.,it. ci i 4l-uW Y tc' s "1aL - Twvo f reshmnan-sophomore casts arc aunto thee. lbe strong, yea, be strong"* rehearsing with Miss Elizabeth Stan- (Daniel 10:19).i wood and Gordon Van Kirk, the direc-1 Anong the, citations which corn- tors. 1 priged the lesson-sermon was the fol-. In "The Ghost Story," Nve find the -iowing from the Bible: "Have we usual humora-iid truc life of ail Tàrk- iiot ail ont father- hath flot one ington works. The, characters are col- 'God created us? wby do. we deai l'egeý people, of the present day. and the treacherousiy every man again st bis 3oung f eilow,, who tries to propose a nd Ibrother, by profaning the covet hecornes hopelessiy trapped by 'a fit of of our fathers" (Malachî 1:10). stamamering and fragments Ofsetce The lesson-sermon also included enlists Our sympathy.' There is sus- tefloigpsaes fromn the Chris- pensf in. the telling of the weird ghost Itiain Science textbook. *Science and story and situations :that provoke varied Health with Ke - to the Scriptures," contortions .of mirth. b-yMryBkr dy "a snot Anatole Franceoriginally wrote "Theé absorbed in Deity, and man cannôt Mani Who, Married a Dumh N.'ifè" for: iose bis individuality, for. he reflects the: entertainment nio the 'Soq:cieëtN of eternat Life, nor is he 'an isolated,, RabeeliainSudo. but its.success wvas! solitary idea. for he represents ini so great, that it*, was prcsented in . a inite md. the sum Of ail substance" reguiar thieater. the Porte- Saï ut- Mar- (p. 5~ tin, in the spring (if 1912, andl again> ait __________ the Theatre (le la Renaissance. the, fol-, juwin autuili.Glad3Ts Higdht Dancers 'l le stting is inedieval.- but the GvePrgrm at Club seechi is modern. and the autiior slviv Gv rga ridicules present day lite ini ma rria.ge ý'T'le Illinois WNomeni's Athletic . club) a11( Tnies.'he eharacters fare presented a '*danc~e ravel.evcmng . farcical. and the ridiculousiv 1absuird \WednesdlaN evening, March 9. Dances situations in whicbi thev find tlhenselves ýiii authentic Incian, javanese, Chinese. Wccaii great merrimerit. Japanese, Aigerian. Greek, and Mod- ________________erni Germian numbers, were given by Railway Womnan's Chtib j a, groupofteidsHgtdnes Holds Meeting March 161 ýfr firnon interpreted anumber of Reviews of the current books ývill Japanese and Chinese dances. The he read by Nfrs. N. j. \Wiicox ci Evý - lance programi was augmented by' a anston, before the 'Marchi meetinig lecture bvr Leo A. Mathews. T hi, of the Chicago and North 'Western grouip wiIi be members of the dance, Railway \\omen's club ait 2 o'clck studv tour arranged by Miss Highit.i next Wýednesday ini the rooms of thle lhree inonths wiil be devoted to, the club at 500 W\est Washington boule-, studv of native <ances of japan.ý yard, Chicago,r China, java, Celebes. Borne.o. and~ The afternoon meeting wllbepire-! NManila. Thev will saili June Il oni ceded by a board of managers nicet-i the S. S.. President Jefferson. ing at 10:4.5 ini the niorning. Mrs.1 .Wilcox' reviews will foliow a short NEW GIRL SCOUTS business meeting in the afternoon. Marv M\clintoshi and Madelon SMrs. R. M. Sorensen is chiairman of the hostc'ss committee for March an.d! ergensen were invested as neh)r NVil bc assisterd by Mesdames D. V. 1i of Troop No. L of the Kenii.wort. Girl- O'Conncll, A.:Osn J .PeabodyScouts Wednesdav afterniool,.\,Mardlij E. R. Fitzpatrick, C. H. Westbrook. 2. at the troiop's regular w'eeklv ieet- and W. E-. Loco. ing .at the Josephi Sears schooi. T111u The club wili aiso lhold a card. part too is comiposed of fifthi and c;ixtJi iii ýthe club rooms on March 30, at grade girls,. which, bridge, bunco, and five-hutndred 1odMi< wiil be played. V 1T BABY JBONNETS ý : Men'sO'COATS Ladi"es'-SPRING COATSQ c MEN'S SUITS.......5 LADIES' DRESSES .... .75e and $1 Cleaned and Pressed ..the inest Iîuman hands cati accomptish A SPECIAL DISCOUNT, AT BRING'.AND CALL OFFICES A nnouncing Jamies E. Dutfy 2207 MAPLE AVE, EVANSTON as the winner of our colIar 567 LINC OÎ.N AVE. Evanston Winnetka 611I 1633 ORRINGTON AVE. Uni. 5970 Glenv iew T