Their Jiest to H-lp New,,Trier Survive Following the'announcement of the board of education that school would closeApr,îl 1, witb no definite date for> reopening, New Trierites bave re- sponded beartily to the 'plans made for selling tax warrants. Througb their parents' subscriptions, and their ow,$Z4,300 bad been subscribed by Moday morning. Sncb a respon se as i his, Iargely made by student, clubs and fiom. student personal -savings, certainly indicates that the -students desire continuation of, school. The consequences of. sbutting the. doors wouild be so tragic« and far- reacbing tbat tbey make one gasp: 1. Twenty-one hundred students tbrown loose on tbe township with comparatively ,notbing to do. * 2. Shut-dow- of al athletics. and consequential loss of place, in. Subur-. bwianlgue. 3. Plans of sei 1ors for enteýring col- lege would have to be cancelled, ex- cept in a very few cases where stu- dents have completed tbe required *courses and credits, or. could finish their last year in some tuition scbool nearby. 4. The loss of New Trier's standing. which is very higb, among educators, colleges, and iii educational fields in general. 5. The remioval of New Trier's namei from the list *of. accredited higb schools. turc, intrervt wouiu accrue, ïnsurance, would have to be paid and the prop- erty would have to be kept up. 7. Graduates of the nearby gram- mar schools would bave no place to go in the fall., 8. The excellent faculty would >e scattered ýcountryV-wide, and on the reopening of scbool would be imipos- sible to regain. Stu4ents realize the seriousness of the situation,-and are doing their best Sandwich Pro ject New Trier stuclents are to be warm- ly congratulated for their excellent cooperation in the sandwich project whicb bas been undertaken by the Tri-Ship club and the Girls' club. For the last month, the. supply bas aver-' ageéd a generous seventeen boxes, va- rying a little up or down each week. The . post-graduate .students, aided by several girls from the ýGirls' Club, Charity committee repack the sand- wiches in pasteboard boxes, tie and label them, and send themt on tbeir way. Ethel Anderson,' chairman of group, reports that. tbey are more than pleased witb tbe >generous re- Ethel adds that forget fui people are giving fromn ten to thîrty- five cents to make up fortheir lapse of memory. This money is turnefl over to Miss Harriet Vitftum of tbe Northwestern University settlement, who takes care of and distributes the sandwiches -after their arrival in Ch;- cago. May we repeat the following sug..1 gestions ?1 1. Please don't pack more than two sandwiches together. 2. Please use string rather than rubber bands if you wish to tie up i each sandwich, as tbe rubber bands muist ail be remoyed before shipping. The contraction of the band squashes the sandwich as it journeys; also rubber bands in tbe bands of sma!l scbool cbldren cause con siderable disturbance in a classroom. wtIcome. 4. Don't forget your sandwiches! Remember, mothers, students, maids and ail; bring your sandwiches Wed - nesdayl Officiai Swim Season Opens for N. T. Girls WbhiIe the basketball games were going- on in the gym,, just' as many The Girls' club of New 'Trier bas decided flot to hold the bake sale whicb was planned for March' 19. Since -a crisis has faced the school ýand the: studentfs made re- spohsible for i t every girl will be bending ber energies to selling'tax warrants., A thousand dollars, ,whicb was to have given in scholarsbips,, was plcdged for mwrants.- It, is surely more im- portant to keep-New Trier open, the girls t b i n k, and they are workig liard to do that; Urges Seriblerus -Club to Compete for Honors The.Scriblerus club met Thurs-day, March 3, in the Tri-Sbip room. This year's Echoes will contain only full page pictures of the various- organ- igatipls, it, was anntouaced, and the club decided on having a group pic- ture *of its members in the year book. Mr. Pifer discussed the Scholastic National Literary contest and its rues and encouraged ail the mem- bers to submit entries. The secretary read a letter sent by the teacher who this year founded a literary club patterned after Scrib- lerus ini Escanaba, Mich. She wrote of the enthusiasrn of its members and their style of organization. types.of meter, of the citterence be- tween lyric poetry and ballads, the possibilities of working in each and the necessity of having one's ma- terial arranged before beginning to work. A group of the members who are especially interested ini this field Will mieet Thursday with- Mr. Van Kirk to discuss their .own work and to excbange ideas. to Tie for Titie, * in Cage League The New, Trier cagers mnissed, a chance for a clear cbampionship last Friday-. nigbht hen, in the lIast gaine of the season they were -beaten 'by Morton,- 38-22. This defeat leaves them in a tie for tbe championsbip with Oak Park wh.o walloped Proviso toý *finish the season. Morton lights won the cbiampioinship by smothering the Green-Gray five,34-14. During the first baîf the heavies looked as though they were going places. leading .14-10. when the gun barked. But in ithe, third quarter Morton set to work, and. began to score. Thçy'lad the baIl most of the time and drew the, New 'Trier boys out, before sbooting a series of short, nasses dowin to Kopecky or Fendryck Waiting under the basket. Most of the New Trier Passes wýere intercept- ed bv the lanky Vopicka or Fen- dry-ck. M-%Qrton looked unbeatable in the second haif. They seemed to have regained the formn that won the Stagg tournament for them .last December. Last F'riday marked the last gamne.. for four of the regulars. Co-captain Cburcb, Ioslin. Sinding, wDd Wolff will graduate this year, whîle Williams has one more semester. .The Morton lights displayed a fast, accurate-passing team that scored as it Pleased. The Green-Gray ponies staged a rally in the second quarter and vulled up witbin a few p~oints of the M~aroon team but they were un- able to hold ie .nace for long. Mur- ph., White, Baker, Haight, Huck, Simon and Stackhouse were the ligbt- weights Who played their last Rame for New Trier.: JIe*v>-wlàht Llneup Xelv Trier (22), Church,f 3 Joslinf ....3 Sinding,c >_2 Williams,g'.O( Woltf,g i Totals ....9 Morton (38> BPT KopeCky.f 6- 4 Fenidryck.f 2 Vopicka,c 2 2 EraI,g .., 3 O 1-ermanek,g .. To tals 1 lit Llneup -Morton (34) B ET PRbn. ¶1 a rý.ggs and a (,ïrni, iast vear*s ais mascot, movie. quality chec] Remember, if you want a movie this about five inc year, 'there bas got to be story for ly lame but p it. Turn in your drama to any of - this. She f fcer of -the club. "Checkers." made of the finest to resemble the ft gingharn, stands pect to sec thei gh. She is slight- of another jungle she will outgroiv Cope Harvey'sc 's to the name nisb the music, "Tropic-Air .. a vvl, m; 1-'.- vcny- u ys and girls are taik- s; one may ek- ing part, The one Who finally wins ;hall the scene will receive a cup with the names of ty. One of the the former winners and bis or ber stras will fur- own., engraved upon it, to keep for e you at the one year. This cup was given by Mr. M4acLçan in honor of bis birother. 1 - ý - ..