titudes in l..hIiren". T he sessions are sponosred by the Chicago Asso- ciation for Child Study and Parent Education. Among the speakers will be Carleton W. Wasbtne, superin- tendent of Wi nnetka public scbools. The. prograin is announced as follows: TEN-.JH«rTy O'CLOCK Chairmnan: C. F. Hluth, Dean University (7oilege, The Universlty of Chîcago. HIow Can Ethical ýAttitude., geLevi oped? .Hugh, Hartshoie,. the. Divinity School, Yale unlversity. Chiid Training for Internatio 'nal. In-, teiligence. Haàrry'Elmer Barnesi. So- <ioiogist, Iis-torian,,and Authority on XVor1d. Polities. TWELVE.FIFTEEN Roonî A-C7hiirman,, Curtis W. Revse Training for Racial Blgkory. Melville .1. rierskovits, .Depaittment of. S<>iologyý anîd Anthropoiogy, Northwes.,te.rn uni.- versity. RolomB ('hirmn~1s.Davis 0. 'MeCar The Effect of Motion Pletures on the Soeiai Attitudes of ('hiidrefi-L. L. :Thurstone, Departmc-Iiït of P.,ýyvhoI>gy,I Thi. University of Chicago. RoomnC Chairman, Anne ,ý. Davfr_ 1 >,\~e)ipin Vocationai AttuesBb m eît C. Woeilner., Board of Voat iohal E uidance and Placement, The nv- sjyof Chicýago:' avenue. died last, Thursday two days after ber ninetietb birtbday. Mrs. Petty was born in Mississippi Marcbi 1. 1842. Her family moved to Texas i .1849 settling at Hempstead, Mrs. Petty wvas married there in. 1866 to John. E. Pettv.' Six ébildren were born to thein. Most of Mrs.-Pett' life wvas spent ini the vicinity of Hem.pstead, but six years agQ she came to, ilmette to live witb ber. .datigbter, Mrs. Camp- 1 ell. Altbougb she -vas 90 years old. Mrs. Pettv- kept up with cutrent events. literature and inventions. Sbe %%as a inember of the Methodist Onîe- son, Raleigh Petty of Texkas, t%%Wo dau glters, M rs. Camnpbell and M Niss John, Petty, nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren survive Mrs. Petty. The remains were t;aken to Hemp- stead,' Tex., for lurial, Mrs. Camp- bJell and ýM*iss ?Petty goi'ng there for the ser% .ces, TAKES MOVIES AT SCHOOL A. renre-sen-.,ê,.ofthé m1i*ii-nrn Room D 1) . illat% ; r nemsi po CamaS. J. »unean Clark. 1(toii-solo h W .Km I'alrentai Influence in Vreating Religlojus ball coimpan)y vý,Isited* the Highcrest Attitudes in, Children-Rev. No)rris L. scilool, Illinois road and Twenitv-tbiird Tihbetts, Hyde Pr Bap)tist Churcli. street, last 1'liirsdav to take motion Boom 'E eimirman, Laura Hughies *Lunidt, pîcttures of the schiool. These pic- Training, for Cîtizenship- Carleton tures will he sboivn at an open blouse WahhrnSuper intendent Winnietk;l to be bcld at Higbcrest soon. L. Ray- Rn~ F-ha rninLater mus Murphyv, principal~ of the schiool, A\ttitudes mi International. Reatiml- atmoünced tbis wiveek. wiUclî is sponsored by the Play- ground and Recreation board, wilî award the league winner a band moulded chess set imade b)v the class members as the first prize. 1Young Moreau bas defeated every, member of the club and bas the high- est percentage of gaies won and lost of any other club meniber. He will mieet any cballenging juventile op- p onit for special matches tomorroiv afternoon. lii addition to tbe, chess club> lias been elected to the Dartmouth college chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the national honorary scholastic fra- ternjty, according to word reaching here f rom Richard K. Montgomery, secretary of the Dartmouth news s ervice.. Munn is-a >Senior at the. New Hampshire, college. Hél is majoring in history. He is aà memnber of- Phi Gam- ma Delta fraternity. An average of' 3.2, or the equivalent of one."A".and four '"B's,' for seven semesters is.the. requirement for election to Phi Beta Kappa. Ail, Prices,. Reduced i C.a ndies and,.SA<EID NUTS AME UAILI1Y. CHOCOLATEs 6b Wnç'tiçsCanù 9 Sho*ps 1135 Central Ave. 795 EIm St., Winnetkam Wilm.tt. 308à Ww.tk*&58 SOLREMOVED LUSTRE RESTORED COLORS RENEWED There is ro econorny in dirty rugs. Al the soitl MOVING STORAGE 521 Main St., Wilmette PACKING Phon WiL32 On RING-TINC,