,M uch Greater Savngs on our LINGERIE AND CORSET VALUES (Nearrcrh ostume slip trirnrnei top and bot tom with ecru Alencon tp lace:. bias eut.525 .<Below) Nigrtgtou- of French ýfinish .crep e de ýchIîne: Lias eut: hem- stitching and Alencon type, lace $2.95. Facile ali-in-one fouindation garment for thie averaz e csiender figure. lI rported ,igiured batiste; uplift lace bust . . . . $7.50 N. (Far right) Tailored cos- ture sipof French finishi cr e e ecie ntearose an dj jite $ 2.95 -i f.' 'I ~- -- Thirvi Fk>~>r JANUARY SALES, For CHILDREN Wash Dresses,Suts andInfa>n ts' Underwear Pa'azownr of crepe or -,atin. triirnzned with lace. I sizes; 12. Il and 16: tteanoSe or pik Ill, BoNv< Suits of 3 to 8: port miodel wasli TýlOR E MARS HALL FIEL '4 f k J.. I V j I I<-~'-