j SýUITS 'I ERCQ,) For' Men enud Young Men- LT4 Prim. on ueaily Fine Clothlng hit new low levels in this Sensationol Sale event. Thousands of Americo'. d,.icest Suits and Overcoats ore includd. It ikmo opposaP tunity for saving which we believe is ungoroiIeIed. SUISNW.t.dsu. S@Ud front $40 to $50. Th. MaIrty With Two Trou- sers. Super Quolity Uninse OVEftCOATS-lh.t S@td front. $40 ta $50 -M.I- tous, Chinchillas, B.udlés, Tweeds nd Mxure... Oe. Coots and Street Ulstevs v NENRY SONiS Ou'ring$on and Church-EVANSTQN-Phone Whn.ka 0 188 (No Toli Charge) OThe Kwh. 193