îg ,cliooli ow »teets on Mottday evenjings aind wiilI do, so during the remainder- of the courseý. Our: motto 15, "Every chur-ch sho leader..ttaking forma I train ing every year," aiid-the present'course givê's the first, opportuni ly of tii yeair tg, expres these ivords in action. This is the week that ail Cubsis re to meet at the church playground. Th e orýgktiized dens wriJl begin.. thieir c-on- teStL to determine 'vhich group contains the most "Real Culis." The contest wvîll include 'such items as regular den meetings, test passing every iveek, rank standards equal 10 thé ages o-f lte boys, etc. everýy Culi is as.ked to 1aippero Sa-tùi-diy niorning,, Novemnler 28, for this important mieetýinj.ý Add filrst congregational ehlurches On Fidaliy, Decenier 4, thc ' Noth- west circe i îli îe.t it Ms. ai D. Lyon, 1504 Elntwood av-enue. 2 vs. Arthuî' S'ed(l'ni ili ite the;sisiî The liigh li (Itî'l dgepartnîemît invites$li chutrch .iiieiiiberslii p taid ail other's whtî> wishio ichave a goid lime b ag) tttendfla one-act payen]t.dI"abbitt's itos, onWdnsy evelinhg, Develnïber i- 7:45. Tihis promne f dlows 'the tchureh -hnighitdinner ;and l vill lie thei ehief Oietct4iiinnelt of tlhýev'veiltng. *T'i(- proceels (of the play iiili 1e t:ac.l tii assist Mr. and Mrs. Io>;(-pliD. ity:iti, %vorkers-iii the~ Boys' Court %vith itomeît less Negr'o boys. Thierewas a ieiry generousre-pîs ini connection with thle Thanlsgivuîm p'oieut 0f lte ichurcli scîtool. More pm'.4- vsions 1for %Viillette needy famnilles Wvelre broiught titis vear titan last. As s$bof as Mrs. No)rtitamr liasdiriud tbe fooud ajj( tagie -a recLord of the uciturc'ii School gif's, a4eprtwiii ,lie giveln iîcldmag hoîv hievamious kýi1d> of fi'od eri used. Ci. A ugustine's Sundaiy, Novemiber 29, ivili be Ad- vent Sunday, the beginnîng of- the Churc'h's- year. There wlll lie Holy Com- munion at 8 a., nî., Churcli sehool and Bible classes at 9 :45, and .Htîly C (t tmt- utunlon wit fi address at 11 o'clock.- The joint -Tlhtunksgiviimîg servietX of-lte different churches lunte village wifll le held: this year at .St. Atigustiît&s Thanksgiving, - Noventber. 26~, .at 0:30 a.: in, lasýting oneL hout'. 1ev. Johln IG. *- Hindley, ministet' of- tie Congr'g-at îonal' church, will preaci thtuestrnion, and the other utinisters of the village ivili take part. The offering -wil l e giveti to the Village- Xharities. On Tlianiksgiviiug iyomans clubD roomas Tenth street and C.reeénleýaf avenue James 'r.. eneklasen, mini!ster "Once to evcrv mian and nation cones the momeunt to dcd, said a poet. -Tht- moment 10 decide is1,4frauglit with great possiblities vhichever way the decision goes. Trhe ' opportunity, to decide for Christ an d the riglit iiili9iennx S'unday, ýwhen Decisioný Day ivili be observed. The Pastor ivilI sp)eak on -The Great Commîlmient." The.,service 'is at -il 'clock. %Ve iin%'ite, yoýu to worship. with us. The miusical l)rograin il. charge of Mi ss Erma Rounds, director, is as fol- l1ows: Prelude, "ýLargo" (Xerxes> Han- del; Offertory, -Lento A4ssai." (Op. 2', No. 6) Chopîin; Posýtlude, "Scherzo," Mendelssohn. Mr. Otis wiIl sling, "O (oýd ýHaý%-e M.%ercy" (St. Paýul),,by Mendel-s- solin and! "I }*tard the 'oice of je1is Say," Harrîss.- VThe Smnday sclîIool, lîncierthet lie<lre'- tion on lîalph L1ltfe, superintenden t, (,on- venes at t! :30 o'clock and thc'rt are classes for .aIl ages.- The Citri.stian, Endeavor society wl liteet with Paul Hosking, 818 Park a ve - nue,. Johni Brenner il lead and th"" topic- is -Wliere Are MLýissioniarles N'eud- ed in -This Tonty h Ne meeting is for al young Irteopl(e of iglhschool Iage. andl over. llorer,-ii sPéak at the Sunday Eve- ning..club at 7.:30 o'clocrk on "ifyMil- lion YtearsAg" Thie îastor's classes for tlio)se wiho art lieaigfor churchneuibersiiîîwi, ii Itteet o01, mesa at 4, 5, a ýd 7 offic.