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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Mar 1932, p. 1

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'urge Payment of 1930 TaxesPromptl1y CLUB INVITES WARRANT DRIVE ON TOWNSHIP COLLECTOR ISSUES TO GREAT MART 1Jîeadqu:rters for, WilMett.e Sales Or1 "FIGURES, ONLOCAL: TAX ýSTATUS Building, Fund of Woman's Club ___ ,Also Indicates Amount of 1930 Tax Warrants Issued by New to Be Augmented by Exposi- With headquarters establishied il, Trie Taxing BdeAgis1930 Taxes; Ask Prompt tio Mach 6, 7 ad 1 th offices of the board of educatîu'x ato '738h 16'th stret thd 18lmt Payment to, Township Collector A\dmiissioni tei the club) nart whichi carnj)aign .to sell tax Warrants for . th,_ Thle, total 'aieut of 1930 taxes 'o cetdsrcs ti ifrn try. tht' \Vomians club of XVimmete is lîcîci- àsupport Of the sclîool1s and the Nil- the hooks, of New Trier'township iht-ow on trce onseutie da\S next. age goveruiment is niow in progress. ~1,354.Imnn %vtek. NIarcli 16, 17, and, 19,' at the! iThediv.iap . to , 'flil he Ihigli school, it is announced, wilI thehose betiefit of wThe riden Happes çt nide T.10otl.outo ottndn n have te be closed April 1, unlessa lut li 1eë,fr t> O the resoien t aihdig TeGov ticipation. warranlts against the 1930 ibetter showving is 'nade in the mnatter building fund, is free. % vas an- brn1oe u f îig h o taxes iin the, towvnship, issued, by thei of the payment of the 1930 taxes, now nouliCe( t his xveek. The tickets of1 ernmrrent is, selling baby bonds to aù- various taxinig 'bodies, includingý New coeco. admission nmay be obtained fromn anrv complish this., Wilmnette is selling 'cic Hig scoladsh iticts colectsan.eapist ayo h club) miember or froni the stores iin taýx warrants. bearing, 6, Per cent Ini - $592-.Tesieapist ayo h Wilinvitc for the Thei'ng. The mart that miav be uised in paymient ~'$.1.8.school districts. te. t T1 90txs aebe i collec- i' If the taxpayers ivill pay 19.30 tains will bc open f roni Il iii the miorning oi that part of' the 1931 taxes that Iti siiice Marchi 1. Up to Monday teCollector Hale, promptly, or before te 10 o'cleck at ilighit. and the club Nvill l)e p)ayable to the Village, grade,ý evening of this week., Sanborn Hale, lei omeîdt rtr isbost invites ce'éryonie in W ýilniette, and sch ols and highi schoel. . itownship collector,> reported that Win i- ople ortunhsbost outsi<lc~~~ ~~~ 'f iimte toatn.'iis the counity treasurer, the present pre- This is, the fourth animal Spring xvrats, leaders l th ca- ntai edigiite preiae carions situation mnay be greatly re- exposition of the club., anîd 1is hield. paign emphasize, are a, good invest- Paviment. 'lieved, and the schools kept open. as u sual.. under the auspce of 'the: mIent,, aînd .furnisli a- tîeans of settîing Winntka in ea If taxpayers are to aid the schools, wasa.dmen oîittee, of whichi aside nîonley to nieet, the 1931 taxe- Withi a total of $1,402,709i95 oi the Irthey miust pay 1930 taxes to, Collector Mr.iuhrBesni hira.Tefrth ilg ndshoswhe-h inta books, there had .been col- Hale flot later than Mardi 20, since club,îhouseý is. crowded. eachi vear, dur- lbills are sent out. just lio\v the 193() lectcd uip to tlhe close of business Mon- hie hias no assurance, that hie will be per-, inlg the exposi jtioni. Milr s. Clifton .L. ,tax., due a year aszo, is in collectionl. day evening, a total of .$ 184,005.85, ort Mitted te keep the books and continue l)arl-ing is, chiatimaii of the nîart. Tfle necessity of borroxýving on ta.-, 1.3.1 percent. . collections after that date. * Hold Openi House warrants began with thec delay, threc: Kenilworth is nlext. With a total ofr It should be borne in mind that only the c lub, 1.)ioi rsdn. ofvars ago, iii the assessment of prol- $390,.23 n the boks, there la enmoney collected for 1930 taxes may be theclu, Mrs. l,'rnust Freenian, vice- (111V and collection of taxes, it is collected $32,546.71, or 9.1 percent. uised te retire* anticipation warrants pi-ýsient -Nr: 1)ciionth oter oinedot t. lu lias becoine necessarv Wilmette is third. Witha total of îssiied against the 1930 taxes. l)r~~s.,5739.9 orn tehoe booke other bas'iù inmbers of the board,.and 'Mrs. Dar- vcd veatr siice' te borrow iioney bY Show5739 on3 thran bFosguheresa ling, wvill act as thie hostesses. 