Tà those who hiave met Mr. \Volfe through the perusal of his ne%% book on th.e technique of play, hie wilI need no introduction. As a player lie bas won countless honors; as a research -orer, lectu.rer, and write , he is contintially witIling new acclaimi. Through a series of problems in play and the mnany, advaniced wvays possible. to bag the extra trick, Mr. WVolfe wiII show these plays in. his convincing andsalesmanlike wvay. Mr. Wolfe is internationally known in the, bridge, world and is an a u- thority, on the s-ubject. His talk isý 'h heralded as one of, the hligh spots -in north. shore bridge- circles this sça- 501.ý rie. club) introduced a new~ note in- to its activitie *s with the opening of a team-of- fouir championship tourna- ment Friday evcn1ig of last w~eek. Those ýqualiifiig -for. the finials. which wvill be.played Fridav evening, March 8.were: 'first, '.\r. and Mrs. Gordon Qil-ey and MNr. and NIrs. A; R. Hall; secônd . 'L 1. SIranskv, Earl WVeil.ý A11llnluI and flénrv 'Strauss; tliird.,' W.S. Kigh,!t. Dr. F. E. Clieesenian. (;étrge Neex-ei. -and Dr. Emmiia Dafter.' The regular M1onday, even'ing,.coni- tract-duplicate ýgame was plaved' with the. usualI good, attendance. Dr. Enmma Dafter playing with Mrs. H. H. U'ales for the East. and West teams, won first place, and George, Neeve iS l)laying wýith Lawvrence Winters, won* for the orhand South teamis. Library Day March 17, for N. C. E. GhiIdren l'le -Childre&s school of, the 'Na.- tional College of Education will hold4 its annual Library dfay on Thursday, March .17.,,Each child ini the. school bring a book for the librarvý, a book- plate with the name,.of the child and the, date of the ,gift. is pasted inside the cover, and, aIl the children, froin Nursery school toddlers to the. dig- nified sixth graders, form in proces- sional and.,march to the Laura Ella Cragin Library for Children where theý books are presented to Miss Clara Belle Baker, director of .the schooi, and to the 'librarians. Arrangements for the day- are un i- der the direction of the Parents' completing the club's tennis courts and otheir work whieh will provide addition- 1 aI facilities in the club bouse before the opening of the golf season. H e! pointed out that tbe club is in excellent condition from a standpoint of finances' and membership. Chairmen of committees made reports and several new menibers were. intro- duced. SILVER SLIPPER CLUB liALL A new north shore club, the, Silver Slipper Danice club, bas been organized, and is holding a masqueçrade bail the. evening of St. Patrick's day in the Odd Fellowts hall in Wilmet1te.ý Its 'firstl dance is Thursday evening , March 10. Phil Dattolo'of 1159 Wilmette avenue is president of the club and John Casey is treasurer. On the comniittee for the dance are joe Schneider, leader:of.thel band, RuthStoneholm and B3erg Pickett.! ART EXHIBIT AT N. C. E. A collection of paintings of MNeýx-' ican. scenes by Thomas Wilder is ondisplay at the National College; of Education this week. Mr. -Wilder.; wvho- is a member of, the North Shore ,Art ,league,, was the speaker at the studeuit assembly -on Tuesdav after-[ noon o f Iast week. This is thé third' of a..series of lectures and exhibitsl by .nôrth shore artists at the college, arranged by Mrs. Marguerite Caikins Taylor of the art department. Alan Goodr.ch Studio Going Out of, Business. for Six Months Closig out. our enfiré stock eat pries far below co0sf. Bronge sockel-, Sha de. $16-00. Bridge taml complets wif Regularly Comploe A large selection Lamp Shades in ýp adjustable h hand'made .$700 of beautiful ail sizes. a' successtul, harmonious year. Board following were elected unanim- Peterà tto serve this club for the com-, partici year: Alice Schroeder, presiclent; play, erine. Hope, vice-president; 1 tinues si Dowvv lu p.tS.cb a FIa. Fourteen states in the tournament. started February 10,q M March 26. for Thos. WH LOVE NICE TI-INGS" ILLUSTRATED, IS ONE WINNER TUE, MYTI, The moit de.ihst.I sheer md char thulonom ver pre. duced Lt $i.00 a, pair Edgar A Stevens, Inc. presents -Alý tha t may corne to anyone'"S fanc-y 'in ..Van..Raalte -Sik-Hosiery Cobwebby Sheer Chiffons *Serni-Sheers Fine Service Weighwç Named sorts at 55e to $1.00 .per doz. OURL LATEST CATALOGUE ON IIEQUEST LEONARD %SEED VO. 218 W. Madison St. 4845, MilwaukeeAve. 40934 Michigtn Aire. Many beautiful pieces of .furnlfure far below cost. 1522 Sherman Avenu e EvanstoR 1 Block South of Fountain Square O>ese Saturdoy Evettitigs