- e- 4h'tl 'reSsinilliliueet to receive Iliose'à -wisihing 10 j(oi the echureliton edes day eveîiing at 9 o'clock at the Woman's club- roomls. Ail thoso vvlio plan to- join ii confession of thieir f.iitli or by let- ters fromi other cîiturches are reiltested oto lie lresenit. -Tie, hratycr nîmeeting will blie-lield tnt 'ýVdeAdaN, eveéning at 8 o'clock a.t lte W'omin's lub oollis. The subject is: "Thé Authiority of the Holy Spirit." anà bhe refereuce *lit - 14w eSeriptures, is lu, Actsý 6 and 7. We ýInvite you to jt)in Ws !Il the devotîtîns and study off ti s proffitable hour. '1'he Coîtmmunioni serviee will lie field Sunday, mlormîngi Decetubler- 6e at il *&ek. New imembers NVill'bie -received at tliis service. A large group is ready. Deceinlier la15tîtere will lie a Christ- nias mnusical aind pageant given by -a group froin the Sunday scitool and g~uet* us uai Thanlcsgiving service will be htld at our ,ciurch. Inasmuch as this is a ia- tional holiday, proclaimied by 'MIr Presidlent, St. John's invites nlot ol its inembers, buit their guests as l. ini fzat al. who see t'his notice or Itoar of it, to attend this service of thianks. H1e who is gratêeful, every day for the bloessings of. God upon hinm and >hkif country Wiil be ,the last to mis.,;a Tliaiiksgiving service of'this kindl. The ot Shore Lutheran Sund(a3y Sciîool Teachers' institute which -begait in.,October now has an enroliment of 7inembers. Its meetings are held every Friday evening ,at 8' at Redeenier Lutheran church, Central and Mc(-»overii streetsHglndPr.V isitors ari ai ~ys weicomie. Tite second semester .will begin on Firidlay,,December 11,. On Sun- day evening December 13, a spé-cial serv ice ivilil be held at St. JohWn5 li its interest, at which certiticates wilj b, amvarded to ail those wviî' have slt s ,factortily Vompleted the first seni'sîe(r. Nxt Sunday wvill bce the beginning -I* the new ciîurch year. Thepatr (leliver a seies of four Advent sermîpi.îi ini teSunday ntorning services pru.'-il- Kenilworth Union iCcnilirh avt.nuie apdWaweki' J lv. }ferbert L. WViliett, miini.si Dr. let' subje<4't for îu'tSim daiY, No\vinbür 19 ,wiil f ho 1 *A r.1 (î't'Ick. "Last 'vetek ,ait liv ' mA Ou TIhanksgiving service food., waîs iî by *the chîldren. for the nee dy >f;,nili. in ..tiie neigliboring, terrîtorv 't tla nort4i shore. The provisions wdre- ' : (.d itii(!-,distri buted dthe v'v enough l)stketsfor twelve faînhilit's a!1i two( crts v anned goods anti xv pnimpkinis for "The Little Wneos The \Vo11el's Guild meeUt aelîin daty morning at ten o'clocl<.. The i, of te eongregation and the -v illugi, ;ir invite~d t-o corne and participtittii Zli- sowing of gairnents and otiier saries foi' the children and aduit, liu iti publie ntiu 'sand. hon.'s 'Y Ili t'iil ae . i;un eo will b'. s(-i é- at 1f2 :30. .PAINTING ON EXHIBIT Miss Alice Mae Jackson,.101? lm Wvood avenue, lias'onie of bér ou l)aint- inigs, "*Three Yellows" in an cxlîibi- tion of paintings. bv the AlIlîo' Society Of' Fine Arts, whicli is hing shoïm n l the galleries of the Steveni hiotel.'The painting is a stili luie ar- rangement in yellow. The exhibit li; to he on for about a month. ON DENISONIAN STAFF Miss Beth Brower, 720 Fiftb street, Wihmette, bias been added to the enrLwe i soe rou wulanaear- "'~~& ~--andu Jvrs. tArthur C. ±lamnîond, 5-f ranugements through the chureh- office - Wednesday at 4--Classes for voh llireni Gregory avenue. wlth the respective, leader. It wîtî màke Monday, Novemnber 30, being St- Thursday at 2-Ladies' Ai-and ' Mis- the religious- lite, more vital antd in- Andrew's day, there will lie Holy Coni- slonary- terestlng for them if sonething is en- munion at St. Autgustine'.s at 8 a.1-iM. Thursday- at 7:45-Senior Young Peolile The Clifford Ives farnily, 163() Joy, durng he Nek a wel ason - va- Frlday at 7 :45-Junior 'Young Peopl- Washington avenue, will -spenld Suoys. ulgliewe s ela n The annual parlsh can aaWlli -be - Saturday at 9-Classes for children ' siving with made next Sunday afternoî. eas îaîn.sivn Wt vrs.. Ives' par- Barnum Brown, scientlst, explorer and conîposed of forty laymen will can- On ý-Sunday aflernoon next at - â:30 e3its, Mr4 and ýMrs, A. C. Aibin of -hoted axthotity on prehlstorlc man lunî-aqs ail who are In 'auy fway connected o'cick lte, Clîlcago Bach chorus. W1,11.1nTI.

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