t 'j v T proceeds of wnîch went to local ciîari- 1 ilu 'uppjy i**il cb*fl'ur-At iroi i aKj ties. or from :Evanston. Now as to thle 'l' lie comiedy opened %with J.oseph cs otacaes F. lintz1 ostme asth clqunt Page 23--Wilnîete 1>11lt-ed, i 'isui n"ri E. Sant co~ume asthe loqent50636,700 cuble fec-t-$109,747.73. - Paid Mîarie Dressièr, who lheld open biotse i tvanston. and ail expenses-$68,622.2).. ini *'her" living rooxui in Hollywood. Profit to Wliiette-$41,125.4*. The celebrities .who called on1 Marie Kiges 3-2 at lier Hollywood mianisîtiniincltded HRighlaËnd Park billed 95,288,200 cu. bie feet-$164,609.35. Their cost over ail PolI Moan, egg Joye, ISS Til -.38,204.25., Profit-$26,405.25. nmette, Aimee McPherson, TIexas I believe- that no other to wn on the Guian, Helen Wîs and, Gikia Gr y- north shore is as well off as we are. AIt veradored ii sch xtraaga t sing the. sanie ratio as abôvé, if costuines. that the audience was.K-e)t- Wilmette had, sold as'imueh as Highland in luproarious aughter,. The inarcelled Park-95,288,200 cublc feet, 88% more, wigs and Mar y. Pickford curîs,. andi the profit would have been-t $77,3 15.00 and rock somehowinstead of $41,125. the~~I 1etesi were running a business withot <idnit correspond With the broad -.i.pital, purchased niy supplies and ,Srides anid-brawnyv feature% of the incurred expenses -ail tolti of $68,e)22.29,1 individuials who wore the. ciuris ai j ,îd nîy produet for $10M,747.Î3, nak- îng a, profit of 60%, $41,125.44, lacy frocks. Wouid I ftot be foolisiî to go Pla Wll ou into debt for........... $600.600 PIayWe- Don..................... %.........30,000' T'his prolog or introdutctio>n * as E ntes f.....357 iollowed by, the' play. which wvas .!lot l)epreciation of ..............t,0 a str ong piece ni, reference. to plot, Total (see pages 28-29)....68,572 hut wvhich wa's verv well (lone 1w hie And stili owe........ 1........... 6000,00. actors. T he. music andi danicing -wtere Now asto titis saving that is taiketi spedi.about: If 1I know ,banikers, andi I Themilta3' av<lace thiuik 1(Io an>' bonds that they buy.iii as' fine as. any professional performn- anc. Te pot f te pav îa< ~these troub1esomne tirnies -wili be doce iThhe slteai of e facertan st guardeti with every known safety, dowih h foobal ls gof taecvertin s ut-These certificates, as the\, are called, oifoteaal classic thetveclng cha as we cannot issue. bonds., il be forck eannuSanhope scole1s Acaegu aranteeti by our Water receipts and. ofl msan iehtiy e loei. Aasei Ithis $41,125 profit is a part of our re- th- inni ng plav was rigvlîtfull. red ceipts, and is likely to be enîpounded th e innng Iayý.ws, igltftllrel i a reserve to pay tlie c ertificates: as storeti to its owifter. M'.-B. Rinisoti they lu due andi thée result will be g1aVe a1 splendid performiance as \VilIie tîîat wîîile our licirs mnavý get the B3.1 Green, the proverbial green fresît- ibenlefit l ot ier ence, wve that mian at Chadwick college. Mfiss Mfary ýare livin éétdv %illaeor Bell diti equally well as Tmy axes ringee toda, w$a4eou raiseaxe$1.125. coed. M.