r Metropolitan area by the year îy9jj- fascinaied ttbe large audience at the \ Wilmtette Cbarnber of Commerce' *meeting iii tbe WVilmette Masonic temple 011 Monday night of this Thé speaker wvas ,Robert Kingery of WVinietkca. sccretary of thé Chi- cago 'Reg -ional Pla ning associationi, and bis topie was "TheNorth, Shore and Its Future Developmnent." 'Éle orbShore Iregion of the ljaoMetropolitan area bfas beeni designated. as that shore, lne terri- tory f rom Evanston toé Waukegan. lfr. Kinfgery indicated.: By 1960 the population of tbe North shore region wvill bave grown from the .present 100,000 to 400,00, it is predicted. Traffie Probleni Paramnounut North shore villages and cities to Wauk *egan and beyond are faced witb agrowing demand for relief of traffic on Sheridan. road. .Provision has been made for theby.-pass highways west of these north sbore comimuni- ties, but tbe Regional Planning as- sociation and otiier agencies forse a lake sbore park and drive. Evans-, ton has comnpleted and adopted its. lake shore park plan wîtb an outter drive. incorporated init Winynetka is already studying the s.-ame, solution, and the.. Regional Planiniig comimission is bringing the inatter to tbe attention of 'other 11nuni1cipalities so tbey miay work out, 'their own plan jointly iii advance of the actual construction,> Mr. Kin'gery stated. The principle b)einig followed by th Chicago Regional Planning asso- ciationi is that through traffic is to Ihc away fromn the resîdential area, said Mfr. Kingery. How Care for Population? For more thani six years tbe Chi- rago Regional Planning Association lias Icooperated with the cities and 'v~illages ini stud)yiig the facts of pop- ulation .growth. in the Cbicago. met- p ropolitan area, comprising fifteen counties-inie,, in Illinois, threc in * Indiania and three'-in Micigan-and h aving à, total populationi of more thiai 5,000,000. cxpected to swell to 9.00000bv'thc y~ear 1960. present. 'l'be Seventh distr.ict party for men in bospitals was beld Wednesday, December 30, at botb .North Chicago and. Great Lakes. Wiltnette Post wishes to tbank W. S. Shepherd and bis group of player s for ýtheir part in, these two shows.,His cast. also included tbree- Post members: H. Hopp, F. Lippen, and W. F. Bollm- ger. Evanston Post's, Germnan baud, made.a big bit, as did Trowell Post's quartette. The othe r posts of the dis- trict put on several radio stars, iu- cluding AI and Pete and' the -Barn Dancers of WLS, Verna Burke of W'Mý,AQ, jack Higgfins, WBJ3M, and Herr Louie and the Weasel, WGN. The Auxiliari es gave the bospital pa- tients cookies,. Wilmette unit alone furnisbing 1800. District Commander Hawkins of Wilmette Post intro- duced ýthe shows. Annowwce Exhibit of Antique Oriental Rugs S. K. Jorjorian. bead' of the rug departmnent at Lord's, and well kîrown as an authority on oriental rugs. will give an exhib)ition nio antique orientaIs at the Shawnce Country club> janu-. arv 9. at 8 o'cîock- At the saine tinie M\Ir. Jorjoriani will lecture on. the fas- cinating subject. "The Romnance of a Passing Art."' a discussion oi the e svyni- bolic nieaning of the patteruis inori- entais. He will illustrate his t.alk .by referriug 10 the actual rug., initbe exhibit. M[r. jorjorian is vvell fiia'ififed to give an îuiterestiing lecture oni this, su ject. He -vas borninl Arienia and lias niade a lufe studyv of the art nf the synl>olic patternis ini oriental rugs. Thi-s exhibit anid lecture,. heîd u11- der, the auspices. of, the Shawnee Country club art conmmittee. of which Mfrs., Charles H.I)ennis îs chairruan, xvill be open ho ail art lovérs. ENGAGED M r. anid Mrs. Dudley Crafts \Val- son Of Ravinia announice the engage- R~ushes," the second of a series of college stories, is by- Harlan's brother, Darreli. Botb boys attended New Trier Higb scbooi, and Darreli is a' grad- uate -of Nortbwestern' university. There is also another brother,, Leon, wbo lives in Cailfornia,- and who 15' claimed by his brothers as the real writer of tbe famùily, but who tears up everything be writes. However, it wiil not be long, probabiy, before another W~are will appear ini the lit- erary, lîmeligbt. Open St. Jude Novena on Sunday, January 10 The Dointicani missionaries, tbe Rev. George P. Neitzey, of Cbicago, and the Rev. Gerald P. Corbett, of Columbus, Obio, will conduct the January soiemn 'Public novena in bonor of St. jude, "Helper'in Difficult Cases," at tbe Shrinýe' of S t. Jude in charge of the Doniinican Fatbers on l9th street and South Ashland ave- nue, Chicago." Ouring these n'ine days of prayer starting January 10, there will be public services daily, at 10 A. M. 3 P. 