AjI conmi narne. .and ad lcation must insure appear Re.qolutiana a ries., -nlotices 'where -an. adi charged at.,il ions mnust be accompanied by the sof the writer. Articles for pub- h the editor by Tuesday maon ta i current issue. condolence, cards of thanks, obitu- entertainmients or other affaire mrce charge fs published, wiIl be r 'adyenising rates. Grade Sepatation WiUl Save, Lif e Leta Hasten the DagI are -wllin g to receive sornethi ng for nothing wvill steadily decrease,; and that the nimber of good citizen.s vviIl steadily increase. We have nio lhopesaboult thë.eàaher. Hopes' for the weather are completel'y wlasted. '«e do, however, hope that. the amnount of health, an(l happiniess per capita wîill m-ax and- that"thie ainint of. sickness andinîiserv ill illae. '«e hope epecially that 1932 ~iIb h lnu soieverv fewv cases persist.ence Iest Vear. vou've'.ever had! doesn't -win. \itniess Br"a' mnanv t- teinplts to 1w i)resi<lent. BRuti tfie vàst O l"ashgh'v$ -imaiîî var e ýtaggering majoritvÇAof c-seýs jersist- a]lon mîder heavy biurdens.: Thev have PrIStec ence. certamlv. dOcs in thé righit .of Nvaa. Ail others .Should give Wisn$ 'Ne c(Auld cite fromn histo ry -aV before these burden- ni any exanîpes, ofHe sbct the he arers. Step to one side. value of J)ersistence or *stick-tuitivenes. " Brdn ake their patlis as freeàs'., a -rather nupleaisant. b)ut somieNhat pIc- possible frbïii obstruction. turçsqu terni. Hlannibal, julils Caesar, Thie blind. the deaf. those physicaliv de- Napo-lefon. aliiîost al great îihltaryv leîIlersý lective, should be given spécial consider- Nere 1 -riigv- -iset tinb'those lvhIo are souind iii hodv*and In noderl î i l on cnw and fthen ruins limb. Chinhotll(l take note of the across persistent peî-ple. -Ojje-o-fl-the îost buirdens NNhiichi their parents are carrving. tenaciois ý -certa- .in Ru d c h Sikes ~<o-aidact acc,ordin~iv-\.ltesan oh onl\v a few daYS 1ao'l chased a. oi1tllfil 111 thèse davs are carrving treinendous driver and is truck all l -te av- 'from 1 urdens. Inii noslt cases thie -e- asking XM'esterui avenue and Iv gPark bouc)lle- for no liell from thleir children. Bûit we- yard. Chicago, to. Park atid Verniolnave- do contend that thii- chîl(lrein should open uuii-s ic o. vhere Ille Chase eliIe.d suC- their eves. note the heavy Iburdens,-, and be cessfivIN. ulntisuiallv considerate.- *Persistencv iipI-ies theic eting and overcolning of obstacles. Hialnibalà e and overcamne <or. camne over thieAl. Caésar conquered powerf nI- ahtagonlists. Sikes alsonmet and ýovercamie. Tevuh fuI truck (river i-anitito .-Sikes' car at Xestern. aiîd 1Jrviiug.iPàrk -boulevard. ,At Sheridan atid Devon ýSik-es explained the situlation to a traffic Icop. iiv to'be re)uked for obstructinig traffic. -Thliis'rebutff Nw'Oùld have l)een eeuouigh to discourage any oxdii- ai-y lurstter, but Sikes xv'as flot ordi»arNv.. on. In F >xî a. Stop a momient. son or daughter, see the great burdens borne by vour fathers aýn'd mothers. Decrease vour deman.ds. Increase 'cour thoughiftulless. '«ilme' tte lbas been .offered the uise ofý a vacant lot ini No:Malu's, Land for dunip- ingI purposes. \XVe sippose that whoever owvns the lot desires:to have it fUlled free of cost, A worthiv desire. but we can't heig feeling that the pfer hias a catch, in it somnewhere. or- that the village,- won 't To t/he lonclrvmaun, 7ch o z'atches, 14/"hile haired and zirinzkled face, lî's another tuee they're lighting, lu. inother fuar-off place. Through the' trinkets and t/he, tinsci, Ses a7nother Christmas.night. Butt the; other tree is ýflickerig IVith a inellow canidie ight. As he liurits his iheatl aay. The face-that silcs be/arc him,-- 0f aitother. Chrisçtyiis. day. The /tollied 7wreathsand garlands, Proclaini a banquet. rare. T.' tt eienilnait Of cightv, 1! is jttstit nem,u chair. To i/te youte iîeralion, Its -a gathcring 'round the tree, To the z'eterat Of Christ-mas,, It as jit.lst àa meptry. --.St. Johnt Eiker. YA WOHIL! Dcar 'Mike: At the ugetO f a ml-utual friend 1 arn àdiecting to vOu a hiolidlay greeting wvhich wvas' received f roni a fello\\ Pelnusylvania Duitchinanl (original with himi CGemuetlicikeit-Gesundlieit' Froéliche \\Vinacteul-Glucklicbies Nettes Yahr \'7e'ff lad cder had in Dirty-one, Ud it s. been tough. dot's truc, - But let's forget und lbaff der furt, Next Y eail- be Dirty-two! - So. for lnreitsI hope der best- Eroin liard tuines dot vIoure -fr e Der necxt twvelf ntnd ts viii he der te st, ud den cornes DirtX-tree, Un)d so, vy vorry? -M. W. R.,Wim11çnt te. \Vopthful] Frances is auithor of the suggestion -for a New Yýear'.s T ree to providL .a sort of runuju*ig- mate for the t'rad itionial'Ytie tree. à"After ive 1ve dccided what'kjud of tree to select." sczz-she, tlie,rest'Il be easy. 'For triimiug-s we'1I just use a lot ,of ealeuidars.", 'Which - reiinds uÈ that 1932 caIendars. appear to he a rather scarce article this se asoni. No, thanks, wve have plenty. The depressiou (or is it a panic?)lbas- provided a perfect. alibi for - those who 'fell sbbrt -lu the an- nuai exchange -of greeting cards.- -Well,- well, and. now for January, çhillest and priate. One day *,when it is lu order to Ho es Gi'thestop Nvork and enigage .Hops fo thefor a brie f moment iii New Year soniething like yearning.- Wherever the Gregoriari e' 'ar deterinines dates, J.anuary First, lion at 1L.daKe andu biieridan in.wîlmette, Mwe feel peculiarly happy. And why? *fust becaus'e of thos'e intelligent stop-and-gço Iights, whièh operate only when somebody really is waiting to go cast or west. These lights must please manyt other motprists. Certainly they're Worth the extra *price. R -MIQUE.,