\aggie, a.scrulb girl. \vas play - Lack o.f water: Thiere lias tiever ed to perfection 'by Miss Jessie .Rob - I ben a tiié that the Evanston plant inson. The~ others ini the castic. was mot. large enouglh to supply our took w.ell thieir. individual roles wcere needs but our distribution sy-%ýtein 1E. G. Petry as Gihb, a student; ';Mfr.s. %vas at faimt, Evanston will bring ail A. F. Biser, Miss Masher, the dean o"f the water tQ our border that %ve o f womien ; E. C. Cazel, E.ddie, thec will buy andi it is not riglit to con- football coach; N. A. SchaIl, 1) a uetequestionilof suipplyvith dis- Ratties, the dean of men; A. C. Pear- tribution. son, Jr., -Horace Feathers, an upper I cannot close theçseý reniarks with- C ;lassinap; Miss Sulsanl Mick, Lena.,. a out, referring to our I)resent condition1 coed; Joseph . Steffens, a policemnan andi why we are whcere we are. We il.- A. Goulti, Jr., Hector, the janitor have borrow~ed nioney ini every way Aider Tiglie, Hector's first brother; possible andi now the tinîe lias conte- Roger . jenness, 1-ector's' second to pay Up.t brother; R. M. Burns, Bill, a stit- ,Warrants hiave beeni issuict by our dent; E. R. Aldrich, Umipty. a foot- schools to raise mionev to pay theî bail player'; andi Mrs. Johin W'ood- teachers. beati, Miss Van W,\inkle, a mlleinhrcl Warrants -have beeti issucd by- the of the faculty. . Village' to rais~e oney to pay thec Dark Hall No .Bother police. *mention shoulti be matie o.f the un-' Blue w,,rranits andi other colorcd inritinp rcueneonthe second ,varrants hiave been ismeifor other knlown, tolti jokes, danced, played the1 merce. Dr. Chiarles A~. n<îrev was vvasnîington avenue, enterîtaned a l saxophone andi sang tintit the Public chairman of arrangements., A. D. AI- few, frientis at dinner anti bridge.Fri- Mr. anti Mrs. Edigar A. Feller. Service company hati got the lights briglit, ticket chairman, was assisted day evening, November 20.' . 1514 Centrai avenue, entertaineti at ini working order. The very fine five .by E. Von Glabui, D. E. Allen, Jr., antid--0- a diiner bridge on November 19, in piece orchestra. that play et during Mrs. Harry E.> Smoot. Tbe lighting. The Benjamin F. M.\cXauglitoi, h onor of the birthtiay of Mrs. Feller's the performance' was, composeti of effects were providedti troughi the 1411 Maple avenue, %vili pass the mother, 'Mrs. Agnles Cochran, wlho is irs. N. S..Akeiy, painist;, Fred 'aid-. courtesy of J. C. Higgins of the Midi- Thaiiksgiviiig, holidavs with frientis ,pnii h itrwt e ag lier, saxophone; LlewellynBoi enwest EËlectrical .Displav cnialy nJoliet, I11. .'ter,, - . ~- - --1---een appearing n thi us lctin Mrs.Pau H. avi ofKeniworlî We went to the Gare De L'Est andi wilI have as bier guest during the got into eur sieeper after getting our Thanksgiving hoiidays, Miss Aizada Lrumîks checketi. We never dii so nuch P. Comstock, professor of economnics tlppiIfg before. Our sleeping quarters were the- niost compact andi cozy 'youý andi sociology at Mount liolyoke col- -ver ;saw. The bed was a double deeker, lege.. Miss' Conîstock will speak 'at which fltted Intoa seat In the day. timeé. sevéral sessions of the conferenice at in one- corner dihere was a wash bastin th.e Stevens hotel of the Aniericai i hich b)eanie a. table when the cover. Sh'was lowered; it had hot andi cold water. Society of University Professors. Sh td above wa a cabinet wlth à nmir- is mhucli initerested in the Russiai ex- I .