Our poit 4 4 "O0nce1 upon 'a time"9 a man' dissatisfied with his. lot decided to seek his fortune else. where. Uc sold bis farm and started for foreign lands. Wherever he wandered success eluded him. Finally he returned home to find that the buyer of bis property had discovered diamonds ... acres of them ... on the land he had owned. 92Many Chicago manufacturers are like that. They place their advertising in ail sorts of media. They seek sales in unresponsive territories. They waste their efforts "in foreign lands." Why flot try at home first?, 4QIn the territory served by the Chicago Subtjr. ban Quality Group are ."dimonds" ... yours for the digging. Your advertising message in the eight publications of. the' Chicago Suburban Quality Group will start digging NOW! It will reach 221,000 Suburban Residents . a quality audience ~with money to spend and willing to SPEND IT. This field represents the CREAM of the Chi. cago. Market. A I 1 the facts indicate WEALTHR . wealth indicates BUY- i. ING POWER! Distance m a y - end encbantment to the view * but when RESULTS are of the utmost im- *p o rt ace why, riot work this Réawh This R.ichkMrket Through the HI C G0-->S USBU.RAN QUA LITY GRO U P - L4AKE F0RESTER~~ MAYWOOD HERAL~D Chicago Office 1016-17-18 Willoughby Tower Phone Central 33,55