* I>Uvea so iJuputarlat wee that Hori - -- -~ --..1-u. -_U ---_ __-.-1...t is' continuing bis stay ini Evanston until !roit Art Institute to di.spla3, bis paint- ton, tree. The a.ssociation recommends Sunday, when be wili give another of ings there. Befôre coming to Evanston the black cherry or the American IM. lits fascinating dernonstrations f rom 3 lie Iield ant exhibition at the Allerton. as a Washington tree. o'clock until 5 ini the iibrary of the club, Chicago, He is 110\ oji bis %vay The association wili place on its Georgian. H e -i s slbowing m1tore than ito i s home in Tokyo. honor roll the naine of ans' individ- s' xty of, is-painitings, and those of his On Monda H or %vas the guest of ual or organiization planting a XVash- ctilleàge deon 'silk. Trhe dispiay C. H. Chandler_ of IL-vanston, president ington tree. 1A certificatc mnust first includes soîde of Mr. Hori's pictures fteJanAiriasoiy.ad bobe --)tained. anýtd tilied ýout hefore, the whiclî weinc -slowni at the Inîiperiai Art. ha îeo h raes oicin fnne %vili be. so honored. cxhibits iu Japan. wbich is the bighest iapanesc prints, in America, even Hon ___________ li'nî<r ini the gift> of an%. japatiese art- was irnjressed Nvit~i ithe collectioni and fGuW ststic found ma,îv there that 1li ad neyer, fus.rot NetArc J uin is deniolistrations Hor paints senbfr.Feted While in, Wilmýette iroi eight: to ten, pictures on. siik,ý sit- Ms ýB otel 1 ii tingoit he foor n týpica japnesestreet , bas- had 1 as ber guest, ber fashion. He also wears lus native cos-î leventine.w cases of contagious dis- cui, r.JmsOdilo turne. At the formiai openiing. of bis c ases were reported in \Vilmette hy the cousin, Wrst Jfa. Mss Oldfiedo exNigeria Wes Afrca. Mrs.ia Oidfieid 2 exhihit~)Éù at1.Gogaî nFbur 8local Health departmeut for. the %weekl left Wilirnette' tbe end: of last week. miore thatu one hundrcd guests . vere eîidiug Tuesday. ..Mardi 8. These .in-I and after visiting in the east, is sail- rceî,anîd this exhîhit .proved to be, cluded 'Six cases (of chîcken pox.ý two.igfo NevYr Mac 10fr the rnost siuccesfil, one lie had hlk in (f sc arlet fever and (.)le eachi pneu-igfo e or ac 0 o .\mcica Ho i.Uictirt Jpanse oula whopig cugl an <nasis. er borne, a journey that takes thirty rutto briîîg ti, Amnerica. suicli a ag T1here are aiso stili activ'e ,in the. *i-%vays. urî ong br sty nMrs idie col)lection qio(f panîjtnîjgs, Ivy conteml)orary lage three oid cases of wbooping co.ug h fias gus o bnonWhc r th lernca- rs .-e. hiftseif,. represents the. two of scariet fever. two of cbicken po fairs amongch wbicb Cre t E. luvnch * chlool of)i r-eaisnil. aid. specializes on and lotte of îîîeasies, according tu the ena hc r.CrtnE ie \\] iIci ducks. Hi,,,painitiings are not onîly T-Iealth deèpartinent records. of Evanston wvas hostess at Shawnee %<ust vorkIs of art lt tiiev atrc Country Monday of last week, the luncheon Mrs. Cottrel gave. the day- scîcntihIcallv% co)rrect. LUNCHEON HONORS SISTER following, and the dinner later in th-_ * il>Itook, Up the stu(dv 0f papitîug Oit \ednesday., March 9. MIrs. Ralpb week at, which Mrs ý. Cari Peterson ;<t tuie age oi 9, but bis teaëlier wouild Starrett of 104,5 IPirie sfreet, Wýinn.etka, n..rii,~ t, ~ ~ T ~ ,.* ~ .~ ~was bostess at, he Navy Armory. stcaçl, lie had togo out everv day to. iti honor of bier sister. M.rs. Eliiott Mr- wvatclî the wiki ducks, and lafter. a carc- Afee. I I ~tuiv o tlcicaracteristics i e *ý:ni to paint thern. Mrs. George H. Rigler, 708 Cuni- He îainte(l thie Mand(arini duck for m hiings avenue, kenilworth entertained vu,,ht vears, anid then for- elevcn years a fe\\ friends .at lunicheoni and bridge dlid the wi îq'.Hu is owkoniatXeîsa. SISTER PASSES AWAY ýMrs. Rov Cý. Osg-oodl of 423 Essex' road, bas just returîîed to Kenilwortb after spending eighit weeks. in the east wherc e neît to sec ber sister, vbol wva: iii and subsequentiv passed away.! Sa * ifs absolufely un- detactable under the sheeirest à w n. Elésticý threads 'wo0ve0n. in f oo*Gossard's bones.ssatin Lastex combina-. fion, give Comploe fre.dom. Tho upliff is of lace-.nd. the $85 back is. low cut ....... 85 mias Cnt, S&l Crepe Sleips Plain tailored and lace ..$ .5 t Vanity Fair.Chiffon and Service Hose s' The EICHORN COSSARD SHOP 72 E. Madison St. Chiecogo, Under the "4.pervision of Mis& Jane May, Read the Want Ads Reably e e e Patron:,ize Cleaners That., Are A. Part.of:'Your Com"munity. NOTE SE PRICES Evanston Patrons cal Lake Forest Patrons ca Highland Wh.n you cal your apparel is in ite parts of youri I390U0 Members ChicagoMstrCees Instituteand Maklster Cleauers and Dyers of, the North Shore 25 N. Sheridan Road, Highland Park Highland Park 2801 Winnetka 2803 Evanston Patrons cali Winn.-Translate 1100 Lake Forest Patrons cou H. P.-Translate 1001