'M., 6:30 P., .1., and 8 P. M. The closing exercises on January 18 will be in cbarge of the gev, William. A. 'Marchant. Ray Zahers Entertain on New Year's Eve Mr. and Mrs. Ray Zaher, 857 Mich- igan avenue, gave a New Year's eve parti' for tbirty-six guiests. The whoie house was decorated like an oid fas'ioned 'saloon. A hurdy-gurdy provided the mnusic for dancing, and a' rnidnight supper wvas served. The guests' included \Ir. and Nirs. Horace. Gregnopi.: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schiuster, Mr. aiid N.rs.*'Thomnas Mc- Gprk, NIr;, and M rs. N', Carmen' of I)eerfield. Marty Fay.11r. and M\rs. N. S. Baker,, M1iss Elsie Cole, "Gene, Chuck, and Ray" 'of WENR, Mr.-and Mrs..Nlarkc Fisher of, WIBO, and .Mtr. and NIrs. Isador Xolfson. W. C. T. U. MEETING MNrs. Chiaries Aspenwall of 1195 The heavyweigbt basketball teami wbich opened 'the Suburban league. scason by defeating Oak Park, last year's champion, 27 to 26, hopes to do as well or better against- Proviso Friday night of this week on the. N~ew Trier court. The lightweigbt teamwill be seen in a pireliminary, game with.the Proviso ponies. The New Trier heavies continued their practice duiring tbe .Cbristmas.vaca- tion by engaging i the holiday bas- ketball tournament at the University of Chicago. They were eliminated in the second round by Crane Tech.* The New Trier'swimmers have two meets scbeduled for this week-end. They; will open their Suburban league season Friday at Oak- Park. Saturday afternoon Scburz High. scbool. of Chicago wili corne to the New Trier natatoflim. Last year Oak Park's senior. swim- ming team won the Suburban league championship,» while, New Trier's, junior team did the samne in their section. The clash between the two schools' this Frisday is expected to resuit in close scores. Baptist Women Give Italiafis Yule Party A Christniias party for some of the Italian mothers and cbildren of Wil- mette was given on December 29, by the Christian Aniericanization coin- mittee of tbe Baptist Woman'sso8- ciety, at the bomne' of Miss' Annie S. Beach, 1114 Ashiand avenue.. After an afternoon of gantes and moving pictures, refreshinents were served. 'Suddenly Santa Claus was discovered on the porch by moie of the children, wbo enticed the oId gentleman into tbe biouse wbere lie distributed bis entire pack, a littie gift for each of thîe mothe rs to wbom the Baptist wvomen teacb Englisb week by week,' as Meil as to each of. their cbildren. In' the excitement of a shower of candy canies, Santa-'Claus disappeared and the jolly afternoon came to an end. pects to reti o v cars. Miýss Effie James, wvho'bas bëei spending the Christmas vacation witb, lier parents, Mr., and Mrs.. Lawrence W.: James, 701, Washington ave .nue, lias returfied to lier studies at Arling- ton Hall, Washington, D. C. Beaudîi, jr., IOi.iuwouuavenIue. Jack, and Dillon are students at'Geor- gia tecli. -- Niiss Marjorie Smith, daughter ni the D. W. Smitbs, '337 Washington avenlue. retrned iast Monday to ber. studies at the University- of *Wiscon- sin aiter spending tbe Cbristmas holidays with ber'parents. .Mr. and Mrs. M. Bruce Parsons, 310 Ctininor road, Keniilwortbi enter- taitied sixteen guests ah a bard times party on 'New Year's eve. Tbey now have Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Esau of- MNilwaukee as their bouse gues'ts. Mrs. Arthuù.r B. Seibold,'522 Forest avenue, will be bostess to.. members of hiçr Friday club tomorrow. * Mr. and Mirs. Re,ç E. Fair, 510 Fifth street, entertained at dinner last week Tuesday a poor family f rom South Cbicafgo, and wérc also "Santa Claus" to them. George.. Voodland. 336 Leicester' road, Kefiilwortb, returnied to the Choate school, Wallingford, Coti. on January 5 university. rie jPersia ini about