it also taught valuable lessons.. Let us face 1 9 32 with renewed humility and f aith. To ail our friends we wish a happy and pros- perous new year. Our'Mortuary is Equipped witb a Pipe Organ '~UNDERTAKE1Z "The House of Personci ervice" l11,8. GREENLEAF> AVE. WILMETTE 654 5 5 4 CENTER ST, WINNETKA 404 The Oldest Establisbed Undertakers on the Immediate.Nortb hôboe Superior Ambulance Service Licensed Lady Assistant Iealth anid C.nIkfertI COAL t hat burns'slowly, and even iy and maintains a uniform tempera- turc is essential toa comfortable. ho'me. Use our coal once and you wilI neyer accept any other. Whate-ver 'the' weather, our trucks wilI deliver prompt- ]y the kind of coal you prefer. GOL: HEA T COSTS LESS! ..Wîinet<e COal--& Material Y ard 1301 Lake Avenue Phone Wilmette 4200 Co* SALES- SERVICE 435 Min reetWilmeft, 955 t h -Protect -yourself by knowingyour dealer. 435 Main Street,