space and arrangement at the. Navy pier seems t o adapt itself to the ar- rangement of gardens ini a wvay to present the. most beautiful of ef- fects. The exhibition. space is long and r elativelv narrow. As show visitors, stroil down the spacious àisies 1)e- tweéin the. garden exhibits they. may' %veIl imagine they a suburban avenue ined with gardens, each, of which is an 'ideal, example of the hor- ticultural ;art. The Chicago show- for severai years lias been recognized a's excelling in its gardenî exhibits;, bu,, this year. Manager John A. Servas asserts al previous accomp lishments \viii be surpassed.: Chicago is the largest commercial floxver production center ini the coun- try and tliis year the prof essionals promise to exhibit their finest Mlos- soins ii cooperation wvith'the garden clubs.. Flotvering and foliage plants xil also be dlispflayed. Some ýof the larger clas ses are: Groiip) of 'rose fflants covering 150,1 square feet, arranged ifor effect; .group of tulips covering, 100 'square ieet;ý displav of cut roses covering[ »00 square feet; display of carnations coxering .150 square feet. .An exhibit of hybrid orchids.of rarc beautv, maux' of which have tiever been -seen in Chicago, xvi l>e stag-ed . The cut flo\\er exhibitsxii be ar- raiiged for artistic effect. 1À. the out- ton Arbore tum, West Park 'Commis- %ioners, Lincoln Park Commissioners, Forest Preserve, North Shore Horti- cultural soeiety, National Association of Gardeners (North Shore. 111. l)ranch), Vaughn's Seed store, FraInz 4ipp, Charles Fiore, Peter PearsOîn, l'lmhurst Park Commissioners, and Commonwealth Edison company. .In addition,,more than forty'small- er gard en exhibits exemplifying the souinof 'specific ,gardenprobiers- xiii be made, by garden clubs,. pro-. viding a. vista of gardens more than 1,000 feet long. junior, Garden club exhibits ili this year be more numerous. and' re- (luire more space. A -group :of play houses with gardens surrounding them %viii be one feature. A lecture program which xiii pro-1 vide talks on, garden subje.cts by au-, thoritative speakers daily during the .howv is being arranged bv a commit- lee eaded byv Mrs. WVilliam H1. Col- vin, of Evanston. assisted Iw Mrs,. Benjamin F. Oakes of 'Maywood and Mrs. Charles D. E\ver of W'ilImette. The advance ticket camnpaign in 1 charge of Mrs. joseph E. Caliender is iveii ý.under way. Many thousands of money saving-tîckets have been piaced. Tt is. anticipated that mnore than 100,000 of these tickets xiii he disposed of hefore the opening of the s"-howý. A record attendance is, assured. EIDWARD LFE (Master Technician of Confract antd Auclion) on PLAY 0FTHE CÂ&RIDS EVANSTON WOMAN'S. CLUB 'ieSday, March.22, 8:30.p. m Under Auspices of Bleu I~pe 11r tIIub Tic.~$1025 On sale et, the GEORGIAN HOTE. of Slightly sed and Demonstrator Radios ,Many of them at haif price .and VICTOR 52, was $238.00.... R. IC. A. 82, Swas $203.00... SPARTON 740, ws $275.00... ATWATER-KENT 76,. 1was $165.00... ATWATER-KENT 40, ... .. .. for Iwas $137.00....... IVICTOR Comnbination RE..75, was $375.00 ............. h'GENERAL ELECTRIC Combination, wa; $308.50'............... GENERAL .McOTORS LOUIS XV,1 .foi $75.00 .or $99.50 .for $69.50. .for.$20.00, for $1 25.00 ..for$I100.00 for' $89.50 .for "J3etter 1Pictures-~Better Values" 1623 Sherman Ave., Evanston, Tel. UNI. 8998 ,2 EIm Street 7i*ooegka 3474 Winneftlc. >re Thlking Machine Co. 712 Church St. 380 Cenfral Av. 1Evanston LHigTavd Park 3414 Phone Uni. 3474 > H.igkland Park EASTER SPECLAL Lower Prices on -BER NIE Photos Stili maintaining the Supreme Quality which bas made