Complete Automoti ve Electri"cal Service, Let us check your starter, generator and eleetrical stem before it fails you t on, the oad, far from aid l'1 Wihunette Dtt.r, Eetrie Sevie 740 Tweilth Stret Phonos Wilmette 691-696 YOUR COAL -As Convenient As> Your Telephone Don't make a disagreeablç task of ordering your Coal or Coke. Our telephone service makes it as simple as placing a grocery order. If you are a* regular cjistomer, our records wi Il show the'size and grade of fuel you use. If flot, we will gladly send. a Service. Man to inspect your. furnace and make recommendation. Let us relieve you of all trouble and annoyance when you order your coal. BUY,,YOUR GCOýAL O-QNAPPROVAL IARANTEED COAL FUEL OIL SOLVAY COKE D E LU1 V E R Y Y A R D 5 :Cpsu.mers bý'mpany 9 A LL OV E R T HE NO0RkT Hl w-IiiE.TîE 13,0 tWýiNNETKA 338! SHOR E. D ISTlR OIL O.- PIIILS~ L.Itau.m Telephones WiPnetka 3020: Wiluutt. 831 R6t.F.,DoepP 'cT