Absôlutely freasure-trovel You'Il find if bard to believe that nou mneyca $0. much in-'these -end-of-lh -ersles! FOUNDATION GARMENTS-1 2 and- l4-inch girdIesý of satin adbo cades. sizes,28 tlo 36. Corsetetftes of crepe de chine or. brocad.. $1.50 and $5 values. In the Corset Secfio--LORDS ý-Serond Floor THREE-PIECEKNITTED SUITS-So, useful -for,, doytime Wear in or- out of the bouse. Knited twoeed mi xturesý and plain colors in whalebone stripes'. Formerly $1 6.50. 1Pj the S'ortszP.4ear Secion-LORD'S-S,ecoud Floor GIRLS' JUMPER. DRESSES 0F WOOL CREPE, jersey or volvet, witb pique or silk blouses. Broken suzes. Values fo $8.95.. GIRLS' beaver s3.so TALLY-HO COAT. AND HAT SETS in tan- and green'with' trimming. Warmnly inpd with smoàrt kasha. Wore $1 6.50. GIRLS' WINTER COATS of novelty tweeds, in brown and tan mnix- $ > ~ O tures. Raccoon collars. Sizes 12 and 16 only, Were $29.50. 1#1 the Childrenxs Roo#M-IORD'S--Second Flooi, BOYS' LEATHER. COATS of genuine horsehide, lin.d with plaid wooî. Big Wambino collar, full beIt. Sizes 8 to 18 years. NAVY BLUE CHINCHILLA COATS in sizes 3, 4. 5 and 6. AliIwool with a plaid lining, brass buttons, chevrons on steeves. BOYS' ALL-WOOL SHAKER SWEATERS, slip-ovoir style with coîlar. In red, maroon, and navy. Sizes 26, 20. 30. Big values. In the Boys? Sectio-LORD'S--First Flboor s7.95 SJ7.95 $3-95 *1~ G Furniture prices are amazingly reducedl This is the right lime to add l'o your house furnishings- beautiful pieces ai Iow prives. LVAN~T 0F IFUNTAIN SQUARE, EVANSTON WILMETTE 3700 ~.2 iUVNINN $20,74