«r, giasses, diinking water'anti toweis. perirnentanti bas.written rnany aut- -There was a radilator with a bulit- thoritative . articles, on the Fiveé-vear lit ash tr.,y, and the steain could be urned (ni to ail degrees. One coulti Plan which hiave apl)eared. during the open eiUher the windom, or thé ventila- past year in important ecotiomnc toi, coneeaild In the roof. E ach bed journals, sucli as Barron's, Interna- had a reading lanmp, anti there were tionl Dges ant geera nîaazie~ lso extra liamps in the comlartinent. Diget an gênra agaznesThere wýere extra biankets,, and alarni, such as Review of Reviews anti Cur- belis andi huzzers to eaul the cnutr rent History. She gathereti lier facts anti extra pilloWs anti rack.m, and hani- first hand andi was one of, the few i'n'eks andi coat racki, andi an up- hoîstereti latider for the upper berth, persons admnitteti by the ofhcials to anda' waie retceptabie, anti 1 don1I studv conditions in' Soviet. Russia. kntbw what t-Ime. Sihebas rittn coentl, aio, o the (tîlidueater ti.eakN s3 Lmgae :,She hs wittn ogetl, asô,of th .The ,od-ti-whtokurpa- finaniciai situation.iii this Country and sr onutr hotkou.as prsanti waltet if nus spo.kethree abroati. Miss Çornstock anti MNrs. lnugs and we 'kèpt jumbiing Davis were schco-nates at Montère i i Egliqh anti Germian together HolVlke. hlcter -skelter, îlot knowing which the Holyoe. Iotiier -spoke best. We go,~ dresseti two hours before 'wa were due' i rik BoysCom ete or obs fort anti looket out of the window. Boys iip~L~ fr Jobs L4)comoi%-e. minle ii al shajies anld sie;our.s was 10w and speedy-Iooking. As Gym lass L ad--rsAi'.o fteiWlht vars anti passenger carsý Eighty, Kenilworth boy participa t- h av\e greât variety. Sonie look. like toy> éd ii te lades' ryots elt lat Iti.ins: <thers have two. stories, anti éd ii thé eader' trvuts, èld lst ill others Iok exactlyIlike plctUres. in Friday higlit anti Saiurday 11noring1 the Nonrense-iBook. Soîie f the frelht for the purpose of choosing assist- cars hati TrIer' <on theni. anits to help Rbr . one, "WNe have niow- been in five lands- atheti diectr t te Jsep Sers('anada, the 1V., A., Fran-e. Germnan>- athlticdiretto atthe oseh S an i the Saar basin. It seemeti that school, conduct' the Mi\oida%, ani ,?îvery îi a large hili behind It WVedniesday' afterlîoon 1gyînn1asium î ith a. tower or castle on Lehe top of ItL clases or oysat te shoo. . The custonis camne ini to investigate our classetrieor ootsfr'tte schol sitcase", but ail they asked us vas , The boys who ti u fr tewietîer %v e hati any cognac, ine, leaders' positions' in the second class, -igars, cigarettes, matches, or souvenirs. coxnposed of boys tei aand eleven We were flot suire whether we hati year oli, tayti oer igh luthewhat woulti he calieti souvenirs, so 'Mhe yearsoldstayd ovr iight li te ian asked tu' se (pur aultcases.1 school gynasiumi Friday might. MIr. bîought tiown mine; he openeti it, lifted Townlley reports. T.his was a liew ex-,.,[e corlier Pi a pati of paper, and see- perience for the-boys. 'iiig itothiiig suispiclousý, tecideti that we On Saturday about fortv boys > ia(jtitio souvenirs, andi went on." tO'TeTraveler Ras Ticket' Trouble stayed throuighou.t the afterno01 o ' T l:bys i a great time in Frank- hear the radio report on the Notre fort, for Paul .Gilbert, who was taking Dame-Southertn Californiia footbàj all of finances rtbat week, lost fis game Th boy piked eam ofticket to Badi Nauheîi, their first stop game Thebovs. piked eain of for a- visit with relatives, ati had a their owli to reï)resent.,the two uni- îiectie tinfr.FlIe bought another, fount versities, anti after the garni.e was overth frtni a togthsnoe the losers wvere requireti to ruti the bacnk for 'the. second., They mismeti their with heiroppoentstrain, but Z-ot an express sÔon after, gautltet, wt hi poinsswing- andi rea0heti Bat Nauhein,where the3y ing patitles..' reiet a inost cordial welconie. ' Con- tinuing !.- their own story: -~ - '"Our lirst illipressIons were 100 'uer-,