WINNETKA 796 Ehn Street Phonees.-4-M3 HURBARD WOODS' 9101/9 Lindeii Ave. Winnetka 417-418, The Thoughtful, Helpful Seric >ou'Ii get la buyinpr your iteeatç', ennned. goods ete., tg an exnài.- pie of the sinerre ,service titat bls been %si) mueh apreeated by Our enstomers. Quallty and I-aine gi9Imag lins Ilaide the PALACE XA RXET8 a safe and satl-tfaettory place tg) buy. We grofw be- range of our abillty te treat eaeh patrop lu a Ipalnstaklg, ag manner. WEEJ<-END SPECIALS Pork Roast neo aste Ibo 29e Rî,Roast rifme Deef, s 'sdingI ll6tli & tJ, nb l.23e 'VeaIott Pot Roast Cholce cult. of native beef ib. Il9e Leg of Lamib New York Sty le Lb 9e Sir loin Steak ýN ati ve to<rn F.'<I li*.f WILMETE 115Wiln'titte Av. Phones: 2814-731 AUl Telephone and C. O. D. Orders Cure fully ansd Quickly Delivered. Charge Accounts 'Solicited from Reliable People., - The Bible and Works of Mary - Christian Science Literature may - Reading Room. Il i Baker Eddy and al other autborized- be read. borrowed or pu rcbased at the mlan's sliDject wil be:- "$iginuid 1Freud, people in Cook coty. T-he collection-s the Darwin of Psycbology." This in Wilmette last week totalleci $7920, will be a dinner meeting. xvhich came f rom three precincts only, Dr. Scboolman is characterizecl as a and a larger amouint is expected this brilliant lecturer and debater. His. list- xveek. because more precincts are or- eners it is said, wilI find an intense de-, ganized and working. sire to gain f rom him sonie workable If any housewife is wond eririg whYý knowledge that 'will aid.them in theia-collector bas flot called on. her, says business of living. "His is a fresb and Miss Sbapker,, it is because the precinct. sparkling humanness that Iooks ai life ' captain bas flot been able to get a block ,Searchingly and fearlessly-tbat treats colle ctor in that block, and perhaps 'she it wholesomnely and constructively"' reads1 could assist the, precinct captain by a comment. "In lecture. or debate, be ,beinig the collector in. ber neighborhood._ îis always a physician intent upon heal- Miss Shapker, whose plione -is Wil- ing the ilts of mànkind-always a build- mette 1068, will be very glad to bear er, laying the foundation. for a new. f romn anyone Wbo is interested and w>iIl- and beiter, civilizationl." ingto help ini the côllecting in Wil- There will also lie an election of of- mette. ficers and directors for the eîîsuiing year The rement stretclî of unusually cold that evnng veatber made it'doubly, important that every effort be made to share witb tbese L.*arge Audience Sces t unfortunate people. Reniember that the New Pastor fnst.IWi d mnonev collected for thîs f und« goesex clusively for food. Surely those of us D r. Plv Uatlin. pre.,itent Of the who, are bortun ate enough never to Illinois Sv îmd of thie Uîîited l-li.therail have known prolonged hunger, can share Cbiurêh Ii.iAerc. 1n)y isaie giving a sinall amount of mo ne y to the Rev. lDavid R. Kabele as pastor Lielp thie 400,000 people ini Cook county at the Iùîglisli Ltittheran chntrch Stlli xio are actuallv starv ng. day, NMarch 6,. lr.j ' ivock,, 1202 Lake ave- P r. Catlii's sermnon on)i Tle Llev- , < l a tiu f r P e i e "nhCm annef et forth t"le Nfr,. Ibert lHai. 1023 ;re.e,îxood flCC(l of retiwetl reli>gýin the rl j ~avenue. I>reciîuct 2- 'Mrs. George A. A lrgeaudene x-hih i led ueMacleaui. 924, Grevnwood avenue. làreý udeile vhili iled hePrecinict 3, ; rs.*S. Adolph Suntdiof. audtoruu atenled a înihe t0ii~ 533 Greenwood avcnue, triMs ingfrînoternothshresîinh. 1:-Chiarles E. Soden, 1716 H-ighîland ave-ý I~~~ ~~ *\ie eegtn fvu mi an n co-captailnsfor Precinct. 9 in a bodv fronîîthtie. Chicagýi Bible school Wiîet."eepeicsaete %vhiclh* Rex-. Kabele le ft inior der to, iilte hs rcnt r h' becoîîîe pastor of thev cliturcli. , aiiic a-; the votîng iprecînicts, and )eoi- pie il] theoe preciîicts, x'iîo are f'. ipterested andi willing to hielp.. in this' !,Omit Collection of, project, are asked to get in touch xvith Old Paper in March t-ch-!)tak1l n hul emd BOY Scout paper collection to earil Cout sto tiX n's Dislio,, Jint îîîoney for- relief., vhînc1î lias heet ,'IlFnergency Rlelief fuîîd. conducted mlonthilv for the last tliree ____________ rnontihs xiii nlot b li eld dum-iing March., it s îîouîce. iecns o th mny ORGANIZE DRU-M CORPS other activities f the council. narth A (irtul and bugle corps lias heen er collections, are to- 1e held ini April !rai'd 1Too oIo and iî mu. Reidens of the i - h Kenilwvorth Girl Scouts. coini- mu'nitv hiave been urged to conltinuie! Poser! ofý girls il, the fifth and. to save discarded p apers ý for flic 1sîxth ^grades at, the Joseph S-2ears Scouits unltil tie next collectiorl n shol Members of thie corps at April 9. l'le Scouts alreadv hv reetare Dorotliv Heîîderson., earnied abouit $2,500 in ttheir colle.'- Catherinie Okelv Sue Hazelett. tions. This moîev lias been .turned Rifth Sprcenger, Stîsan Wolfe,. Louise over to local relief and hias beeîi Burkhiard and 'Varjorie Sindliîg. greatlv ,appreciated by. the.. coul-it.- bugiers. anîd Sue Fishier, Xatalie itles receivînig these; furds. ISillith and Sue Frxvin, drunniiiers. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVfITED TO ATTEND THE CliURCH SERVICES, AND VISIT THE* READING RQOM