'Jlie sale of tax warrants tspor î been collected up to Monday evening, So 91 arn Iue ' cîl) ýkeeps. "open lieuse" during its Yilog iîdtechlsuppttaoort,.34.9 ore 7 e pec . New Triec Township High schouol exposition and. everyone is Welcomne. Glencoe, is, ini f ourth. position. With' a' lias . ssued a total of $493,335 tax an-, r 'leclblius urn *he xp- Tiiese Warrants are paid %-1-eii . -1 1 Theio luthisuvear, ui e thbe aaren aiscllced iix hv ail e"total of.$903.j75.43 on theblooks, there ticipation , warrants against the 1930 ito ilsyà 1 ý-ihad been, collecte upt n nldn axes, of* which $375,000 are against the show. The decorating ýcommittee un- taken up4 except the .1930 warrainBsý aci7 oa'o $7688,o 2leuainl udad 1.835aant ciel M,/rs., Ralpi 'Huif, plans te decorm-,. %vlicl i vll soon le padopeu f 1~ rcnt t7, aboa f$7688,o euiling fund ad$1835agis ae, the club Withi spring flowerç; and 1930 taxes now being collected. pecn.tlelU1ingna sfunldisrc'Nd.6 9For the Town (township outside the Wiîek cloldsrcN.36ha plants iilorand te have all thu' Men and. ivmen chosexi te, se!l villags an- ato Gevet e issued 1930 wvarrants te the amnount. of dccratngsugesivecfspring. ' these warrants ýin tieir clck [ a enpi 1;0.9e oa f$341,950-, Wilmette district No. 39,, Interestiu'g Exhibits vstec eiet Uitrutd$3,674.o 14pret $225,000; Glencee district No. 35, $100,- Ilcommercial exhibits ilas Village service and çontiîîuation oi~ . The total amiount collected in the 000, Kenilworth, district' No. 38, ownsiip.up t Menay eenin , si$75.000; H-ighcrest district No. 40, usiial, lbe of great intcrest te the vis- the schools rest upon the outcomne oý tp IoMna veig itr. h htseie ilflnd ainîng1 1th i ney-raisitig catnpaign, A plea j SP,383,932.50O, or 9.2 percent. (wvest Wilniette) $4.800. themi new devices and. newv ideas for .e hoe isRbcc itî *î madIe fer solicitors te assist Ili theo hncqjtive to Payaient TeVlaeo iet isot chairmian of the .sale of space. OfA driv. The, foregeing figures, w.hen placed stning warraintst a th g 193 ta1es,00;ci the, outstanding exhibits in 'this sec- ini comparisen with the percentage of waatsmeitigo$7,0; tien of the club bouse, Miss Fitch VOTED BEAUTY QUEEN 1929 taxes paid, tegether with the iln (Centinued on Page 6) mentions the J. E. Worthen cornpany MssRtWetrof.04 shad eatene ffudwi wihe ~~~hich ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ms Ra ae oeo x agae u th Tueday of 120 week aS keep the . schools open, shoul, it is K nl ot efr wpace s tauern oneionh argi oe'!hmstbat~lce peinted eut, be an incentive '1to those1.f saxs ef WTmeea Postn 46, wichwll i voretheteno upîeitiss Woen who have not alreacty r aid te do so, at ]I'ovsng, Its Offices sel1 ex-service, ineli's han&-iade ar- te -S~s.lônr n tènè fOl~ ticles Mrs., Ethel M. -Mannerud, who 1\Pp Kappa Gain ia rsor0rity, Duri- Winnetka, in 1929, paid Collectorl A.-lthouglh the present qijarters occtu- r 'il1 have hosiery, ligrean e ng the Radîio show,;in Decemnber she th O rWlretr8pret ej.are inadequate anid an oportunity had Paty S op bak xxa fi~Televisiol,. the radio queen Il rent __Oaltxsb ente el orthic ery Which wilbave.arn exlhibit o tkI wort,ti 32 percefit and G1çncoe, 28 per-- Presne itit eenly for rnodn the e!ry goods, the Trinalf Hardwarte, r' 'cent- ' r offlçce to larger' qaarters, the Kenil- wiiich wîil have an ei'ectrical aisplay t oveuneo tis i er per. wrmeetinga~ Monay44e4dcd at in view (housetiold appliances) tlic Evanston In Thi Issue? centage of payiiieùt of taxes the' vari-,lr~et~~Ota tg~~a t e Letter' Service which will show its eus taxing bodies oef the township, werc of the present uncertainty in t'x col- BeatySaon~dongmancuin, a nsme, urecor S....... ......4f3hc ,4, compele o eot ted waranc0 ts o tew quater - hul Mcue tld fr an fms h vnLnIA n EdtrialShoeLns .36 dtrit soidf :question9; ,f seuing' r s thecn y p toc company, which will have awnings; Girl Scout News .........18 The oniy school district which did space for the Village office. An offer Lloyd IJollister mnc., withi its print- JuirLf ........38 ntise13 warnswsDsrc ad locm othbadfrte i' ing and publishing display', the W. No.o 37e....... 3 ne tise 1930 o warn wa Dsriad aenise o e tp e inthe boar for the F. oe incopay \ hi h wllMusic Page ..... which, it is explained, hias sufficient and Orr building for the Village office. show -peasant bridge, and luncheen New Trier News .. 22-23 mnoney on handte comnplete the school The liease. on the present quarterd sets,: novelty bot pan holders, kitchen. Society Pages.. .'30-31 year and to pay bond.r interest. eccupied by the office expires janiuary (Continue nPg 7 ________________ With 'the' high schol and the other 31, 1933.

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